


2017/07/20 04:00:44 编辑: 浏览次数:232 移动端



  In the secondterm of my freshman year, I took an elective course called Preparation of Nano-ferrofluid, taught by Prof. XXX. In this class, I learned cutting-edgeinformation about the preparation, performance and application of ferrrofluid. Aftercompleting this class, ferrofluid became an important part of my universitylife. I was interested in the fluid at its first spike and decided to completeresearch about its field-induced interfacial phenomenon.

  UndergraduateInnovative Education Foundation:我们学校的特色,创新教育基金项目,类似于国家大学生创新性实验计划(www.aoji.cn ,相信211,985学校的同学对国家大学生创新计划并不陌生,这是体验研究的途径。

  At first, I feltdiscouraged that the experiment had not gone well, since I had spent so muchtime preparing for it. The encouragement of Prof. XXX and my reviewing andrevising the previous research strategy, however, gave me the strength toproceed. After several other elaborate tests, the display fect progressed. Icould present the spikes to people through electric control. However, I wantedto make the display more exciting, working to control the movement of ferrofluidvia the voice of people. As always, I moved heaven and earth to fulfill mygoal. But, I failed again, and therein discovered that I have a lot to learn,such as voice control technique.


  After completingthis project, I began to think more about the scientific principles behind theartistic field-induced phenomenon of ferrofluid spikes. Consequently, I appliedfor and began a second project in an fort to solve quantitative analysisproblems regarding ferrofluid’s behavior on a special magnetic body in extra-magneticfield. I devoted weekends and holidays to my research, even forsaking the ChineseNew Year with my family. After consulting with not only my Chinese professors,but also with overseas academics, such as Dr. xxx and Prof. xxx(这个有关如何陶瓷的,详见陶瓷部分)Unfortunately, however,given my dedication to my research, my studying for the GRE and other personalpressures, my GPA suffered in my third year of college. Yet, I remain confidentin my academic prowess. I won many scholarshiPS every year for my distinguishedperformance both in study and research, which covered my tuition and living expenses.


  Ferrofluid issmart and versatile. Indeed, it has its own curiosity and interest, which isexpressed in its always trying to find the max flux and shape itself withoutlosing its essence and key features. Similarly,whether I succeed or fail, my objective has always been and always will be thesame: to search constantly for the new and the interesting. The article Magneticfluid and nanoparticle applications to nanotechnology written by Prof. xxx and my private communication with him has expanded my vision and instilledin me many potential research ideas. At MIT, The Research Laboratory ofElectronics and nanoEECS will give me the opportunity to enjoy state-of-the-artequipment and both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. Finally, thepersevering spirit of MIT founder Doctor Rogers also impresses me. I believethat pursuing a Ph.D. at MIT will allow me to continue on my search for the manyqualities of ferrofluid as well as prepare me for my end goal of finding a goodposition in the academic world, perhaPS as a faculty member of a University, orjoining the Ferrotec Corporation, or maybe even becoming an industrialscientist like Dr. xxx

  These ambitions may be lofty, but I have the confidence that I can reach my goals viacompleting a Ph.D. at MIT.


  对于Why XXX university or why XXX department这类问题,其实各大学校,各大系都已经在他们主页上说了出来,只不过有时不是那么明显。你要做的就是写出真正这个学校吸引你的是哪方面,当然全部照搬学校的说辞肯定是不对。比如某个学校的motto吸引了你,VT的motto“Ut Prosim (That I MayServe)”就吸引了我。再比如某些学校的labrotation可以让你灵活选择,同样都可以写。








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