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President [Name], Faculty, Parents, Classmates, and Guests, I am honored to stand here today as your valedictorian. The path that led me to this podium required hard work, determination, courage, and motivation. These are qualities that I also admire in my classmates, and I am proud to be a part of this class and this college. Today, we look to our horizons and see the future stretched out bore us. This should also be a day when we remember and pay tribute to our pasts.
The path that led me here took an important turn one seemingly ordinary day in high school. I sat in class as my 10th grade history teacher continued our unit on World War II. On this day, he split the class into small groups and told us that we would be taking the perspective of the various countries that were involved in World War II in a debate. As he distributed the names of countries, each group hoped to open its paper and see America?written in bold letters. When our group received the folded slip, we opened it and read it with dismay: Japan. Thinking we were sure to lose the debate, we settled down to prepare our explanation for attacking Pearl Harbor. After a few minutes, I realized that I was coming up with logical reasons for this attack, and was shocked that it was possible to think this way. I found myself able to understand an action that I had believed impossible to justify. Though I still believed that the attack was wrong, I understood that there was another side to the issue, and that there was a reason behind the actions of this side.
From this experience arose a desire to enter the field of foreign policy. I wanted to develop and use my ability to understand the logic of other nations?choices and, by doing so, to help our country relate to those nations. I decided to study the philosophies behind international politics and to develop my own theories in that area. Eager to start on this career path, I joined the student government to experience the workings of politics on a small scale. While I served as class representative my junior year, and the school vice president my senior year, I succeeded in resolving issues through my ability to take another&aposs perspective.
My experience in student government fueled my desire to study politics. I opted to take Advanced Placement European History my senior year, and learned to analyze the past as a way of predicting outcomes in the future. As I prepared for college, I sought a program that would allow me to work with some of the best professors in the field and that would offer opportunities to work in government offices, become involved with student government, and join campus political groups. I chose [name of college].
At [Name of college], I excelled in my courses, driven by my passion for political theory and policy. I became involved in the student government, and was proud to represent my school as the student council president. Working with my one of my professors over the summer, I co-authored and published an article on the foreign policy changes in post-World War II Japan. Through our gracious alumni, I was given the chance to work as an intern on Capitol Hill, where my knowledge of foreign policy was supplement by hands-on experience.
Standing here today, I am thankful for all the opportunities, support, and knowledge that allowed me to travel this path. I look forward to my career and to success in my chosen field as I continue to travel. Looking back, I know that I possess the qualities of determination, strength and understanding. These qualities, in combination with my experiences, will allow me to bring positive change to the world through my work. I encourage you, my classmates, to look back with pride upon the path that has led you here, and to use your individual strengths and experiences to better the world that has offered us so many opportunities.
In China these days, university graduates who have not been lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduated studies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully. I am prepared to go against the social conventions by putting on hold a successful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eight years of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now would like to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct more theoretical discourses.
Quite some of my friends have trouble understanding my decision."Why did you not take the opportunity eight years ago," they would ask, " when your alma mater offered to admit you as a graduate student without any hassle?" Indeed, I declined to become a graduate student in 1991, when Q university arguably China&aposs best higher-learning institution, made it clear to me that I would be exempted from the normally mandatory qualifying examinations in case I wanted to do graduate studies there. To many of my friends, I should have taken advantage of that opportunity if I had really wanted to become an intellectual.
Well, I have always wanted to be an intellectual. But I thought that a good intellectual has to ground his or her theoretical discourses n comprehensive knowledge of the social reality. And that is what I have been trying to do since high school.
In 1985, I took part in the National University Entrance Examination, which are held once a year nationwide to screen the country&aposs high school graduates for post-secondary education, and scored a total of grades that was the second best in Henan Province (with a population close to 100 million). With such an academic record, I could have chosen a more fashionable or potentially profitable major such as law or business administration. Instead I opted for biological engineering and entered into the Qinghua&aposs Department of Biological Engineering with a total of grades in the National University Entrance Examinations better than that of any of my fellow students. In 1989, I graduated with an academic record that was, in overall terms, the second best in the crop of graduates of that year.
