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  I have always had a fascination with the archaeological world. Archaeology provides me with the opportunity to question how my ancestors lived, worked, survived and created what is now the world today. My interest in learning about humanity’s past arose from when I was a child, where I was captivated with artifacts in museums. It provided a forum which was to my imagination and introduced me to experimental archaeology.

  As I have matured, my enthusiasm and excitement for archaeology has grown after visits to Chester and York, where I was able to appreciate not only the archaeological artifacts found in these places, but also the magnificence of the standing buildings that remain today. This lead to a particular interest and eagerness to learn more about the ways of everyday life for the people living in the ancient world, in particular the Roman Empire.

  My A-level study of archaeology has demonstrated my commitment to learning techniques, methods and theories needed to engage in fective research, excavations, delicacy and preservation of artifacts. Reading books such as ‘Archaeology is Rubbish’ by Tony Robinson and ‘Excavation’ by Steve Roskams has continued my studies. These books have provided me with extra knowledge of how to deal with specialist sites, such as waterlogged and underwater excavations. Additionally, they have developed my understanding of techniques used by archaeologists to gain the most accurate results when reconstructing the past.

  A-Level Religion and Philosophy has extended my knowledge of archaeological aspects such as Roman religion and ritual. Moreover, geology has developed my understanding of how geological features can impact the landscape, which is essential for desktop archaeology and investigating settlement. Geology has also increased my ability to date and provide a location as to where certain artifacts may have come from. I have experienced hands on archaeology at the ‘Dig’ centre in York. This developed my practical methods of excavation and interpretation of artifacts. The ‘Dig’ centre gave me the opportunity to familiarise myself with animal bones and how they can be used to help archaeologists in recreating the past.

  I have a particular interest for many sports including, karate, rugby and athletics. My commitment to Karate has earned me the rank of 1st Dan black belt, which has qualified me for the teaching of the subject, and given me fective leadership qualities. Similarly in rugby, I am in the process of becoming a qualified reree. This has been a valuable experience as it has developed my team leading, and team work skills.

  My extensive work within the college has gained me a position on the college council as enrichment representative; where I have brought the students and staff closer together. Subsequently, the responsibility and trust placed in me to do this job has provided me with excellent communication and organization skills. Furthermore, as illustrated above, I am a conscientious, hardworking student and I’m more than willing to accept and overcome new challenges that I may face during a place at higher education.

  What excites me about archaeology is the excitement and anticipation from finding those missing pieces of the jigsaw that make up our past. My earliest recollection of archaeology was from 10 years ago when my parents took me on holiday to the Greek island of Kos and whilst there, we visited the Asklepion ruins, and I was amazed by what had remained from Greek times. Being told this place was thousands of years old and that people had worked and lived there fascinated me, and from that moment on I wanted to find out more about how it was possible to discover so much about the past. This began my passion for archaeology. My interest has been further fuelled as I visited numerous other archaeological sites and historical areas over the years, such as the Hardknott Pass Roman Fort. I find it incredible that, by using archaeology and examining even the smallest fragments, the nature of each building can be determined, when there is only a shallow wall visible above the ground.

  In particular, I’m most interested in the “hands-on” aspect of archaeology, the digging and discovering of artifacts. Additionally I’m really looking forward to being out in the field and being able to travel and discover the secrets of different places. To increase my knowledge I have read a number of books but my favourites are, ‘Britain AD’ and ‘Britain BC’ by Francis Pryor and ‘Techniques of Archaeological Excavation’ by Philip Barker. It is my ambition to continue my higher education to get a Masters or a PhD, ultimately to become a university lecturer or museum curator.

  Most Saturdays, I am a volunteer worker at Flag Fen, Britain’s Bronze Age Centre. Based in the Heritage Centre, my responsibilities have included explaining the site and its history to visitors, and I’m currently involved with the archiving of site’s photo’s and artifacts.

