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  To whom it may concern,

  It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for Ms. ****, who was one of my favorite students in my class.As her teacher in the main course of Industrial Economy, I got to know her since nearly seven years ago. I distinctively remember that she is a clever girl with respect of her study. Ms. **** usually promoted some valuable questions and actively discussed these questions with me personally.

  She seldom accepted an opinion without any self- thinking and was critical with what especially international and domestic economical situation and latest computer technology. She read widely and intensively. During the three-year college studies, she enriched herself not only in academic study but also in the profoundness knowledge.

  **** as the monitor of her class ever assisted me to manage the whole class. No matter in classroom or in dormitory she always required herself with the standard of a monitor and performed her duty well. She ever helped many of her classmates in study or other living trivial matters. She was the monitor of her class for the whole three years and what she had done won the consistent commendation from teachers and her classmates. ****&aposs ability was presented not only in the class work but also in her performance in Student Union of our school. She was ever the head of Public

  Relation Section of our college for nearly two years. In the period time, she successfuly planed and conducted several large-scale activities, which caused much attention and produced positive fect in the whole school.

  I feel glad that **** is willing to study in your country. It is worthy proposal. I believe, in your country the field of her vision will be broadened and she will be able to learn more modern knowledge, which will be benicial for her own development in the future.As a teacher, I would like to see all my former and present students improve and perfect themselves constanly, therore it is my own will and pleasure torecommend **** to apply for a place at your program.

  Sincerely yours,


  Dean of Department of Economics




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