

留学生找工作必读:cover letter的写法.

2017/07/20 03:54:30 编辑: 浏览次数:202 移动端

  cover letter求职信是留学生找工作时非常重要的信件,那么cover letter该如何写呢?有没有模板可以借鉴呢?下面澳际小编给大家整理了相关信息,一定可以帮助你。有问题?找免费的顾问为你解答吧。>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问

  A cover letter is a summary of the reasons why you are the best candidate for the position. Its purpose is to make the reader want to read more about you in your resume and to get you an interview. It can help answer three questions that are often on the mind of the employer:

  Can you do the the job?

  show you have the right abilities, skills, knowledge and experience.

  Will you do the job?

  show are you are very interested in the work itself and that you have the other attitudes necessary for success in the role and in the company.

  Will you fit in?

  show how your values and goals match the company&aposs values and goals. Your language and stories can also demonstrate how you might fit in with clients and co-workers.

  Your written communication skills are assessed by employers in your applications, and particularly in your cover letter. Employers may be assessing any of the following:

  How well you structure written information.

  How well and how clearly you express your ideas.

  How well you target your communication to your audience.

  Your grammar and spelling ability.

  Your understanding of document formatting.

  Your attention to detail in regards to typos and information.

  Cover letters can also demonstrate your analytical abilities. Employers will be assessing how well you have researched the organisation and the position and how you have analysed and addressed the company&aposs needs in the letter.

  Include a cover letter with every application you make but don&apost use the same cover letter for different positions. Each letter should be specific to the position and the organisation. Employers recognise standard letters and will know you have not put in the fort they expect.

  Sample cover letters:





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