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  Contact Information

  3330 Walnut Street, Levine Hall Phone: (215) 898-8543

  Department of Computer and Information Science Fax: (215) 898-0587

  University of Pennsylvania lhuang3@cis.upenn.edu

  Philadelphia, PA 19104 www.aoji.cn

  Research Interests

  Computational Linguistics

  Ecient Algorithms for Parsing and Translation

  Syntax-based Machine Translation

  Grammar Formalisms and Tree Transducers

  Theoretical Computer Science

  Generic Dynamic Programming, Hypergraph and Semiring Frameworks

  Algorithms for k-best Problems


University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

  Ph.D. Student, Computer and Information Science

  Advisor: Prof. Aravind K. Joshi

  M.S.E., Computer and Information Science, May 2005

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, CHINA

  B.S., Computer Science (with highest distinction), July 2003

  Teaching Experience

  University of Pennsylvania

  Instructor, CSE 399-004 Python Programming Spring 2006

  Teaching Assistant, CSE 320 Algorithms Spring 2005

  Teaching Assistant, CSE 262 Automata, Complexity & Computability Fall 2004

  Awarded University Graduate Teaching Prize

  Research Experience

  Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC/ISI)

  Visiting Research Assistant Summer 2005

  Supervisors: Dr. Kevin Knight and Dr. Daniel Marcu

  Research on Statistical Syntax-based Machine Translation

   Synchronous Binarization for Decoding and Synchronous Parsing

   Machine Translation as Lexicalized Parsing with Hooks

   Stochastic Syntax-Directed Translation

  Research on Tree-Transducer Algorithms

   k-best extension of the Knuth 1977 Algorithm

  University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  Graduate Research Fellow Fall 2003 - present

  Supervisor: Prof. Aravind Joshi

  Research on both NLP (statistical parsing and Tree-Adjoining Grammars) and its

  application to the strutural modeling of biological sequences (in collaboration with

  Prof. Ken Dill&aposs group at UCSF).

  Independent Study Fall 2004

  Supervisors: Prof. Sampath Kannan and Prof. Junhyong Kim (Penn Biology)

  Research on algorithms for phylogeny reconstruction.

  Independent Study Spring 2004

  Supervisor: Prof. Stephanie Weirich

  Research on Type-Directed Java, an extension to Generic Java.







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  Honors and Awards

  1. Finalist, Microsoft Graduate Fellowship 2006

  2. Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students, University of Penn-sylvania (University-wide award for top 12 TAs) 2005

  3. Dean&aposs Fellowship, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania 2003-2004

  4. First Prize, National Finals, China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Mod-eling 2002

  5. People&aposs Scholarship, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2000-2002

  6. 4th Place, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Shanghai site 2000

Invited Talks

"Better k-best Parsing, Hypergraphs, and Dynamic Programming."

   USC Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA June 2005

   Google Inc., Mountain View, CA Oct. 2005

   New York City NLP forum, New York, NY Nov. 2005

   Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Nov. 2005

   University of Rochester, Rochester, NY Nov. 2005

   Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA Dec. 2005


Working Papers

   Liang Huang, Kevin Knight, and Aravind Joshi (2006). Syntax-Directed Transla-tion with Extended Domain of Locality. In Submission.

  Rereed Conference and Workshop Papers

   Hao Zhang, Liang Huang, Dan Gildea and Kevin Knight (2006). Synchronous Bi-narization for Machine Translation. Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2006. To Appear.

   Liang Huang and David Chiang (2005). Better k-best Parsing. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT).

   Liang Huang, Hao Zhang and Daniel Gildea (2005). Machine Translation as Lex-icalized Parsing with Hooks. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT).

   Stephanie Weirich and Liang Huang (2004). A Design for Type-Directed Pro-gramming in Java. Proceedings of the Workshop on Object-Oriented Developments(WOOD). The extended version is University of Pennsylvania Computer and Infor-mation Science Technical Report MS-CIS-04-11.

   L. Huang, Y. Peng, Z. Wu, Z. Yuan, H. Wang and H. Liu (2003). Pseudo Context-Sensitive Models for Parsing Isolating Languages: Classical Chinese { A Case Study.

  Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Com-putational Linguistics (CICLING).

   L. Huang, Y. Peng, H. Wang, and Z.Wu (2002). PCFG Parsing for Restricted Clas-sical Chinese Texts. Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Chinese Processing (SIGHAN), Taipei.

  Monograph (in Chinese)

   Rujia Liu and Liang Huang (2003). The Art of Algorithms and Programming Contests Tsinghua University Press, Beijing.







  直接获取澳际顾问的咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。

  Professional Service

   Reviewer (PC member) for COLING-ACL 2006.

   Program Committee member, Workshop for Computationally Hard Problems in Speech and Language Processing, HLT-NAACL 2006.

   Reviewer, NESCAI: North East Student Colloquium on Arti cial Intelligence, 2006.

  Other Information

   Citizen of the People&aposs Republic of China. F-1 visa in the United States.

   Languages: Chinese (Wu/Mandarin) (native), English (uent), French (basic).

   Programming Languages: Python, Java, C/C++, Pascal, O&aposCaml, Prolog, Perl.

   Hobbies: Ping-Pong, Soccer, Classical Chinese Poetry, Classical Music, Go.


 Aravind K. Joshi

  Department of Computer and Information Science

  University of Pennsylvania

  Philadelphia, PA 19104


   Kevin Knight

  Information Sciences Institute

  University of Southern California

  Marina del Rey, CA 90262


   Fernando Pereira

  Department of Computer and Information Science

  University of Pennsylvania

  Philadelphia, PA 19104


   Mitch Marcus

  Department of Computer and Information Science

  University of Pennsylvania

  Philadelphia, PA 19104








  直接获取澳际顾问的咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。



  Contact Information

  3330 Walnut Street, Levine Hall Phone: (215) 898-8543

  Department of Computer and Information Science Fax: (215) 898-0587

  University of Pennsylvania lhuang3@cis.upenn.edu

  Philadelphia, PA 19104 www.aoji.cn

  Research Interests

  Computational Linguistics

  Ecient Algorithms for Parsing and Translation

  Syntax-based Machine Translation

  Grammar Formalisms and Tree Transducers

  Theoretical Computer Science

  Generic Dynamic Programming, Hypergraph and Semiring Frameworks

  Algorithms for k-best Problems


University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

  Ph.D. Student, Computer and Information Science

  Advisor: Prof. Aravind K. Joshi

  M.S.E., Computer and Information Science, May 2005

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, CHINA

  B.S., Computer Science (with highest distinction), July 2003

  Teaching Experience

  University of Pennsylvania

  Instructor, CSE 399-004 Python Programming Spring 2006

  Teaching Assistant, CSE 320 Algorithms Spring 2005

  Teaching Assistant, CSE 262 Automata, Complexity & Computability Fall 2004

  Awarded University Graduate Teaching Prize

  Research Experience

  Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC/ISI)

  Visiting Research Assistant Summer 2005

  Supervisors: Dr. Kevin Knight and Dr. Daniel Marcu

  Research on Statistical Syntax-based Machine Translation

   Synchronous Binarization for Decoding and Synchronous Parsing

   Machine Translation as Lexicalized Parsing with Hooks

   Stochastic Syntax-Directed Translation

  Research on Tree-Transducer Algorithms

   k-best extension of the Knuth 1977 Algorithm

  University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  Graduate Research Fellow Fall 2003 - present

  Supervisor: Prof. Aravind Joshi

  Research on both NLP (statistical parsing and Tree-Adjoining Grammars) and its

  application to the strutural modeling of biological sequences (in collaboration with

  Prof. Ken Dill&aposs group at UCSF).

  Independent Study Fall 2004

  Supervisors: Prof. Sampath Kannan and Prof. Junhyong Kim (Penn Biology)

  Research on algorithms for phylogeny reconstruction.

  Independent Study Spring 2004

  Supervisor: Prof. Stephanie Weirich

  Research on Type-Directed Java, an extension to Generic Java.







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