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cover letter怎么写呢?美国留学申请中,Cover letter是非常必要的,所谓Cover letter,即材料清单,就像目录一样,在所有申请材料的最前端,说明你的申请材料包括哪些内容,之所以说Cover letter重要,因为它是申请人给评审委员会的第一印象,一份整齐的Cover letter,才会使录取委员会心情更好地阅读你的申请材料,所以,大家一定要重视Cover letter的写作。有问题?找免费的顾问为你解答吧。>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问
下面对麻省理工学院Cover letter要求进行分析,帮助大家准备Cover letter.
Prepare a cover letter (up to 500 words) seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Describe your accomplishments and include an example of how you had an impact on a group or organization. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence and be addressed to Mr. Rod Garcia, Director of MBA Admissions.
Prepare a cover letter (up to 500 words) seeking a place in the MIT Sloan Master of Finance (M.Fin.) Program. Describe your short-term and long-term goals and provide specific reasons why you want to enter the MIT Sloan M.Fin. Program. The cover letter should conform to business standards and be addressed to Mr. Rod Garcia, Director of Admissions.
Ah, the ol MIT cover letter.
Bore we crack this sucker, let’s take a super bri glimpse at the content portion:
- Accomplishments
- Examples of how you had an impact on a group or organization.
Fairly straightforward. But as usual… context is everything here. If the question had said “Describe your accomplishments and include an example of how you had an impact on a group or organization,” and they gave you 500 words, your approach would be COMPLETELY different.
It’s all about context. All about the medium.
If you’re a magician, and you’ve been thrown into a GIGANTIC Las Vegas venue… you’re not gonna do sleight of hand. It’s wrong for the medium.
If you’re a mime, you’re not gonna perform your greatest act… on the radio. Wrong for the medium.
What’s the right approach for a cover letter then? Well, let’s think about it. What are cover letters used for? More often than not—-> Getting Job Interviews.
They are sales pitches of yourself to get that phone call that goes, “Yeah, we wanna know more.” You’re gonna say JUST the right amount of stuff (not too much, not too little) to get them leaning forward with interest. A great cover letter contains the following elements:
- conveys an authentic passion for “the job/organization”
- conveys clarity in argument for how the applicant FITS with the job/organization
- brandishes confidence… confidence… confidence
- in case I forgot to mention confidence, let me say it now—> great cover letters drrrrrrip with confidence
There are some twists with this one, of course. 500 words? Eeep. That’s a LOT. But we’ll dance. You’re applying to MIT. Not for bschool, not as part of an application, wipe that. You’re applying to MIT, Inc. They have a limited number of seats, you want one. It’s THAT simple. Why should they call you in for an interview?
This should sound like a starter pistol’s shot. You need to make a pitch for why you are worthy of one of their seats. But not in a desperate way; rather… through a confident, compelling, and engaging pitch. Every company has a THING. If you’re applying to Google, you’re not gonna talk about how you don’t like to think outside the box. If you’re applying to NASA you’re not gonna center your argument around your greatest passion being your stamp collection. Think about what THEY (the companies) are after, right? In this case MIT is a company that’s gonna hire you to perform a job. That job is to get really good. At something. Eventually, you’re gonna leave MIT and make a lot of money. Or innovate in some field, somehow. And either give the school a lot of money as an alum, or do a lot of free advertising through your success everytime it comes up that you went to a little place called MIT for your MBA.
What does that all mean in terms of what you need to write about?
You need to convince them that YOU = FUTURE SUCCESS.
Goals. Dreams. Aspirations…. and some proof that you can pull it off. Hence, the accomplishments request. Now, they want to SEE you in action, so they want to walk them through the way you had an impact on an organization. This is all about what you DID—in terms of actions. Not just bullet points off your resume. Remember, this is NOT your resume right? The descriptions here should be full of action words, easy to picture for the reader.
Hit them with a nice clear, intriguing pitch for your future goals. Talk brily about a key accomplishment or two. Illustrate your style and impact in an example. Then, as you close, if you’ve done your job correctly… they’re fairly convinced, and now you can cinch it by revealing your passion for the place. This is where I want to be and here’s why. Do NOT do that boring thing of “this class will help me blahh, and this will help me that.” No, make a crisp and EARNEST pitch for why you’re all about Sloan.
Format should be boring and conform to standard, professional business cover letter convention. But the content should make them wet for an interview.
通过上面对cover letter怎么写的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好Cover Letter准备。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