  At my secondary school I achieved the Junior Sports Leadership Award from the teaching of team games to children of a local Primary School and I was chosen to be a school prect. I was part of my school’s netball, hockey and athletics team and participated in various inter house competitions. Whilst at 6th Form I have become my tutor group’s student voice representative on the school council and I also spend some of my lunchtimes supervising younger pupils. I am also currently part of team for promoting Lincolnshire to the younger generation and the Team for Promoting Road Safety. I have also been part of the Grammar School Ladies Rugby Team since joining the school.

  Aside from my studies and school activities I have strong interests in reading, sports, music and travel. I enjoy reading a variety of books, ranging from historical biographies to fictional fantasy. As well as being a member of my school’s rugby team, I have also been a player in the Gosberton Poachers, a local hockey team and I am an active member of a successful ten pin bowling team. I enjoy traveling and have been to many different countries, including Spain, France and Greece, and I always make particular fort to learn as much of the local language as I can. At the moment I am learning Italian. Furthermore with an interest in music, I’m learning to play the guitar and in the past I have played tenor horn in a brass band and sung in various choirs.

  I have an inquisitive mind, and am extremely interested in archaeology and will work hard to achieve my goals. The prospect of university life excites me and I know the opportunities presented to me and the experiences will be invaluable. University will help me further develop as a person, to become fully independent and fulfil my dreams.

  Why does a 2000 year old, long gone civilization, have such a continuing and profound impact on modern society? It’s hard to put my fascination with the Romans and other ancient civilizations into words. Being able to study archaeology with the depth and rigour that university requires will take me on an intellectual journey that may raise more questions than answers but will be a source of lifelong discovery, not only about the Romans but, perhaps, about modern society as well.

  What interests me the most in archaeology is the thought of discovering the unknown, being able to further piece together aspects of our past and even now I try to accomplish these feats by reading books to discover more and more. Favourites of mine include ‘Roman Sussex’ by Miles Russel, ‘Roman Warfare’ by Adrian Goldsworthy and ‘Britain in the Middle Ages an Archaeological History’ by Francis Pryor. Moving from Australia to England has given me the exciting opportunity to pursue the career I want in a country filled which such an extensive amount of history. Everywhere I look you can find old churches, houses and buildings which when I gaze upon them fill me excitement and anticipation that there is just so much more to learn.

  My final two years of high school saw me develop more as a person and in this year my fascination in archaeology continued even more. This is rlected in the subject areas I studied which included both Ancient and Modern History which allowed me to develop my skills in aspects of the past. During this time I was accepted into the leadership program in order to develop my leadership skills and this resulted in being appointed to the positions of school prect and house captain which helped me develop my teamwork skills as part of the Prect Body. Furthermore I was an active member of the 1 st XV Rugby Team and in my final year I was awarded the Ruben F Scarf award for commitment.

  I know that being accepted a place at university will allow me to continue to pursue my love of archaeology but it will also allow me to give something back to the university in the way of my personal interests. Apart from history include sports (I have been active cricket player since I was 7 and I also enjoy rugby, soccer, tennis, squash and table tennis), entertainment, music, technology, computing and reading (I enjoy books that range from fantasy through to crime fiction). I believe that these interests will allow me to give something back to the university in a positive way.

  The thought of going to university is one that fills me with excitement and I know that should I be accepted I will work to the best of my ability. I have always been a hard worker and this combined with studying in a subject that interests me I know that I will work to the best of my ability and be extremely dedicated in what I do. The prospects that a university education will provide me will mean the wealth to me and it will give me a chance to fulfil my dreams and ambitions of becoming an archaeologist.

