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In May, 2003, the power of science dawned on us to drive away the terror of SARS shrouding our souls. Many professors in our college have been commended by the national top officials because of their leading discovery of Multi-Antigenic medicine against the SARS. Seeing the weary faces of these scientific workers, I, a student who loves biology, couldn’t help outpouring my admiration to them because I hoping that someday I will become one of them. My dream of devoting myself into the Scientific Research is becoming clearer and clearer. The classmate around me reading out what I thought, I presented him with an understanding smile.
The interest in biology is directly bound to my experience. I used to visit a famous herbalist doctor for my weakness when I was just a kid. He tried to persuade me to become a doctor every time I went there. Oddly enough, although I felt it boring to be a doctor, I became magically interested in the Ancient Chinese Secret, especially an article about westernizing the names of Chinese Medicine written by the herbalist doctor, which activated my idea of combining the Chinese traditional medicine with the modern biological technology. However, it was in senior grade 1 that I really got acquainted with the field of biological science, because I knew from newspaper that a couple graduated from Biological Science College of Wuhan University was running a biological produce company in our city after finishing their study in America. It was rare to see such a thing in my hometown at that time, particularly in the field of biological science, which inspired me a lot. Soon after that, I began my study in this field by reading the related books, which became my first choice after the College Entrance Exam.
Finally, my good mark enabled me to enter the Biological Science Department of Wuhan University, which I was longing for. It was in the class which is only open to the excellent students that I finished my four years’ undergraduate study. Deepened by the four-year study there, my grasping to the subject pushed me out of the superficial interest to the enthusiasm in this field and presented me with the high score of GPA 3.68/4.0 on the specialty courses, thanks to my great forts. Besides, taking advantage of the large amount of reading after class, I did a good job on seminar and presentation. Once when I prepared to do the presentation on molecular experimental class, as the chi, I got to collect large amount of files with original topics on “Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX)” in a very short time. Our group therore got the praise. In addition, as a rare undergraduate, I usually attended the lectures given by the foreign experts invited by our college, which are actually the required courses for post graduates. Not understand much of it as I did, I can acquaint myself with the leading world science and the fective methods in their study, which, I believe, can be helpful for my study in future.
In the second year in University, my two schoolmates and I designed an experiment on “study in the anti-epiphyte function of natural ingredients in Huatuo Cream” with a successful application to be an extracurricular study program and got the foundation for experiment. I am the chi of the study group. By using the animalcule experimental technology, we have, on one hand, confirmed the better methods of MIC of camphor (one of the natural ingredients) and on the other, ascertained that calyx canthus oil (another natural ingredient) can work through immunity adjusting rather than anti-epiphyte. In this experiment, my capability of applying what I have learnt into practice and looking up in the literature was greatly improved, my potential was dug out and my final occupation of lying on the scientific research field was set.
My solid foundation of this field and potential finally presented me with an opportunity to attend a scientific research program in the following days. Since April, 2005, I have attended many programs in the enzymology lab as the RA of Professor Zou Guolin. In the subject of synthesis of conducting polyaniline by the biocatalyzing of simulation enzyme, I compared the functions of different templates of polyelectrolyte, micelle and mixed micelle and confirmed the most suitable templates for High-pH polyelectrolyte and anion surface-active agent micelle. In the program of “Hemoglobin-biocatalyzed synthesis of conducting molecular complex of polyaniline and lignosulfonate”, I am mainly in charge of the synthesis part as well as attending the enactment of the experimental approach. After comparing the catalysis of Hemoglobin protein, chloridized Hemoglobin and Ferric Chloride, I found the Hb is the best. By studying the inactivation influence of various pH to Hb, I confirmed the most suitable pH, template thickness, aniline thickness, perhydrol thickness and reactivity time for Hb catalyzing reactivity, and synthesized the conducting polyanilin for the following character identification with this suitable conditions (such as the composing of chemical elements, conductivity, heat stability etc) in contrast with the traditional methods in the literature. I also contributed the thesis as the second author in this program.
The final success shaded all the difficulties I have ever tasted during the process, leaving the valuable experience. Taking this program as an example, I have met a number of difficulties, because the main cooperator lt school for his sickness, most of the work has to be done by myself independently. from the former step, (Such as the happiest reactivity pH, bottom thickness, reactivity time etc.) which required me to master the theory of the experiment and learn to analyze the experimental data as quick as possible bore setting off to the next step. We need to analyze the reason whether lies in the experimental steps or in the operation in case of problems or errors. For example, when synthesizing the Hb into PANI conductive polyanilin, I found the ideal value of pH in the reactivity is 2.0, which roused my suspicion why the Hemoglobin protein, as a natural protein, can be so active in such a low pH environment. I repeated the experiment several times with carully operating. After eliminating every possibility to the error, I looked up large amount of related files and discussed with my supervisor. It is estimated that the template LGS was synthesizing the H+, which reduced the thickness of H+ in the liquor, e.g. the pH value in the liquor around the template must be higher than 2.0. My estimation was finally proved by measuring the liquor around the template, whose pH goes really between the 4.5 and 5.5, the required range mentioned in the literature. The later experiments with other catalyzer and templates synthesizing PANI were carried out in the higher-pH environment. some of them have been completed while others are still in hand, providing me with more and more theoretical guidance and practical experience.
As an excellent student, I am also a good basketball player apart from my good mark. I have participated in the Hubei Female College-student basketball match and got the top. From these extracurricular activities, I realized the importance of the teamwork spirit.
I have had solid foundation in biology through the study in Wuhan University, while I realized the big gap between China and the world leaders in this field. So I determined to accept the further education abroad in order to contribute myself in the development of the domestic related enterprises, which is the only way achieve my kid dream. Meanwhile, the study in postgraduate program is critical for my future development, it is therore very important to select a good university to continue my study. Your university is a world famous institution for higher learning with advanced equipments for scientific research, strong faculty and a good academic atmosphere, which play the critical role in the motivation of my potential. So I take your university as my first choice. My solid academic foundation, independent research ability and strong background in biological chemical industry and related subjects, coupled with my determination and strong sense of responsibility, have paved the way for me to undertake advanced studies at an institution of higher learning like yours.
