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  Most of the newspapers headlines in modern society represent economic problems for example inflation, economic growth, or stock exchange. The relevance of economics in modern world, my A Level study in economics and my father who is a graduate in economic has influenced me to study economics further. I have a keen interest in analysing and understanding how economics influence world of investment banking.

  The subjects I studied at A Level gave a quality grounding in skills and knowledge for economic discipline. Geography have enhanced my ability to understand the world, society and culture in more depth, which has lead me to explore further the causes and fects of human interactions. English Language and Literature has allowed me to communicate clearly and fectively, in both written and spoken mode. Economics and Use of Maths has increased my analytical and problem solving skills.

  A level Economics has supplied me with formal perceptive of economics, used to tackle complex concepts in our society. However, a degree in economics would allow me to explore, in depth various fascinating topics such as game theory, elasticity and international trade. It would also give me an inside and wide range of financial understanding, which would increase my chances of having a career in investment banking and provide me with comprehensive understanding of how economics is an essential part of our daily life.

  At present, I am working part time in a private shop, where I work independently this has helped me to learn various skills about myself for example, I have learnt that I can work unsupervised under pressure and still deliver a high quality service. It has also taught me time management and responsibility. I consider these as important skills in financial environment such as investment banking.

  I am family orientated individual, I spend my spare time at home with my younger sibling assisting him with schoolwork and discussing the existing issues in our society, which I think would help him be a better person in society. I enjoy cycling in London, which from my point of view is challenge, as one has to make different judgements and be vigilant of the people and their movements. I am a keen gardener; my mother and I have vegetable patch in our garden, where we have grown various herbs such as garlic, mint and tomatoes.

  I am a passionate reader I benit from reading fictional and non-fictional books because I believe books as well as experience in our life help us excel our understanding of the world, culture and humans. Classical books of authors such as Jane Austin, Chaucer, Angela Carter, and even plays of William Shakespeare and Henrik Ibsen contribute to our indulgent of the world, culture and their books indicate that even in modern world people way of thinking still has not changed much. Reading ‘The Times’ and ‘Guardian’ is my daily routine as I like to keep up with the current affairs.

  I support three children 10-14 years old with their schoolwork as they have learning difficulties. They have made great improvement academically and they see me as a role model. This is a great achievement for me because in my ethnic community many people see children with learning difficulties as non-achievers and do not encourage them to work hard.

  I am a passionate reader I benit from reading fictional and non-fictional books because I believe books as well as experience in our life help us excel our understanding of the world, culture and humans. Classical books of authors such as Jane Austin, Chaucer, Angela Carter, and even plays of William Shakespeare and Henrik Ibsen contribute to our indulgent of the world, culture and their books indicate that even in modern world people way of thinking still has not changed much. Reading ‘The Times’ and ‘Guardian’ is my daily routine as I like to keep up with the current affairs.

  I am enthusiastic to study economics at degree level, as it would stretch my abilities to a high standard. An eagerness of studying economics beyond college level has interested me to do economics as a degree course and I look forward to my university life.


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