  I have always had a keen interest in exploring the past. When I was ten years old, I first visited an archaeological dig in Scotland and I have been fascinated by archaeology ever since. I have kept up my interest by visiting museums and historical sites. This summer I visited the Bayeux Tapestry, the Mary Rose exhibition in Portsmouth and the Megaliths at Carnac. I like to read books on archaeology and regularly watch television programmes on the subject. I collect fossils and minerals, and try to collect my own specimens from the field whenever possible. My collection is catalogued, and growing at the time

  I have tried to get involved with archaeology as much as I an. At High School I joined the Archaeology Club and became the Club Secretary, I also joined the Chorley Young Archaeologists Club and still help with the Club today. This summer I joined the Club’s annual excavation, supervising the children and gaining some ‘hands on’ experience myself

  I am currently studying A-level Earth Science, Environmental Science and C20th History. Both Earth Science and History have developed my skills in interpreting the past, and all of my subjects have helped me to develop data handling and presentation skills especially when doing fieldwork. In my first year at College, I studied A-level Politics because of my interest in current affairs, however at the beginning of my second year I decided to change direction and concentrate on taking both Earth and Environmental Science

  During my time at College, I have been on several field trips and a visit to Edinburgh where we visited several art galleries. I have recently been on a History trip to Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic, where we had the chance to visit many sites relating to my History course including the concentration camp KZ Mauthausen. I will shortly be visiting Arromanches in France to undertake fieldwork for both Earth and Environmental Science, I hope to gain even more experience of working in the field

  At School and College I have always tried to get involved as much as possible. At High School I was a School Prect and a Year 7 Form helper, and was involved in two German School exchanges. I was a member of the School Orienteering Team, and twice attended the British Schools Championships. Outside School, I took the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and joined a local youth drama group

  I have a weekend job at a local garden centre where I undertake a range of duties and have learned a great deal about the care of plants. At High School, I went on a two-week work experience to Beacon Country Park, where I worked with the Rangers on practical conservation tasks. I have been in contact with the County Archaeology Officer and a museum and hope to arrange some work experience for after my A-levels

  I am interested in music and have recently become involved with the College Radio, where I play a set once a week. I enjoy visiting art galleries, and this summer visited the Musee D’Orsay in Paris and the Tate in St. Ives. I love travelling and want to visit a range of other countries where I can meet people and experience other cultures

  I am an organised person who works well in a group and on my own. I am sociable and easy-going and enjoy meeting new people. I am strongly motivated to study Archaeology as I have been enthusiastic about the subject for many years and would love to pursue a career in this field after graduating. If given a place to study Archaeology at University, I would be determined to succeed

  I have decided to choose Archaeology as my university course as I find the subject extremely interesting and I enjoy studying History a great deal. I currently am studying History at AS level along with AS level Art, A level Biology and A level English

  Last year I did not enjoy AS Psychology and I decided to drop the subject and pick up two AS levels in which I had a greater interest

  This year I am far happier with my subjects and it has led me to become more focused and determined to produce work that is to the best of my ability. I am certainly interested in Archaeology as a career and I find the prospect exciting however, if this was not to come about, the skills that I will obtain from taking the course, will dinitely improve my chances of attaining a job in a related field or perhaps in an unrelated career but for which the skills will suit

  I currently work as a Function Steward at Liverpool Football Club. In this job I have to work under considerable pressure, as customers must be served quickly and ficiently. It has also improved my personal and communication skills considerably. Work Experience and past jobs have only consolidated these skills. In the past I have worked as a Shop Assistant and for Work Experience I have worked at a solicitors and in an office for an industrial metal company

  My interest in History and Science has led to my enthusiasm in Archaeology as a subject, I read newspaper articles and books that are related to Archaeology and Ancient History whenever possible. I enjoy reading books about Egypt and the Pyramids and I intend to read an interesting book of theories about the Holy Grail in the near future

  I collect music, mostly Blues and 70’s Rock music

  At weekends I enjoy to socialise with friends or when possible go to a concert. I spend a lot of time producing artwork for my AS level as I find it a relaxing and enjoyable experience. I feel that I am well suited to taking Archaeology at University because of my interest for the subject and I feel I can meet the courses demands as I am used to working under pressure and meeting deadlines.

