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  As time passes by I realize how each day we live is influenced by the choices we make and the changes that supervene in life after making them. I believe that people’s lives are all about taking decisions, which implies assuming responsibilities, making compromises and taking on risks, and that this privilege comes as an implicit right conferred by the human nature and behavior in the society. The precipitated worldwide evolution has led to the abridgment of society to an economical area; and so, nowadays any choice has a price and it relates with money. Economical issues are recent facts that gain more and more attention daily; either reasons that generate this issues are tied to a person, a community, a nation or the entire planet, they are extremely important for society; this is why I consider that both microeconomics and macroeconomics are interesting topics to learn about at university, specially when studied in an international context.

  I am exceedingly interested in studying economics and achieving broader knowledge associated with management, marketing and decisions that businesses have to take in varied situations. Reading authors such as John C. Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki, Roger Fritz and others, provided me acquaintance for these interrelated elements. The building business plans I took part in through the corporation Alticor (Amway), helped me gain experience in this domain and thought me much about teambuilding, responsibilities, ficiency, employments, teamwork, leadership, relationships and attitude in affairs.

  The curriculum I got through during high school includes the thoroughness of exact sciences such as: mathematics, analytics, informatics and physics. I engaged in various scholar projects relating to other disciplined I enjoy studying: Informatics, History, English and French, intending to develop my knowledge. I find myself attracted to informatics, not only programming, but also designing websites, doing animations, editing pictures and other tasks that imply using imagination, creativity and sense of art.

  The past four years I activated in the National Anti-drug Agency as a volunteer. My work there consisted in taking part to all kinds of activities: special training courses, distributing flyers on the streets or in schools (campaigns: “The National Day Anti-Tobacco”, “Choosing Life”) and teaching children in schools about drugs (the “Peer Education” program). I have also participated as a volunteer doing community and charity work in the National Strategy “The Community Action” during one year, each weekends, by visiting orphans and spending time with them: playing, drawing, taking them to visit different places, showing them they have the attention they deserve by bringing them clothes or sweets. Doing this work I have come to realize that an instable society from economical point of view can’t guarantee equality in rights for children, despite the fact that they represent our future. Besides the numerous diplomas obtained, the personal satisfaction gained consisted mostly in the amazing ennoblement one can feel by promoting values as generosity or selflessness. I developed the skills that these sorts of activities required: a responsible comportament, considerable communication abilities, the capability of working under pressure, perseverance, resistance in physical work, psychological strength and self-control and the capability of integrating in a group.

  I have also participated in a variety of other activities, of which I only mention: the high school choral assemble, dance lessons, mountain-climbing and a course of cosmetics, obtaining a diploma as consultant.

  I have high ambitions and a bright enthusiasm in what concerns furthering my knowledge of economics. My purpose is affined to succeeding in the course I have chosen and obtaining a degree.


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