Signature: Date:
Personal History: A Theorist&aposs Mind Trained to Investigate Fundamental Biological Questions
Amazed by the generality of physics and curious about the nature of the beautiful universe it describes, I started to read translated popular western science books when I was 16, including A Bri History of Time and The Emperor&apossNew Mind. Although the books are abstract and abstruse, I enjoyed trying to understand them with every bit of my rationale and imagination. However, the book that has affected my life the most is not about physics, it is The Medusaand the Snail: More Notes of a Biology Watcher by Lewis Thomas. While reading it I realized that biology is not just a descriptive science but is underpinned by fundamental questions as well. The issues Thomas raised, from super-organism for social insects to mind as connected neurons, all shared the phenomenon of emergence. I wondered if there are universal laws of emergence.
With success in the College Entrance Exam, I chose to further my study in the interdisciplinary program in Yuanpei College of Peking University, which has a reputation as the best undergraduate program in China, planning to prepare myself for academic exploration of my teenage interests. Knowing that the answers to my interests can only be found at the interface of system theory and biology, I chose to specialize in Biological Sciences and take all the core courses of the mathematical department. I extended my curriculum to 5 years,not only to complete the mathematics courses, but also to learn more about physics and computer science.
I was confused by the great gaps between math and biology, until I entered the Center for Theoretical Biology of Peking University and got live experience of research. There, I joined the research group led by Prof. xx She, aleading scientist in complex system theory. I first participated in research on recognition of translation initiation sites (TIS), work reported in two published papers on which I was a co-author. I then started an independent project to investigate the unexpected transcription signals near the TISs that we found in the previous project. I first confirmed these signals to be indicators of "leaderless" translation initiation mechanisms and then designed a mot if finding algorithm specifically tailored to recognize them. The result was exciting: the leaderless TISs existed in significant number of genomes, distributed in nearly every phylum of Bacteria and Archaea, which contradicts the contemporary viewpoint of leaderless translation initiation. These are part of the results in a first-authored paper I&aposm currently preparing.
However, as a biology major, I&aposm more interested in what really happens in living organisms. So I turned to systems and synthetic biology, where quantitat live techniques and biological insights can be combined. At the end of 2006, as the leader, I initiated and organized the first iGEM (international Genetically Engineered Machine competition) team of Peking University. Inspired by the amorphous computing project of the MIT CSAI laboratory, I set out to design a hop count device with the goal of genetically identical bacterial cells developing into different but cooperating phenotypes, as in multi-cellular organisms. This device was proposed to be able to transmit itself as a signal between cells, record the times of itself being transferred and use that number on direct neighboring cells to express different genes. With my rigorous training in molecular biology, I was able to use a design in which the conjugation system was manipulated to delete a DNA fragment containing arbitrary genetic elements after each consecutive conjugation event. The genetic elements contained in the lost elements can be used to control downstream gene expression. My teammates and I spent the whole summer doing experiments to implement my design and proved its feasibility with extensive testing.I proposed a conceptual framework to combined this project and another related project. They won us the Grand Prize of iGEM 2007.
Academic interest: Inter-cellular Communication, Cooperation: A higher hierarchy for biological complexityI noticed in the systems biology literature that much fort has been invested in modeling systems, such as transcription regulatory or metabolic networks, in which cells are viewed as bags of enzymes. However, real biology does better than that. The major part of the bio-diversity is multi-cellular organisms. Even single cell bacteria form specific patterns and may have division of labor when facing complex environment. Cooperation is crucial and is ubiquitous in nature. It creates levels of complexity above that of the cell and may be an intermediate state in the evolution to multicellularity.
When we consider that populations of cells can begin to differentiate into patterns in which they can cooperate, interesting questions arise. What&aposs the mechanism for pattern formation? Here is one real example: When cyanobacteria cells develop into nitrogen-fixing heterocysts, a fixed spacing between heterocysts emerges. Is it a Turing Pattern? After reading papers on the molecular mechanism, I suggest that it is. The key components for the network are a non-diffusing positively auto-regulated master transcription factor for heterocyst development: hetR, and a transported peptide (patS) which is positively regulated by the hetR while inhibiting hetR expression in the neighboring cells. These resemble the slow diffusing activator and the fast diffusing inhibitor in Turing’s reaction-diffusion model for pattern formation. While it would be an interesting project to test the idea, there are even more exciting questions.
The evolution of cooperation has been a difficult issue for biologists ever since Darwin. How does cooperation evolve in a selfish world? There are now many papers discussing the possible mechanisms and strategies in a game theory perspective. I&aposd like to combine this evolutionary view with systems biology approaches to address a series of related questions: How do cells utilize noise in gene expression to generate individuality? How are different phenotypes selected into cooperating strategies? Are the cooperation patterns like the cyanobacteria example mentioned above well-tuned by natural selection or just a self-organizing phenomenon? With the quantitative and empirical tools that current systems biology provides, these questions and the assumptions behindthem can be well tested in several model systems including cyanobacteria, Bacillus subtilis and Caenorhabditis elegans embryo development.
I would like to consider these questions in a theoretical framework. All the information necessary for developing such patterns is encoded in a single genome. The information in the genome can be divided into two components corresponding to two hierarchies of bio-complexity, one for intra-cellular structureand regulation, the other for inter-cellular communication and patterns. Non-clustering non-cooperating single celled organisms only have the former hierarchy. What are the advantages of having another hierarchy? How and under what conditions does evolution move up to a new hierarchy of natural selection?How and under what conditions does information in the genome start to accumulate at another level? These topics could occupy my attention for a lifetime.
Program: Gene Therapy / Biology
I demonstrated my musical talent early in my life. At six, I started learning how to play the piano and by 12 I received the highest honor awarded to non-professional pianists—the Grade 10 Certificate for Non-Professional Piano Player. A popular notion is that art and science are mutually exclusive and that a person of artistic temperament would not be interested in science. Obviously, this does not apply to my case. I had the same intense passion for biology as for music because I believe that they ultimately share the same essential quality—passion. Just as Raymond Chandler said in his Great Thought: “There are two kinds of truth; the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art.”
Indeed, my passionate interest in biology underlay my outstanding scholastic performance throughout the 4-year undergraduate program at the Department of Biotechnology, Hunan Agriculture University. Over the past few years, I started with the study of fundamental courses like Advanced Mathematics, Organic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry, through the more advanced, specialty-related courses like Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Immunology, to the courses about the cutting-edge technology in biology like Molecular Biology, Cell Engineering and Gene Engineering. This process in which I gradually delved deeper and deeper into my professional field, allowed me to perceive the infinite mysteries and the sophistication of the world of life science. Here, I not only had the opportunity to have a glimpse of the fabulous complexity and order of nature but also to experience the general rules behind the apparently diverse phenomena. Most importantly, I was overwhelmed, spiritually and intellectually, by the unusual imagination and the tremendous perseverance with which great masters of biology unraveled the mysterious veils of nature and life. Those masters include Charles Darwin, G. J. Mendel, and many others.