Upon graduation, I secured a job with the Shenzhen Social Science Academy, which serves, as the municipal government&aposs most resourcul and most important think-tank. As you may very well know, Shenzhen borders Hong Kong, the "Pearl of the Orient." As China&aposs first and most successful"special economic zone," it has pioneered many, if not most, of China&aposs far-reaching economic rorms, and in the process it has grown from a village of several thousand to an ultra-modern city of several million people, all in 16 years. The Academy is charged with coming up with new policy proposals or conducting feasibility studies on various policy proposals. In either case, the Academy must analyze and predict the fect or consequences of the policy implementation, and the city&aposs politicians would make their decisions in rerence to or even reliance on the Office&aposs research reports.
Since I was trained in Biology, I was at first assigned to do data recording and other statistical work on medical care related topics. But, within two years, I began to do research independently. Starting from the third year, I have been in charge of a group of 12 in various research projects. In 1994, I directed a major study on the municipal government&aposs proposed rorm of the city&aposs medical care system, and, on the basis of the research results, came up with some specific suggestions in terms of what rorms should be undertaken and how they should be carried out. The study was a resounding success.
At the time, many of my colleagues, my supervisor included thought that the study was related to the rorm of the medical care system in Shenzhen only. I respectfully disagreed. Shenzhen, I argued, would probably serve as an example in the medical care rorm area, as it often does in many other areas. In fact, the country&aposs top leadership opened the city up as their first"special economic zone" with the specific purpose of making it a trail-blazer in the country&aposs rorm process. I f Shenzhen was to fulfill its mission, it had to come up with policies that would be applicable to other parts of the country as well.
Having convinced my supervisor of the merits of my thinking, I designed a research plan that involved the combined use of three research methods: sample survey, case study and participatory research. The country was divided into several major parts, and for each part, a given number of representative cities were chosen, to which my investigators were sent. The subjects of the investigation included ordinary city residents, government officials, medical providers and insurance companies, who were all asked about their feelings and expectations about the medical care rorm. We also took Hong Kong&aposs medical care system into consideration, as Hong Kong, with its striking resemblance to Shenzhen in terms of its culture and values provides an obvious rerence point for Shenzhen&aposs policy deliberations.
On the basis of all the data gathered, I made the following proposals to address the problems that beset the city&aposs medical system at the time:
Revoke the traditional system that mandated the employer&aposs full reimbursement of all of any employee&aposs total medical cost, replacing it with a new system in which the employer is required to pay 90 per cent and the employee 10 per cent of the cost of any ordinary medical care. In this system, the employees would be issued special magnetic medicare card that could only be used in designated hospitals.
The insurance companies would simultaneously be required to offer new types of insurance policies to cover extraordinary cost associated with grave illnesses, and it would be up to the reidents to pay the insurance premiums themselves.
The scheme, meant to rein in the excessive medical cost for employers without putting too much of a burden on employees, was first put into trial of ten of Shenzhen&aposs large stateowned enterprises. Half a year later, it was enforced throughout the city. Soon, positive assessments of the scheme flowed in from private corporations and public institutions alike. It significantly reduced the excessive medical cost, and most of the money saved was spent on fitness and recreation programs that employees generally enjoyed. Both employers and employees thus benited from the scheme. The scheme also had the added advantage of stabilizing the prices of medication at a reasonable level.
From 1995 on, most of the large and medium cities begun to imitate Shenzhen&aposs medicare rorms with positive results. The scheme has thus had nationwide impact.
Public policy as a social science is a comparatively new discipline in China, and it is still weak in both theoretical frameworks and practical research methodologies. The use of sophisticated research as a basis for policy decisions is still a new phenomenon. There are not many students and scholars in this area, and even fewer can claim genuine expertise. In fact, most people tend to ignore public policy research, thinking that it does not have the kind of utility as computer science nor the kind of sophistication as philosophy. It is a state of affairs to lament about, and I consider it my mission to change it.
My work experience has taught me on where I am still inadequately prepared for the mission that I have taken on, in terms of both conceptual and practical training. I have come to a point where I feel a pressing need for more advanced education in public administration and policy research. Yet, very few of China&aposs universities boast of public policy research programs. I am hoping that, one day in this country, policy research and implementation knowledge would no longer be confined to the trained few, and policy decisions will normally be based on rigorous research . I am quite aware that it may take the forts of several generations for such a new discipline to take roots in a country as old and as fast-changing as China, and I would like to devote my life to helping this new discipline grow in this country.