  I have always been interested in studying the past. As a child I loved visiting hill forts and ancient monuments. This interest was further developed when I travelled to Australia and New Zealand and was able to study the ancient cultures of the Aboriginal and Maori peoples. I have fascinated by how their art and spiritual belis still influence many aspects of modern life in areas such as architecture and creative arts. I have also been working as a volunteer on a local dig and this has further confirmed my interest in archaeology. I feel that this course would give me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and understanding of ancient civilisations and their influences on the way the world has developed

  My A-levels in History, Geology and Information Technology have helped me to develop skills in research, analysis and problem solving. I am a keen PC user and am also interested in the role that new technologies can play in helping us to make sense of the past. Throughout my studies I have had to work in teams with other students on a range of projects and make group and individual presentations. These activities have helped me to develop my communication skills and strengthened my ability to work with people

  I work part time in a bookshop which has also helped me to develop my skills of dealing with people, handling money and sorting, categorising and displaying stock. I really enjoy this as I love working with books

  At school I set up and now run a thriving chess club, and I was elected to represent the school at a city wide tournament in which I came second. I play in the schools football and cricket teams and also enjoy swimming, cycling and aikido. I am an active, motivated and conscientious student keen to take up the challenges of higher education.


  My attraction to Archaeology and Ancient History has been shaped by my understanding that the past is incredibly important in our modern lifestyles; two years ago when I visited Rome for the first time I truly appreciated what this meant. I fell in love with the city because of the way that it was so connected with its history, physically and culturally, but also because through the presentation of its ancient ruins it still retained an echo of the people who lived there. I think a great deal of my passion for these subjects lies in the idea of learning about putting voices to people of cultures long lost to us now, but also in becoming a part of charting our social evolution through historical and scientific methods.

  Through studying Classical Civilisations, I have been inspired to branch out from books I knew well like the Odyssey to read further a field. For example, I have looked at more ancient literature like the Epic of Gilgamesh, but also at other types of writing such as Aristotle’s Poetics and Aristophanes’ Birds. Expanding my reading base has helped broaden my insight into Ancient culture and into how much of our great writing we owe to techniques and styles developed in the past. This has shown me the importance of language in the original text, spurring my interest in Latin and Greek.

  This summer I was lucky enough to be able to attend an archaeological field school in Cornwall under the tuition of renowned experimental archaeologist, Jacqui Wood. This allowed me to experience what field archaeology was like, and to gain important skills such as section drawing, finds processing and archaeological planning. This proved to me that my choice to switch colleges so that I was able to study Archaeology was one that really rlected what I wanted to do in the future. In AS level Archaeology, as well as the various practical techniques, we studied ritual activity in Pre-historic Britain. I enjoyed this in particular because it had links to Anthropology and was so different from the modern ritual and religious activity I knew about. Although I enjoyed the AS, the A2 was not available at my college so I have now begun to help another student who is currently taking the AS course.

  Over the past few years I have often traveled so as to experience other cultures in conjunction with my studies. An example of this is that last year I had the opportunity to go to Shanghai where for three weeks I learnt about Chinese arts, geography, culture and the Mandarin language. Shanghai was an extreme culture shock for me, but through getting to know the Chinese students and visiting places of cultural importance I learnt valuable communication skills and made friends that I have kept and wish to continue to keep in future.

  My work experience consisted of two weeks as a classroom assistant at a local infant school. By working with the children and adults I learnt to cope with tasks under a lot of pressure but also to finish important tasks that I was not pushed to do and was expected to do of my own accord. I have also been made my form council representative which gives me the opportunity to help my fellow classmates by putting forward their opinions in student council meetings to help make the college a better environment.

  I am always willing to work as hard as possible in order to do well and am particularly goal orientated. By changing college I have learnt to take responsibility for my independent learning and expect more of myself, increasing my dedication to studying these subjects that I feel so involved with at a higher level. I feel that because of this University would be an ideal working environment for me as well as being somewhere I have always wanted to go.


