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  Architecture. The true functionality of art and design. During my life I have always been unable to choose between art and science and affected me to choose a wide variety of subjects whenever I had the chance. I&aposve always been inspired by the built environment around me from a place as simple as my home to the tallest sky scraper to the traditional indigenous structural design of the east.

  During my work experience at a small architectural firm, I learned so much about the diversity a firm is involved in from remedial admin work to going on-site, meeting various different people never in the same situations. I really did enjoy this and I was more amazed by how, even though a small business was still in touch with their creative side and this was beyond doubt noticeable in their work and final products. Also while there I was given a project which started with bri from a client and led to me being extensively involved in. I aided the design of the house itself and hence gained a lot of experience in a computed aided design package called ArchiCad and in a related programme called Piranesi.

  Recently I eagerly participated in a summer school at The Bartlett, UCL in which we were given an assignment similar to a typical first year architectural project in which I can only say I thoroughly enjoyed right to the end. I believe this is another motivating factor in me aspiring to architecture. Throughout the 2 week course, (calling it a course doesn&apost sound right because it was so much enjoyable) we started with a task which involved our groups of two going on a journey all over London and were given clues to identify a tribe member in the community we were sent to. After this we collated our findings and translate our interpretations into a series of quick 3D models and collages. We had to consider such things as size, scale colour and composition incorporating the theme of the summer school itself, the London festival of architecture. To be honest we were faced with our fair share of problems but using teamwork and hard work we overcome all these hitches and ended up with a final one-time performance piece. The whole experience flared my creativity to such fascinating new heights. I loved it. To this day I still try and involve to extreme imagination skills I gained from my 2 week course.


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