With a strong interest and dedicated forts, I have been able to achieve excellent results in my academic performance. My overall GPA ranks top 3 among a total of 160 students in my grade. My scores for such courses as Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics are especially excellent. Yet, I have never been contented with my scholastic performance as represented by those test scores. I believe that those test scores cannot present a complete picture of a student’s overall academic qualities. Therore, in order to broaden my horizon of knowledge and to improve my ability to understand technical literature written in English by Western authors, I self-studied Principle of Biochemistry by Prof. Lehninger, Molecular Biology Protocols by Prof. Mark Strorn,Cell Biology Topics edited by University of Arkansas,and the classics in immunology that include Kuby’s Immunology by Janis Kuby and Essential Immunology by Ivan Roiit.
While doing a good job in learning theoretical courses, I also paid significant attention to the cultivation and improvement of my experimental skills as I realized that biology is primarily experimental in nature. As early as the first year, I applied for a TA position in our department’s laboratory. At first, I could not even hold steady the pipette. However, after one semester, I showed remarkable progress in my experimental capabilities and I grasped various skills including DNA recombination, PCR, as well as Protein, DNA and RNA blotting, which are generally available to junior and senior students. On account of my outstanding experimental techniques, I was appointed leader of the experiment team for the subsequent two years for the course Molecular Biology.
Apart from enhancing my hands-on abilities through labwork, I also perfected my analytical and problem-solving competence, which in return laid a solid empirical foundation for my studies. For example, as a junior student, I completed an experimental project in molecular biology concerning the Interrelationship Between Chitosan and the Relevant Indicators of Obesity and the Functional Principles. This project won very good ratings from my advisor. In addition, I assisted my advisor by doing a fairly large amount of research work, including searching for and translating relevant technical literature, in a project that he headed, The Nanometer Fixation Yeast Plasmid Vehicle System.
With the least idea of becoming a bookworm, I endeavored to develop my qualities in other important aspects as I came to realize that comprehensive qualities are as essential to the success of a person’s career as are his professional qualities. Due to my relatively broad ken of knowledge and my sound logical reasoning and judgment, I was accepted since 2000 by the Invention and Innovation Magazine to work part-time as its editor-in-charge. This is a monthly magazine, the only one of its kind in China, that reports on the latest inventions and innovations that happen both in China and abroad. It is a special honor for me to work for this magazine, especially so considering the fact that I am the sole college student to work as editor-in-charge.
Currently, I am preparing my thesis (entitled # # #), which focuses on the gene expression in gene therapy. As is well-known, research on gene therapy is being carried out with gathering momentum on a worldwide scale. Gene therapy has expanded from the previous treatment of rare single-gene diseases to that of multi-gene diseases, from hereditary diseases to acquired diseases like malignant tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and AIDS. Within the existing framework of gene therapies, there are important flaws inherent in the gene lead-in system. For this reason, it is necessary to introduce modifications into the existing expression vehicles in order to obtain some vehicles with better target orientation and higher tissue specificity, vehicles that can be controlled precisely. In this way, they can be fectively applied clinically. This challenging research field is exactly what I am most interested in. I hope that in the degree program that I am going to embark on I can make some initial success in my research to lay a solid foundation for my more ambitious research projects in the future.
To better qualify myself for your advanced degree program in gene therapy, I have consciously availed myself of an important opportunity to participate in a training program. From August to October this year, I have been receiving systematic professional trainings at the Huada Genetic Research Center of China Academy of Sciences. (In September 1999, China became a member of International Human Genome Program in which Chinese scientists are responsible for testing the 30,000,000 pairs of basic group sequences on the short arm of No. 3 chromosome. The Huada Genetic Research Center is put in charge of the specific implementation of the project). This experience has permitted me to keep myself abreast of the latest developments of scholarly work in the international academia.
It is absolutely beyond doubt now that gene therapy will become one of the major research fields in biology in the future. Yet, there will still be a long time bore comprehensive breakthroughs can be made in the area of gene therapy, which ultimately depend on the concerted endeavors of gene therapists the world over. As far as I am concerned, my individual forts to contribute to this important process have just commenced with the writing of my thesis. In order to make my research forts more fruitful, I have chosen to seek advanced studies in the United States and I regard the Institute of Human Gene Therapy (IHGT) of Pennsylvania University my first choice for undertaking my degree program. Pennsylvania University is reputed for its unparalleled prestige of academic excellence in the international academia in the fields of gene therapy and the development of gene medicines. It is my expectation that my long-cherished aspiration to pursue a scientific career can be continued at your most esteemed university where I can obtain the most rewarding education from distinguished genetic scientists. It would be a most unforgettable experience for me to study and to work under those scientists, to explore the evasive secrets of life, and to work out the health problems troubling mankind as a whole. Therore, I sincerely wish that my application could be seriously considered.
Applied Program: Biology
Ever since I was in high school, I found that Biology was my favorite subject of learning-it captivated me with the wonders and the unfathomable mystery of life. Right bore taking the National University Entrance Examinations, I learned that my father had had liver cancer. Nothing else could have motivated me more to devote my whole life to the cure of this kind of terminal disease. My wish to pursue a career in medical science was well fulfilled when I was admitted into the best medical school in China-the Beijing University of Medicine, which later became part of the famed Beijing University. From then on, Biology and Medicine have become an essential ingredient of my life.
Because of the burden of the tuition and fees, and my father‘s medical expenses, I was compelled to take some part-time jobs, which to some extent affected my grades in my undergraduate years. They were not, however, a waste of time, as I later found out, because they afforded me valuable social experience, and made me stronger and mature. They also provided me with a unique opportunity to improve myself professionally, since I was lucky enough to work as a library clerk and a lab assistant at the university. My work involved classification of medical books and documents, as well as browsing over the internet to gather newest information of medical research. I was able to learn a lot about the general trends of medical development far beyond regular university curriculum, and also improved my English considerably since much of what I read was written in English. In the academic courses, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Physiology interested me the most, and I was particularly fascinated by the regular lab experimentation. Gradually, I found myself attracted more and more to Biomedicine. Meanwhile my father‘s condition exacerbated and he lt me bore I finished my college education. From this tragedy I learned that medical treatments, however advanced, also have their terrible limitations. I began to pay close attention to gene therapy, when I was exposed to the concept in the courses in Biochemistry and Heredity. I spent many hours in the library delving in the scientific literature; I also established close contacts with Professor Song Jichang and Dr. Liu Lichuan (he later went to the State University of Alabama at Birmingham for post-doctoral work) who treated my father. In my spare time, I participated in their research projects on immunosuppression in liver transplantation with animal models, and on the fect of artificial liver with animal models of liver failure. I also assisted researcher Zhu Zhengyan in a number of projects.