  I was nine years old, and we live in Chicago, Illinois. That year my family had a membership to the Field Museum of Natural History, and every Saturday would find us on the train to the Field. Our first stop was always the pyramid. We would climb the stairs to the very top and then descend down the ramp, much like the shaft inside a real pyramid.We would travel down the dark corridors filled with mystery, looking at carved tablets, and my heart would race. Looking at the canoptic jars and jewelry pieces, I felt it was remarkable they still existed. The only thing better than being at the Field, would be to unearth the artifacts myself. To uncover and rediscover things that could have been trivial and unappreciated 3,000 years ago is my dream. Ancient history and archaeology are my passions.

  While I am too young to have experienced a field school, I have had the opportunity to travel to China and Eastern Europe with the People to People Student Ambassadors Program. I was struck by the longevity of a city like Beijing, and my curiosity was raised; I wondered what lay under the surface. My interests in archaeology were encouraged particularly by a class trip to Canyon de Chelly in Arizona, where we stayed at a reservation with a native Navajo family.

  As Lupita, the mother and tour guide, showed us the extensive tunnels of the canyon, I found a broken piece of pottery. For five minutes I held this piece of history in my hands. Its geometrical rebrands of paint made the shard feel very fragile, yet it had withstood years of wear and tear. The feeling I had when realizing I could have been the first to see it in over 500 years was overwhelming and strengthened my desire to become an archaeologist. During school, I am very vocal about my love of all things ancient, and when not in a history based class, teachers frequently add historical content within lectures. At Academe of the Oaks, I am student body president, yearbook editor, a member of the varsity volleyball team, and help make up the very small graduating class of eight. I also find community service very important, and help tutor elementary students in math and English on a regular basis. I attend a Waldorf high school where the emphasis is on classroom discussion rather than worksheets. I have found, because of this teaching style, I am very inquisitive and always wanting to know more. Through my readings, such as The Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, The Odyssey, and the Oedipus Rex trilogy, I have found deeper insights into what is important in a culture– to human beings.

  I have been inspired by these works to learn about their cultures so as to better understand our current one. I will be a high school graduate at the age of 17. Due to my young age, I have decided to take a year off and do things that, in the past, I had not been able to do. I plan to train to become a docent at the Carlos Museum on the Emory University campus in Atlanta, Georgia in order to share my excitement about ancient history with others. I will continue to wait tables and be a hostess at a local restaurant named Ducks in order to save money for school. Lastly, I will train to become a yoga instructor. I feel that by taking a year off, I will be a more mature student, and ready to begin the rest of my life. I would like to study in the United Kingdom because of its early specialization within majors, difficulty level, and its rich history of academic excellence.

  When I was two years old my family relocated from the New World, Canada, to the Old, and since then I have journeyed to places as far off as Rome, Egypt, and Thailand, among many others. Everywhere I travelled brought upon me a new wave of fresh fascination; not only in the cultural differences I noticed, but in the circumstances, traditions, and history that shaped them. Returning home, I became curious about what had moulded my own culture as I knew it. This was the beginning of a lifelong interest in material culture and historical heritage.

  This fascination soon developed into a passion – particularly when studying the medieval period. I wrote my IB Extended Essay on how the changing socio-political climate in England from the 11th to 15th centuries led to linguistic and sociolinguistic changes. Having chosen a subject that fascinated me, I found myself going beyond the requirements, organizing visits to the British Library and studying contemporary manuscripts. I had to familiarize myself with Middle English – and to some degree Old English and Old French – and my study of the original manuscripts was one of my most inspiring educational experiences to date.

  Soon I found that it was not enough to know about the past, I wanted also to learn where our knowledge of the past had come from. It was this curiosity that led me to an interest in archaeology. Thus when the school nominated me for a travel fellowship (a grant given to a student who most showed “courage and strength as an individual, genuineness, generosity, and high personal and academic standards”) I proposed to travel to Romania to work on an archaeological dig. In presenting me with the award, the judges praised my good planning and organization, and enthusiasm for the subject.

