


2017/07/20 07:39:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:324 移动端




  Dear XXXX

  I came to know about you from your research paper "XXXXXX".

  I am a final year student in the M.Sc (Integrated) program of Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Indian Institute of Technology, XXXXXX currently in my last semester of academic program. My cumulative performance index after 9 semesters is 8.3/10.

  I would like to pursue research in statistics and machine learning and have a keen interest in statistical inferences, bayesian statistics and machine learning. I have been a summer research assistant at the XXXXX Lab, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo under Prof. XXXXX in XXXX and at Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University in XXXX.

  I complete my studies at IIT XXXXX in April and would really like to make the most of the break by gaining some usul research experience under your guidance. While browsing, I was intrigued by your work and found that my interest was in line with the research work that you do. I would be really glad if I could get an opportunity to do a research project under your guidance or would be glad even if I could assist in any ongoing project from XX'15 to XXX'15 (for a XXXX week period).

  I would love to build on these works and I look forward to cultivate something striking out of my acquaintance with these concepts by doing some research work so that I can broaden my horizons.

  I would be gratul if you could please consider my application. I have attached my CV along with for your perusal.

  Thanking you.

  With best regards


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