We did research on the ras, p53 gene mutation of hepatocellular carcinoma, and also tested on the p53 gene mutation in hepatocellular carcinoma, and carried out a molecular biological research on the connection between hepatitis virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma. We also probed into the possible connection between helicobactor pylori infection and the mutation of some of the carcinostatic genes on one side, and carcinoma ventriculi on the other. On the other hand, in my graduation thesis The Application of Hydroxyapatite in Mandibular Dects, I sought to give further proof to the usulness of hydroxypatite as a promising biomaterial in Oral Medicine. The thesis received favorable remarks from my professors for its topical interest and its potential to lead to fruitful research.
While my major was in Medicine, I also paid focused attention to Biology. With the increase of knowledge and work experience, I found myself more geared towards biological research. I had closer contacts with eminent professionals in this field, and worked better with their help. After graduating from college, I gave up a possible position in dental service, which promised good pay, and turned to preclinical medicine research. I began to work as a research worker at the Tianjin Institute of Hepato-Biliary Diseases and the Center of Artificial Cell Engineering and Technology Research affiliated to the Ministry of Public Health. My assignments included DNA and RNA testing of hepatitis virus, immunohistochemical staining, cell isolation, and tissue culture. I also assisted researchers in molecular biological study of liver tumor and in lab experimentation with artificial hepatocyte and artificial liver. Since the institutes where I work are made of complex networks of research labs, they are wonderful places for a beginning researcher to develop a feel of the field and to absorb the newest knowledge in Biology and Medicine. The present project I am working on in collaboration with Ms. Zhu Zhengyan is a research on the formation of a representational eucaryotic carrier for adeno-associated virus and gene therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Much as I have benited from my last year‘s work experience, which significantly enhanced my knowledge in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and sharpened my skills in lab experimentation, it has also made me more keenly aware of my own limitations. The more knowledge I have, the more conscious I become of the bewildering progress that is being made in the world of medical science and technology today, especially in advanced countries such as the United States. On the other hand, in my specialized area of hepatic diseases, much of the carcinogenic mechanism remains to be understood, since the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma is a complex process involving the mutation of a sequence of proto-oncogenes and suppressor genes. I am convinced that pursuing an advanced degree in Biomedicine will allow me to make significant contributions to the research on hepatic diseases and gene therapy, possibly a breakthrough. My special interest will be in Biology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Immunology, although the topics of my research projects will by necessity concentrate on a narrower area.
If entering the Beijing University of Medicine may be considered an important step towards attaining my career goal, the step I am trying to take to study abroad is an even more important one. Your university has been known for its excellent programs in Biomedicine; its outstanding faculty, first-rate lab facilities, and active student involvement in teamed research work, will make it an ideal environment for me to advance my career in biomedicine. It will in fact be far superior to anything that a Chinese university has to offer. With all I can learn from a graduate program at an American university, I will be able to play a key role in China‘s future development in medical research and public health service.
I have also cultivated a special love for learning English. It has helped me professionally, and has also helped me make friend with foreigners-to some of them I talk and write in email on regular basis. This language ability will stand me in good stead in my new academic environment, where I need to write papers in English. As a person, I am independent and strong willed, and find myself easily adjusted to new environments.
Studying at a university has always been very attractive to me. Not only because it will help me to become independent, but also because it will enable me to study as much as I want. I particularly look forward to studying at a university in the United Kingdom because I feel it would give me a real challenge, an adventure to remember and an opportunity to broaden my horizons beyond the Netherlands. It would also help me to improve my English in a way that I wouldn’t be able to do if I were to stay in the Netherlands.
After having visited several open days for universities in the United Kingdom, I am even more determined to study there. Having decided that I want to spend my years as a student in the United Kingdom, I had to pick one course out of many interesting studies, so I have chosen Biology. Biology is an obvious choice for me because I am very interested in life in general, especially in the environment. In school I take Biology as part of my profile and I like the modules Genetics, Ecology and Evolution the best. I believe the three of them play a huge role in trying to understand nature’s many mysteries.
My biology teacher emphasizes fieldwork, and I particularly enjoyed working on a Winogradsky Column, which is a micro-ecosystem, because it helped me to apply my biological knowledge in a practical way. Also, together with two other students, I am working on a paper on Aphasia. For our project we had the chance to test an actual aphasia-patient in a revalidation center, using PALPA test 51. Then we compared his results to the results of non-aphasic people. I liked this assignment very much because we had to carry out a lot of research. It helped me to develop research skills, as well as communications skills.
I like to solve puzzles and see biology as a way to investigate problems and generate solutions, hence my interests in applying my study to a future career as a forensic scientist or environmental scientist. Being a forensic scientist looks very exciting to me, using biological techniques to fight crimes, and to present evidence in court to bring the victims justice. Though being influenced by a few television series, a career in the forensic field has always been appealing to me. Justice is just one of the things that I am very passionate about.
The second option was not on my mind until I followed biology classes in school. I suddenly realized that I truly enjoyed the chapters about the environment, and that I certainly would not mind learning a whole lot more about it. Studying biology will enable me to carry out research in that field and to share my knowledge with others. Working in a laboratory with other scientists is a very attractive idea to me. I would like to work towards solutions for existing problems, or even better, to find new questions yet to be answered.
I have also participated in other school projects and leadership programs. One of those projects was the European Youth Parliament. That was very usul for my debating skills, and it really made me think about the problems we have in our society today. Besides thinking about problems on a more global level, I have spent time being a part of the Student Board. That gave me a chance to dend the needs of the students, and to have influence on decisions made about us.
Outside school I like to learn new things as well. Since the age of five I have been an avid reader, and I will read any thing from the classics till modern fantasy, as long as it has got words in it. I believe that caused me to be a fast reader, which leads to better information gathering. I read books in both English and Dutch, and I believe that one should try to read a book in it’s original language. One of my other interests is computers. I have gained experience with Linux and programming languages, as well as usul contacts from all over the world thanks to the computer.