I do not really have a whole lot of hobbies. Apart from reading books and listening to my friends relate their experiences, I enjoy traveling on my own. While I always emphasize the importance of teamwork in the office, I like traveling on my own so that it is easier for me to seek a personal connection with nature. As I savor nature&aposs grandeur and my own seclusion in it, the natural world often endows me with new vision and fresh insights.
I have also experienced quite some failures and setbacks in my life, but I have never given up my goal bore I reached it. Whenever bogged down in quagmires, I would push myself by saying, "just toughen it out, and you will be there. Tomorrow will be better if only you try a little harder."
I would really appreciated your serous deliberation over my application, as I have pondered very seriously bore I made up my mind to send in this application. I am sure that, if I can be lucky enough to study under your seasoned guidance and with the necessary financial assistance, you will be training one of the best Chinese policy researchers in China of the 21st century.
For the successes I have achieved so far, I have enjoyed the kind help and support from many people. My further successes are now dependent on your support and appreciation, and I hope you will be generous in offering both after you have reviewed my application. I shall be looking forward to your early reply. Thank you.
申请专业:政治学 Politics
Since the start of my teenage years, I have developed a strong interest in Politics, current affairs and the way in which our economy operates. As I&aposve become more mature, my interests have intensified. Despite only being 17 I&aposve lived through a second Gulf War, mass terrorist attacks and a recently established economic recession. It is through such incidents that my pre-conceptions of the society we live in have been constantly challenged and created. Studying Modern Studies in 5th year further fuelled my passion for Politics, and developed my knowledge of current affairs both domestically and internationally. It has also complemented my strong interest in the business world and the economy as a whole, therore influencing my decision to pursue a Politics or Business degree.My interest in Politics extends beyond academic subjects. I often spend time debating certain aspects of Politics with friends and family alike, and due to the diversity of opinion that Politics offers I find myself continually re-evaluating my own opinions. As a subject, Politics enthrals me like no other. It influences everything that occurs in our society from the news we read to the social class we derive from. Due to this I feel that Politics as a discipline is too powerful to overlook.
My strong interest in Business stems from reading stories of respected entrepreneurs. My interest was further enhanced after attending a Business conference at Napier University. At the conference we had to create a Business idea within small groups and present it to fellow peers with the intention of competing against other schools. This gave me an insight into the skills required to succeed in Business and the competition and complexity of Modern Business.
My current 6th year subjects will help me establish a good platform for my university course of choice. I chose to study Media as it coincides with both Politics and Business equally, and because it can influence all areas of society, in particular voting behaviour. Also studying Administration will develop my knowledge of Business and how IT is progressively used in organisations to aid decision making and how it can create new markets and opportunities.
I&aposve obtained a broad work experience through a variety of different roles which have helped me to understand Business from an internal perspective, and see the fectiveness of marketing and media exposure in terms of maximising profitability. As well as enhancing my interest in Business, my previous roles have provided me with excellent team working and communication skills and the experience of prioritising my time whilst working in a fast-paced and demanding environment.
Within school I&aposm a member of the pupil council and Events committee. Each role demonstrates that I&aposm a trustworthy and responsible individual who can generate and implement many constructive ideas within a team based environment. As well as being on these committees I was also privileged to be assigned the role of Pastoral Prect which requires me to give educational help and guidance to younger pupils. In this role I have to display a high level of maturity and patience and the ability to adapt to the individual circumstances of each pupil.
Outside of academia my main interests lie in sport particularly Football, having played at Academy level for a premier league club for over 4 years. As well as Football I enjoy indulging in other sports such as Tennis and Golf. When not playing sports my interests are quite varied and cover a wide spectrum of activities from reading to music to socialising with friends.My balance of schoolwork, sporting activities, work and maintaining a social life indicates that I have the ability to manage my time fectively, and that I can cope with a busy lifestyle. My previous experiences, motivation and will to succeed further connotes that I have the ability to meet the demands of studying at degree level.
申请专业:政治学 Politics
A trip to Mexico at age twelve sparked my interest in the social sciences. The level of poverty and governmental corruption jarred me whilst there, and thus my determination to understand why social injustice occurs and how to combat it formed. From this, a fascination with politics and society emerged.