  I travelled to Romania in August 2007 to join an excavation of a Transylvanian castle dating from the 14th century. During my time there I received hands on experience of archaeological techniques, firsthand information from experts regarding practice and theory, and a wonderful look at the history and culture of a country to which I had never bore travelled. Although I had feared I might find the work tedious, I enjoyed every second of it. The experience heightened my interest in archaeology, and travelling alone helped me develop my maturity, organization, and independence.

  My interests go beyond the historical, however. I have a strong creative side, and study drama both in school and as an extracurricular activity, producing and acting in a number of productions. I also play the piano, having taken it up at the age of five, and enjoy composing pieces of all genres. I was recently commissioned by the arts department of my school to compose a score for a production of Animal Farm. On the other end of the academic spectrum, I am adept at logic and rational thinking, coming top in my school for two years running in the UK Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad. I think that such a variety of understanding is usul in allowing me a broad approach to problem solving and research.

  My main goal in attending university is to eventually advance my understanding to such a degree where I could teach the subject at university level. As part of my Diploma Programme, I frequently participate in community service projects in which I help senior citizens learn how to use computers, and teach drama to children with disabilities, and in doing so have developed better interpersonal skills and a strong teaching technique. These have been furthered by my experience as a counsellor at a summer camp in Canada, and I am certain these skills would work as an advantage should I ever teach history or archaeology myself.



  I have always had a fascination with the archaeological world. Archaeology provides me with the opportunity to question how my ancestors lived, worked, survived and created what is now the world today. My interest in learning about humanity’s past arose from when I was a child, where I was captivated with artifacts in museums. It provided a forum which was to my imagination and introduced me to experimental archaeology.

  As I have matured, my enthusiasm and excitement for archaeology has grown after visits to Chester and York, where I was able to appreciate not only the archaeological artifacts found in these places, but also the magnificence of the standing buildings that remain today. This lead to a particular interest and eagerness to learn more about the ways of everyday life for the people living in the ancient world, in particular the Roman Empire.

  My A-level study of archaeology has demonstrated my commitment to learning techniques, methods and theories needed to engage in fective research, excavations, delicacy and preservation of artifacts. Reading books such as ‘Archaeology is Rubbish’ by Tony Robinson and ‘Excavation’ by Steve Roskams has continued my studies. These books have provided me with extra knowledge of how to deal with specialist sites, such as waterlogged and underwater excavations. Additionally, they have developed my understanding of techniques used by archaeologists to gain the most accurate results when reconstructing the past.

  A-Level Religion and Philosophy has extended my knowledge of archaeological aspects such as Roman religion and ritual. Moreover, geology has developed my understanding of how geological features can impact the landscape, which is essential for desktop archaeology and investigating settlement. Geology has also increased my ability to date and provide a location as to where certain artifacts may have come from. I have experienced hands on archaeology at the ‘Dig’ centre in York. This developed my practical methods of excavation and interpretation of artifacts. The ‘Dig’ centre gave me the opportunity to familiarise myself with animal bones and how they can be used to help archaeologists in recreating the past.

  I have a particular interest for many sports including, karate, rugby and athletics. My commitment to Karate has earned me the rank of 1st Dan black belt, which has qualified me for the teaching of the subject, and given me fective leadership qualities. Similarly in rugby, I am in the process of becoming a qualified reree. This has been a valuable experience as it has developed my team leading, and team work skills.

  My extensive work within the college has gained me a position on the college council as enrichment representative; where I have brought the students and staff closer together. Subsequently, the responsibility and trust placed in me to do this job has provided me with excellent communication and organization skills. Furthermore, as illustrated above, I am a conscientious, hardworking student and I’m more than willing to accept and overcome new challenges that I may face during a place at higher education.上123456789下


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