I hope that this statement shows that I am a motivated student and that I will be dedicated to my course.
Arthur C Clarke wrote in 1969 that If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right, but if he says that something is impossible he is very probably wrong. This comment on science represents how I feel towards biological research. I desire to find the impossible. Biology inspires me because of an altruistic desire to help other people, coupled with an aspiration to develop ground breaking biological technologies via research. I enjoy engaging with biology “ and take pleasure in grappling with the challenges it presents.
I have an interest in a range of biology based courses, including cellular/molecular biology, genetics and natural sciences. This stems from inspiring science teaching during my formative years and attending the BA Science Festival at the University of East Anglia in 2006. The lectures were particularly inspiring and turned me onto science as a future research career. This career path has been further developed by my being given the opportunity to work in a research field during summer 2007. This opportunity was provided by the Nuffield Foundation/Science Bursary. My four week research placement was hosted by the &aposBehavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute&apos in Cambridge. The title of the research project was &aposAn investigation into the function of the nucleus accumbens in relation to impulsivity&apos.
I studied chemistry, biology, maths and psychology during my AS year and have continued chemistry, maths and biology up to A2 level, I have a range of skills and experiences relevant to biology-based university courses. My studies have given me skills in planning investigations; analysis; background research; laboratory skills; note taking; processing information; and field work.
The Nuffield Foundation Science Bursary gave me additional opportunities to develop skills and experience in report writing; presenting academic material to an audience; working alongside research scientists; a range of new subject specific vocabulary; and using laboratory equipment following safety guidelines (e.g. microtome). I also learnt immunocytochemical techniques which are appropriate to graduate level. I read a range of Biology articles, including those in The New Scientist magazine and recent published news reports on science related topics.
While studying for my GCSE&aposs, I was included in the schools Gifted and Talented Programme for Exceptional Students. This programme gave me the prospect of adding to the GCSE curriculum with opportunities to explore and discuss History, Maths, Information Technology, and Science. In more recent times, I have been given the honour of being the Science Ambassador for my sixth form college. I was nominated for the &aposHarry Messel International Science School&apos, Sydney 2007. I also became a member of Mensa (the High IQ Society) in 2002.
Outside my studies, I play the piano and the violin (both to intermediate grade levels). At secondary school I was awarded various prizes and awards including &aposThe Passenger Cup&apos for services to the school community and &aposThe Charlesworth Prize&apos for fort (awarded twice). At CCSS I present my fellow students on the student council, helping in the running of the college and presenting ideas from my fellow students to the Principle and other college staff.
Throughout my GCSE studies I visited elderly people in a local residential care home as part of a community outreach project and was involved in running a local Brownie group. During my spare time I enjoy reading, computer games, going to the cinema, shopping and eating out.
I sit my A2 examinations in summer 2008 and plan to take a well earned break bore starting university in autumn 2008. During my university studies, I plan to engage fully with university social life. After university I hope to work in biological research or continue my studies to postgraduate level.
At a first glance one would say that the natural world is a peacul place, relaxing to the eye. When viewed in more depth we discover that it is, in fact, a dangerous battlield between living organisms.
The Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) and the eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinesis) in Britain both fill a similar ecological niche; unfortunately the red squirrel is being out competed by its more successful grey cousin. It is these interactions and the behaviour in organisms that have fed my passion for Biology.
Looking to widen my knowledge of Biology, I read ‘The Song of the Dodo’ by David Quammen. Although I thoroughly enjoyed it, I was angry that the actions of humans have had severe detrimental fects on populations of many species throughout the world, and in some cases we have become one of the main factors driving them to extinction. Even with this knowledge, we continue to do so at an alarming rate. It is estimated that between 24-100 species become extinct each day! This concern drove me to volunteer at Cannock Chase, a local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and I became extremely interested in the area of Conservational Ecology. I helped repair fences, plant trees and learnt about the wildlife in the local area. Seeing the product of your hard work is a rewarding experience and has convinced me to participate in conservation work worldwide. I have become a member of the WWF and have been reading about current events within conservation work. The book also opened my eyes to an interesting new branch of Biology: Island Biogeography. It is incredible how even small expanses of water between islands could result in such huge variation between species on each area of land.
In Geology lessons I have been studying trilobites and their adaptation; this led to an interest in the theory of evolution as trilobite species varied enormously in a relatively short time period. I decided to read ‘On the Origin of Species’ by Charles Darwin. This expanded my knowledge of areas such as natural selection which bore were only touched upon within the Biology lessons. These two books inspired me to go beyond this and read more such as ‘The Diversity of Life’ by Edward O. Wilson.
The A Level Biology syllabus doesn’t go into much detail on some aspects. This means I am lt asking a lot of questions such as why? And how? This makes me research and read around the areas to obtain a better understanding of the concepts introduced. In lessons we were asked to complete an independent Ecology project. The focus of mine was the habitat prerences of woodlice and relished the opportunity to work independently on an aspect I enjoy.
At school, I am an active prect. I am a form prect for a class of challenging year nine students. This duty requires time management skills in order to arrive on time; a diplomatic and reasoning approach to deal with conflict between students ficiently. I am a member of Philosophy Club and also the club’s publicist. I enjoy the discussions of theories and it teaches me to question and to think outside the box when approaching a problem. I also attend the Senior Debating Society, which has increased my confidence when in argument and to think through both sides of a case to come to a sensible conclusion.
I am extremely excited at the prospect of being able to study Biology to a higher level and expanding my knowledge. I am a conscientious and cheerful student who would thrive within the academic and social environments of university.
I had a passion for Biology from a young age as my grandfather used to be a Biology teacher and I really enjoyed reading and looking through his textbooks when I was a child. He is the person who first introduced me to the world of natural sciences and inspired me to further explore that field of study. Since then I have always wanted to further my knowledge in all things biological. While undertaking my Biology A-level I discovered that I am most interested in cellular and human biology. I am fascinated by the way cells and the body function. I wish to take this course to enable me to develop scientific skills that will provide me with a greater understanding of the body and factors that affect it.
I am studying Psychology at A-Level and I studied Chemistry at A/S level. The practical element of my Chemistry course involved an understanding of procedures and precautions necessary throughout all science-based experiments; I feel that this understanding will improve my ability in practical elements of the course. Working as part of a group in Psychology has enabled me to develop as a person and learn to share my ideas which I feel is usul because I can work with other people fectively.