As a result, I browsed through texts such as "Globalization and Human Rights" by Alison Brysk, read lectures like Amartya Sen&aposs "Global Inequality and Human Security" and explored books introducing me to political philosophy, sociology and psychology - all of which helped me try to understand the root of world problems. Brysk&aposs book enabled me to discover the link between globalisation and human rights violations worldwide. I realised that while certain forms of globalisation have had positive fects on developing countries, there&aposs still a strong discrepancy between its so-called "winners and losers".Watching John Pilger&aposs "War on Democracy" provided gripping evidence of this in Bolivia, where multinational corporations at one point managed to asset strip the country&aposs water supply. In addition, I found Sen&aposs lecture particularly persuasive,and agreed with him that whilst globalisation has lessened poverty and not made "the poor any poorer", it&aposs still unjust that the impoverished receive only a piece - and not the fair share of -the cumulative benits of globalisation.
Furthermore, researching the works of political philosophers such as Machiavelli and reading books like "Affluenza" by Oliver James helped me explore the reasons why wealthy nations allow social injustice to take place and, at times,even indirectly encourage it. Machiavelli&aposs philosophy "the end justifies the means" rlects the attitude rich nations seem to have towards developing countries. "Affluenza" discusses the obsession with materialism in order to provide self-worth,paradoxically at the expense of one&aposs mental health and well-being of others -this being seen in globalisation&aposs fects on developing countries.
My passion for human rights and politics was further supplemented by my participation in humanitarian initiatives such as Amnesty International,as well as in my other extra-curricular activities. In high school, I was the president and founder of an Amnesty International group.This experience taught me how NGOs work and helped me to understand globalisation&aposs positive fects on third-world countries -NGOs like Amnesty being one of them. In addition, inspired by a trip to Rwanda two years after its 1994 genocide,I led the group on a campaign to end the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. My interest in Darfur remains, and I&aposm currently reading "Darfur: A New History of a Long War" to better understand the conflict. Furthermore, we worked on campaigns to end violence against women - initiating my interest in feminism - and ending the use of torture in the War on Terror.This specific campaign convinced me America shouldn&apost have entered Iraq as the reasons for doing so were both ambiguous and dubious.Watching Charles Ferguson&aposs "No End in Sight",where those involved in the initial Iraqi occupation authority express disillusionment with the Bush administration, has strengthened this beli. Finally, I debated for my high school&aposs debate club and wrote for its nationally award-winning newspaper, writing pieces where the topics ranged from mental health issues to terrorism.I received a letter of commendation from a local newspaper reporter for the latter.
I enjoy a variety of activities in my spare time. I love to travel, as is evident from my transatlantic background, and have visited most of the continents. I like learning languages,and am presently rreshing my Spanish skills in addition to teaching myself some basic Hindi. Literature is a particular passion of mine, having helped form my previous school&aposs literary magazine.I am also interested in social psychology, and am currently researching the psychology behind consumerism.
申请专业:政治学 Politics
The unpredictability of politics is what makes it such a fascinating subject for me. A particular topic that sparked my interest is the extremely volatile relationship between one established superpower and one rising giant: the USA and India. The relationship between these two nations has been completely transformed in recent years following India&aposs globalisation and development of nuclear arms. This is highly significant today as India is representative of an increasing number of rapidly expanding and politically-insecure nations arming themselves with nuclear weapons. My curiosity about their relationship led me to read Mira Kamdar&aposs &aposPlanet India&apos which has given me a detailed insight into the political pressures India faces from much of the Western world. I especially enjoyed reading about Pokhran-II, when India died the existing nuclear powers by successfully engineering the testing of nuclear devices in 1998, significantly weakening the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The political precariousness generated by acts such as this makes the study of politics in the current century more vital and relevant than ever bore.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it". Marx&aposs statement rlects the importance of being involved in politics, and inspired me to join both the pressure group Libertarian UK and the Conservative Party. I joined the latter primarily in response to my feelings on the different party reactions to the current economic crisis. The Conservative response, demonstrated by the proposal to tax non-domiciled residents, has ostensibly been more concerned with promoting social &aposfairness&apos than some of Labour&aposs recent policies (particularly the initial abolition of the 10p tax band), perhaps indicating a subversion of traditional lt/right politics. To widen my political knowledge, I completed an internship at the Labour Party HQ and constituency office of Karen Buck MP. It gave me a valuable insight into the relationship between national and constituency level politics, and I was responsible for communicating with governmental departments and quangos.