History has also been a passion of mine, and I am taking the A/S History course to broaden my knowledge skills. My History course has enabled me to increase my essay writing skills and has shown me how to think logically. Overall my A level courses aim to increase my evaluation skills which I feel is important as it has helped me to form balanced views.
I can claim that I am a well-organized person and I always manage to find time for my diverse interests. While in Sixth Form, I worked part-time in a hotel as a food and beverage assistant and I gained usul experience. This improved my organizational skills because my position involved creating work schedules. My job meant that I also learnt how to handle stressful situations without causing further problems. Working as part of a team and serving members of the public has also improved my social skills, making me more confident when working with others which is important in my chosen career.
I am keen on sports and outdoor pursuits and I have enjoyed a range of activities from countryside walks to swimming and diving. I feel I would particularly enjoy the fieldwork the course offers. I think all these skills will be very usul for a degree course and will help me adapt to the new environment. I wish to study at university, not only for the knowledge that I will gain from the course, but also for the experience university life has to offer.
During my two years within the Sixth Form I have participated in various activities. For example, I represented the college at an open day, took part in a crime convention, participated in a blood donation scheme, helped to integrate new children to the school and did work experience for the Society for the Blind. These activities meant that I had to be confident, approachable and polite. I feel these are characteristics that will enable me to get involved with student life at university.
My ambition is to participate in conservation work abroad, bore gaining experience in a career based in this area, such as teaching. I feel the experience outlined above and the knowledge I will gain from the course will enable me to achieve this ambition.
At present, I am putting most of my fort into achieving the best grades in my A Levels to allow me to reach the next target in my education. I understand that university life will be very challenging, but I am confident that it will give me the best chance to achieve my potential, and lead the way forward to a successful career.
It was learning about the discovery of penicillin that first stimulated my interest in the behaviour and destruction of microbes by the action of drugs; for example antibiotics. Learning about this giant leap forward in medicine and the way it transformed the treatment of disease inspired me to pursue the study of Microbiology. I am also fascinated by the compounds that go into medicines; for example Aspirin which is produced from willow bark. For this reason, I would relish the opportunity to study Microbiology in greater detail and further my learning and enjoyment that I have experienced during my A levels; in areas such as genetics and cell biology.From carrying out experiments in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, it has allowed me to develop my scientific planning, analysis and evaluation skills whilst I have also learnt about the importance of using resources appropriately and testing hypotheses. In addition, I have developed the ability to work fectively as an individual when drawing conclusions during experiments such as for coursework; or in a group for example, when recording results.
To develop a greater understanding of Microbiology, I visited University College London’s Microbiology department where I shadowed members of the department and took part in numerous investigations. With use of samples of faeces, urine and wound swabs, I prepared and viewed agar plates and microscope slides which allowed me to acquire a greater knowledge about the variety of skills and methods required in a Microbiology laboratory.
In July and August of 2008, I took great pleasure in completing a Nuffield Science Bursary at the Botany department of the Natural History Museum entitled “Georerencing Alchemilla”. For this, I was required to find co-ordinates for the locations of the specimens so that they may be revisited in the future to assess the numbers of Alchemilla present in Britain. I gained a great deal of knowledge about plant taxonomy and georerencing. Furthermore, I submitted a report on my findings and I will be presenting my experience to prospective Nuffield students in the upcoming weeks.
To prepare me for entry into university, I have also arranged a month’s work experience at a hospital pharmacy in Jamaica next summer. This will enable me to gain work experience in a hospital environment and apply the skills that I have gained through my studies and work experience to date.
Engaging in a range of extra curricular activities has enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills. In school, I participated in the athletics team and in various competitions against schools in the borough of Barnet. Whilst being Form Captain, my responsibilities included maintaining the discipline of the form and co-ordinating the differing strengths of individual form members. As services to my church, I am an Assistant Leader at the Brownies and active in the youth team. We plan activities on an ongoing basis for children in order to raise funds. For six months, I also worked in a Cancer Research store where I was responsible for pricing incoming donations and in April, I participated in The Great Daffodil Appeal for the Marie Curie Cancer Care in which I took part in fundraising activities, such as collecting donations. I was part of a national team that raised GBP 5.1million. These duties, have allowed me to hone my teamwork, leadership, organisational and communication skills. For relaxation, I thoroughly enjoy reading, in particular non-fiction. Currently, I am reading a book called “A Child Called ‘It’†by David Pelzer. I take great pleasure in decorative sewing and listening to music. I have a keen interest in various sports including swimming, athletics and trampolining. Recently I have joined a trampolining club and attend coaching lessons.As an independent and committed individual, I look forward with confidence to the challenges that await me at University.
Ever since I was very young, I have been fascinated by and have had a keen interest in many aspects of Biology. The areas of Biology in which I am particularly interested are living organisms, the environment and human Biology. Since I was about three years old, I have found wildlife documentaries very interesting, particularly documentaries featuring David Attenborough and my interests in living organisms and the environment have grown over the years from watching these documentaries. Studying Biology at A-Level has both broadened and increased my interest and knowledge within the subject. Therore, I would like to study it at degree level, as it will expand both my knowledge and interest in Biology.
During the Sixth Form I have been on two residential field courses, in Biology and Geography. In Biology, the field course took place on the Isle of Arran in Scotland, while in Geography, it took place in Dorset. On both of these field trips, I learnt a wide range of skills and techniques that are important to use while collecting and analysing any data that is collected in the field. The collection of data involved teamwork. I know that I will enjoy the field courses available on a Biology course because I have found doing work out in the field in the past very exciting, challenging and rewarding. While in year 11, I went on a day trip for students who were gifted and talented in Science to Bradford University. The trip focused on Forensic Science (The course was called ‘The Secret Formula’) and I needed to use a range of laboratory skills in order to solve an imaginary crime. Therore, I learnt a range of laboratory skills while on the trip. Studying A-Level Biology has also enhanced my laboratory skills.
Throughout my time in the Sixth Form I have been involved in a variety of other extra-curricular activities. During December last year, I did filming (camera work) for a Christmas Carol Service at St Georges Church. It involved working fast, working under pressure, teamwork and using fective communication skills. In June this year I did a day’s voluntary work at a local primary school. It involved teaching small groups of children how to paint and draw. It was a very rewarding experience and it provided me with skills in problem solving, communicating and working in groups. In addition to this, I did a short two hour art teaching session with primary school children who visited my school.
Out of school I have a wide variety of hobbies and interests. I enjoy and do quite a lot of travelling. I have visited Florida, Malta, Cyprus, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Gran Canaria,Menorca, Majorca, Israel, Greece, Corfu, Zakynthos, Rhodes and France. I am also going to Morocco later this year and will be visiting Marrakech and the Atlas mountains. While I was in Cyprus this summer, I went scuba diving. I found it an exciting and fantastic experience.
My other hobbies include snorkelling, swimming, reading, drawing and painting.
I am a very hard working, committed and conscientious student and I look forward to the independence and the opportunities that will be available to me as an undergraduate.
I have always had an interest in science-based subjects, especially those relating to biology. Whilst undertaking my A-level Biology course, the module energy and ecosystems was of particular interest to me. My interest in the natural world, and study of science encouraged me to further my understanding in this area by applying to study environmental biology at degree level. I wish to take this course to enable me to develop scientific skills that will provide me with a greater understanding of the environment and factors that affect it. I am also studying Chemistry and Maths at A-level. The practical element of my chemistry course involves an understanding of procedures and precautions necessary throughout all science-based experiments; I feel that this understanding will improve my ability in practical elements of the course. After studying A-level maths, I feel being able to interpret numerical data at a high level will also enable me to develop my understanding of any numerical information that features in the course.
I am keen on sports and outdoor pursuits. I have enjoyed a range of activities from countryside walks to kayaking and abseiling. Because of this I feel I would particularly enjoy the fieldwork the course offers. I have been able to combine this interest in sport with a part time job as a leisure attendant at local sport centres. As part of this post I was asked to lead a youth sports and activities group which aims to promote sport among young people in my area. This activity has also allowed me to introduce other young people to activities that I have enjoyed. This role has also helped me to develop skills that would help me while I am at university. The sports group involves arranging individual sessions as well as trips out. This has improved my organisational skills, which has rlected my ability to combine part-time work with college fectively. Working as part of a team and serving members of the public has also improved my social skills, making me more confident when working with others.
I wish to study at university, not only for the knowledge that I will gain from the course, but also for the experience of university life has to offer. During my two years at college I have participated in various activities. For example, I represented the college at an open day, volunteered as a collage council representative for my form group, participated in a blood donation scheme and was also involved in the shoebox appeal. These activities meant that I have to be confident, approachable and polite. I feel these are characteristics that will enable me to get involved with student life at university. My ambition is to participate in conservation work abroad, bore gaining experience in a career based in this area. I feel the experience outlined above and the knowledge I will gain from the course will enable me to achieve this ambition.
Since as long ago as I can remember I have always been fascinated by the natural world. That childish fascination has not lt me but deepened over the years. This interest has led me to my love of biology, ecology, animal behaviour and evolution.
Following my graduation from High School I studied Biological Sciences for two years at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago. From March 1997 to November 1998 I was obliged to take a break from my studies at university as my father was moving from the city to a more remote rural area. While helping my father I was able to work closely with birds of prey among others and I was successful in breeding the endangered chinchillas. During my time away from university I continued to deepen my knowledge of my subject and studied evolutionary thinking and the biological basis of behaviour. I also worked for a bri time as a translator which made me think that perhaps my English was good enough o complete my studies in an English speaking country.
Since coming to Oxford and studying at OLT I have improved my written English a great deal. I am a member of The Natural History Museum (London) and recently attended a course called ‘The History of Evolution’. The course was organised by Birkbeck College and took place at the Natural History museum in London each Wednesday. The course has been fascinating and has served to confirm my suspicion that the more I learn of this subject the more I want to know.
I am hopul that my previous studies in Santiago, my maturity and my experience in this field will allow me to enter the second year of an undergraduate programme in the UK. After completing my undergraduate it is my wish to continue studying at postgraduate level and ultimately conduct my own research in this area.
My other academic interests include, Paleoanthropology, and the history and development of science. I am most interested in the writings of Darwin and Thomas and Henry Huxley.
I am keen on fitness training, horse riding, trekking and diving. I am most interested in all outdoor pursuits. I am also keen to develop my newly found skills in classical singing and dance.
I realise that as a non-native student I will be required to work harder than my contemporaries and I am prepared to do that. I have a cheerful and open-minded disposition and look forward to sharing and exploring new ideas.
I hope may application will be considered favourably.
My choice of marine biology stms from a combination of interests, both academic and recreational. Biology has been one of my favourite subjects at school now for some years and studying geology has expanded my intrest further, showing links between how life on eatyh began nd how it evolved over time. geology has helped me to understand ow the oceans work, whilst biology has given me an understanding of how organisms function. These topics have been of particular interest to me. Whilst on holiday abroad i have been scuba diving on numerous occassions, have completed thirst three modules of my open water certificate and find the underwater worl to be one that fascinates me
By combining my interests in biology and geology with my love of scuba diving i know i have found, in marine scienec, the subject i wat to study to a higher level
To furthe my education i plant to take advantage of a volnteer based scheme called Coral CAy Convservation next summer, whcih will involve three weeks in the bay islands of honduras collecting research data on the organisms that lie ona nd arund the re there. Whilst in honduras i will gain my advanced open water certificate, learn al abou the corals and fish that live there and have a taste of what conservation work is about
My responsibilities as company secretary and IT deputy for our young enterprise company, Isis, have taught me the importance of good orgnisation and ficient record keeping to ensure the company runsectivly and smoothly. having to fill in forms such as memorandums and articles of association also taught me the importance of teamwork. At school i have had several responsibilities including canteen duty and stair duty which involved organising the younger members of the school to help the canteen staff and avoid accidents on the stairs
Outsie school i enjoy trampolining andcurrently compete with the city of shfield squad. i have also cmpeted for the school team. taking part in the duke of edinburgh award scheme was also something that has given e graet satisfaction. I have completed bronze and silver and am currently working towards the gol I also undertook the trident scheme which involves a work experience plcement, a persoanl challenge and community involvement
I have also undertaken work experience at Greoside primary school where i spent two weeks working with aY1 class and a Y2 class, helping with reading writing and number. i was also responsible for a group of three chioldren on a schoo, trip to Cusworth Hall. i enjoyed working with both the staff and children as it increased my interpersonal skills and helpe me gain in confidence. other jobs i have undertaken have been at a restaurant whre i worked as a waitress, and in a pharmacy where i helped tae in prescriptions and get them ready as well as workin on the shop floor serving customers and helping with ny queries customers may have had. Both these jobs involve a lot of work with people which i enjoyed.