I also attended a debate in the House of Lords which focused on the implementation of ID cards. This matter brings to the fore the question of our civil rights in relation to the state and whether an increasing amount of authoritarian legislation can be justified. Additionally, I participated in a Model United Nations where I represented the delegation of Malaysia on the Security Council. I enjoyed the opportunity to research foreign policy and debate major issues such as the expansion of the ASEAN. The excitement of the London Mayoral election in May encouraged me to represent Boris Johnson in my school&aposs mock Mayoral election where I was able to rine my public speaking and campaigning skills. I also run my school&aposs History and Politics Society, through which I have organised and attended many lectures given by MPs and MEPs, such as the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development.
My love of languages prompted me to study French A-level where, in my oral, I examined the destruction of the French aristocracy and the birth of a democratic government. In Economics and Politics, I enjoy exploring fiscal policy and both its political and social repercussions.
I have completed Bronze, Silver and recently Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. I ran Football Club and Modern Languages Club at school, which considerably improved my leadership skills. On a weekly basis I volunteer at Oxfam and also visit a pensioner. Volunteering demonstrates the significant role that civilians can play in shaping a responsible and compassionate society. I was working with the very people whose lives are most affected by government policy, those for whom political direction is most important.
President [Name], Faculty, Parents, Classmates, and Guests, I am honored to stand here today as your valedictorian. The path that led me to this podium required hard work, determination, courage, and motivation. These are qualities that I also admire in my classmates, and I am proud to be a part of this class and this college. Today, we look to our horizons and see the future stretched out bore us. This should also be a day when we remember and pay tribute to our pasts.
The path that led me here took an important turn one seemingly ordinary day in high school. I sat in class as my 10th grade history teacher continued our unit on World War II. On this day, he split the class into small groups and told us that we would be taking the perspective of the various countries that were involved in World War II in a debate. As he distributed the names of countries, each group hoped to open its paper and see America?written in bold letters. When our group received the folded slip, we opened it and read it with dismay: Japan. Thinking we were sure to lose the debate, we settled down to prepare our explanation for attacking Pearl Harbor. After a few minutes, I realized that I was coming up with logical reasons for this attack, and was shocked that it was possible to think this way. I found myself able to understand an action that I had believed impossible to justify. Though I still believed that the attack was wrong, I understood that there was another side to the issue, and that there was a reason behind the actions of this side.
From this experience arose a desire to enter the field of foreign policy. I wanted to develop and use my ability to understand the logic of other nations?choices and, by doing so, to help our country relate to those nations. I decided to study the philosophies behind international politics and to develop my own theories in that area. Eager to start on this career path, I joined the student government to experience the workings of politics on a small scale. While I served as class representative my junior year, and the school vice president my senior year, I succeeded in resolving issues through my ability to take another&aposs perspective.
My experience in student government fueled my desire to study politics. I opted to take Advanced Placement European History my senior year, and learned to analyze the past as a way of predicting outcomes in the future. As I prepared for college, I sought a program that would allow me to work with some of the best professors in the field and that would offer opportunities to work in government offices, become involved with student government, and join campus political groups. I chose [name of college].
At [Name of college], I excelled in my courses, driven by my passion for political theory and policy. I became involved in the student government, and was proud to represent my school as the student council president. Working with my one of my professors over the summer, I co-authored and published an article on the foreign policy changes in post-World War II Japan. Through our gracious alumni, I was given the chance to work as an intern on Capitol Hill, where my knowledge of foreign policy was supplement by hands-on experience.
Standing here today, I am thankful for all the opportunities, support, and knowledge that allowed me to travel this path. I look forward to my career and to success in my chosen field as I continue to travel. Looking back, I know that I possess the qualities of determination, strength and understanding. These qualities, in combination with my experiences, will allow me to bring positive change to the world through my work. I encourage you, my classmates, to look back with pride upon the path that has led you here, and to use your individual strengths and experiences to better the world that has offered us so many opportunities.上12345下
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