Having always had a keen interest in Biology, specifically in the human area, I believe that studying a degree in is the perfect opportunity for me to deepen my understanding of the subject. My aim, subject to success研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业研究生ps范文,生物专业
In May, 2003, the power of science dawned on us to drive away the terror of SARS shrouding our souls. Many professors in our college have been commended by the national top officials because of their leading discovery of Multi-Antigenic medicine against the SARS. Seeing the weary faces of these scientific workers, I, a student who loves biology, couldn’t help outpouring my admiration to them because I hoping that someday I will become one of them. My dream of devoting myself into the Scientific Research is becoming clearer and clearer. The classmate around me reading out what I thought, I presented him with an understanding smile.
The interest in biology is directly bound to my experience. I used to visit a famous herbalist doctor for my weakness when I was just a kid. He tried to persuade me to become a doctor every time I went there. Oddly enough, although I felt it boring to be a doctor, I became magically interested in the Ancient Chinese Secret, especially an article about westernizing the names of Chinese Medicine written by the herbalist doctor, which activated my idea of combining the Chinese traditional medicine with the modern biological technology. However, it was in senior grade 1 that I really got acquainted with the field of biological science, because I knew from newspaper that a couple graduated from Biological Science College of Wuhan University was running a biological produce company in our city after finishing their study in America. It was rare to see such a thing in my hometown at that time, particularly in the field of biological science, which inspired me a lot. Soon after that, I began my study in this field by reading the related books, which became my first choice after the College Entrance Exam.
Finally, my good mark enabled me to enter the Biological Science Department of Wuhan University, which I was longing for. It was in the class which is only open to the excellent students that I finished my four years’ undergraduate study. Deepened by the four-year study there, my grasping to the subject pushed me out of the superficial interest to the enthusiasm in this field and presented me with the high score of GPA 3.68/4.0 on the specialty courses, thanks to my great forts. Besides, taking advantage of the large amount of reading after class, I did a good job on seminar and presentation. Once when I prepared to do the presentation on molecular experimental class, as the chi, I got to collect large amount of files with original topics on “Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX)” in a very short time. Our group therore got the praise. In addition, as a rare undergraduate, I usually attended the lectures given by the foreign experts invited by our college, which are actually the required courses for post graduates. Not understand much of it as I did, I can acquaint myself with the leading world science and the fective methods in their study, which, I believe, can be helpful for my study in future.
In the second year in University, my two schoolmates and I designed an experiment on “study in the anti-epiphyte function of natural ingredients in Huatuo Cream” with a successful application to be an extracurricular study program and got the foundation for experiment. I am the chi of the study group. By using the animalcule experimental technology, we have, on one hand, confirmed the better methods of MIC of camphor (one of the natural ingredients) and on the other, ascertained that calyx canthus oil (another natural ingredient) can work through immunity adjusting rather than anti-epiphyte. In this experiment, my capability of applying what I have learnt into practice and looking up in the literature was greatly improved, my potential was dug out and my final occupation of lying on the scientific research field was set.
My solid foundation of this field and potential finally presented me with an opportunity to attend a scientific research program in the following days. Since April, 2005, I have attended many programs in the enzymology lab as the RA of Professor Zou Guolin. In the subject of synthesis of conducting polyaniline by the biocatalyzing of simulation enzyme, I compared the functions of different templates of polyelectrolyte, micelle and mixed micelle and confirmed the most suitable templates for High-pH polyelectrolyte and anion surface-active agent micelle. In the program of “Hemoglobin-biocatalyzed synthesis of conducting molecular complex of polyaniline and lignosulfonate”, I am mainly in charge of the synthesis part as well as attending the enactment of the experimental approach. After comparing the catalysis of Hemoglobin protein, chloridized Hemoglobin and Ferric Chloride, I found the Hb is the best. By studying the inactivation influence of various pH to Hb, I confirmed the most suitable pH, template thickness, aniline thickness, perhydrol thickness and reactivity time for Hb catalyzing reactivity, and synthesized the conducting polyanilin for the following character identification with this suitable conditions (such as the composing of chemical elements, conductivity, heat stability etc) in contrast with the traditional methods in the literature. I also contributed the thesis as the second author in this program.
The final success shaded all the difficulties I have ever tasted during the process, leaving the valuable experience. Taking this program as an example, I have met a number of difficulties, because the main cooperator lt school for his sickness, most of the work has to be done by myself independently. from the former step, (Such as the happiest reactivity pH, bottom thickness, reactivity time etc.) which required me to master the theory of the experiment and learn to analyze the experimental data as quick as possible bore setting off to the next step. We need to analyze the reason whether lies in the experimental steps or in the operation in case of problems or errors. For example, when synthesizing the Hb into PANI conductive polyanilin, I found the ideal value of pH in the reactivity is 2.0, which roused my suspicion why the Hemoglobin protein, as a natural protein, can be so active in such a low pH environment. I repeated the experiment several times with carully operating. After eliminating every possibility to the error, I looked up large amount of related files and discussed with my supervisor. It is estimated that the template LGS was synthesizing the H+, which reduced the thickness of H+ in the liquor, e.g. the pH value in the liquor around the template must be higher than 2.0. My estimation was finally proved by measuring the liquor around the template, whose pH goes really between the 4.5 and 5.5, the required range mentioned in the literature. The later experiments with other catalyzer and templates synthesizing PANI were carried out in the higher-pH environment. some of them have been completed while others are still in hand, providing me with more and more theoretical guidance and practical experience.
As an excellent student, I am also a good basketball player apart from my good mark. I have participated in the Hubei Female College-student basketball match and got the top. From these extracurricular activities, I realized the importance of the teamwork spirit.
I have had solid foundation in biology through the study in Wuhan University, while I realized the big gap between China and the world leaders in this field. So I determined to accept the further education abroad in order to contribute myself in the development of the domestic related enterprises, which is the only way achieve my kid dream. Meanwhile, the study in postgraduate program is critical for my future development, it is therore very important to select a good university to continue my study. Your university is a world famous institution for higher learning with advanced equipments for scientific research, strong faculty and a good academic atmosphere, which play the critical role in the motivation of my potential. So I take your university as my first choice. My solid academic foundation, independent research ability and strong background in biological chemical industry and related subjects, coupled with my determination and strong sense of responsibility, have paved the way for me to undertake advanced studies at an institution of higher learning like yours.
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