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Yale Law School
Deadline: Feb.15
Personal statement
Please submit a personal statement that will enable the Admissions Committee to make a fully informed judgment on your application. Many applicants include the personal statement they have prepared for other law school applications.
250-word essay
Write an essay of not more than 250 words about a subject of your choice. The Admissions Committee looks to the 250-word essay to evaluate an applicant&aposs writing, reasoning, and editing skills. The subject is not limited; the choice of topic itself may be informative to the readers.
Harvard law school
Deadline 2.1
Limit your statement to two pages, typed, double-spaced, minimum 11-point font and 1-inch margins.
The personal statement is intended as an opportunity to give the Admissions Committee a better sense of who you are as a person and as a potential student and graduate of Harvard Law School. In many instances, applicants have used the personal statement to provide more context on how their experiences and strengths could make them valuable contributors to the Harvard and legal communities, to illuminate their intellectual background and interests, or toclarify or elaborate on other information in their application. Because applicants and their experiences differ, you are the best person to determine the content of your statement.
Stanford law school
Deadline: Feb.1
Please attach a statement of about two pages describing important or unusual aspects of yourselfnot otherwise apparent in your application.
Columbia law
Deadline: Feb.15
Candidates to Columbia Law School are required to submit a personal essay or statement supplementing required application materials. Such a statement may provide the Admissions Committee with information regarding such matters as: personal, family, or educational background; experiences and talents of special interest; reasons for applying to law school as they may relate to personal goals and professional expectations; or any other factors that you think should inform the Committee&aposs evaluation of your candidacy for admission. This statement should be attached electronically
Chicago law school
Deadline 2.1
Please use the personal statement to introduce yourself to the Admissions Committee and to help the Committee get to know you on a personal level. It should demonstrate your contribution to the Law School community beyond simply academics. The Admissions Committee generally finds that a statement that focuses on a unique personal attribute or experience is usually the most informative (as opposed to a restatement of your qualifications or resume). If there are particular aspects of your background (e.g., racial, ethnic, or religious identification, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation) that you would like to highlight, please include this information in your personal statement.
While there is no page or word limit on the personal statement, please note that the Admissions Committee values an applicant&aposs ability to communicate his or her thoughts in a clear and concise manner. The Admissions Committee typically finds that 2-4 pages is a sufficient length for most personal statements.
NYU law school
Deadline 2.15
Please clearly identify your personal statement and include your name and LSAC Account number on all attachments.
Michigan law
Deadline 2.15
While the form and content of your essays are up to you, for ease of reading, please usedouble-spacing and at least an 11-point font.
There is no formula for a successful personal statement, and different individuals will find different topics to be well-suited to them. Applicants have, for example, elaborated on theirsignificant life experiences; meaningful intellectual interests and extracurricular activities; factors inspiring them to obtain a legal education or to pursue particular career goals; significant obstacles met and overcome; special talents or skills; issues of sexual or gender identity; particular political, philosophical, or religious belis; socioeconomic challenges; atypical backgrounds, educational paths, employment histories, or prior careers; or experiences and perspectives relating to disadvantage, disability, or discrimination. Any of these subjects, and many more, could be an appropriate basis for communicating important information about yourself that will aid us in reaching a thoughtful decision. The length of your personal statement is up to you.
U Penn
Deadline: Mar.1
The Admissions Committee requires that every applicant submit an original example of written expression. The purpose of this personal statement is to provide you with as flexible an opportunity as possible to submit information that you deem important to your candidacy. You may wish to describe aspects of your background and interests--intellectual, personal or professional--and how you will uniquely contribute to the Penn Law community and/or the legal profession. Please limit your statement to two pages, double spaced and label it as "Personal Statement" with your name and LSAC account number on each page.
UC Berkeley
Deadline: Feb.1
Please provide more information about yourself in a written personal statement. The subject matter of the essay is up to you, but keep in mind that the reader will be seeking a sense of you as a person and as a potential student and graduate of Berkeley Law.
Berkeley Law seeks to enroll a class with varied backgrounds and interests. If you wish, you may discuss how your interests, background, life experiences, and perspectives would contribute to the diversity of the entering class. If applicable, you may alsodescribe any disadvantages that may have adversely affected your past performance or that you have successfully overcome, including linguistic barriers or a personal or family history of cultural, educational, or socioeconomic disadvantage.
Your personal statement should be limited to four double-spaced pages. The thoughts and words contained therein must be your own and no one else should assist in its creation beyond basic proofreading and critiquing. Please include your name and LSAC account number on each page of the statement.
Virginia law School
Deadline: Mar.1
Upload a personal statement to the e-application in your own words that provides information you believe relevant to the admissions decision not elicited elsewhere in the application. The statement is your opportunity to tell us about yourself; it may address your intellectual interests, significant accomplishments or obstacles overcome, personal or professional goals, educational achievements, or any way in which your perspective or experiences will add to the richness of the educational environment at the Law School.
Deadline: Feb.15
You must submit a personal statement with your application. This is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee. Include (1) what you think have been your significant personal experiences beyond what may be rlected in your academic transcripts and on your résumé, and (2) your personal and career ambitions. There is no required length. The personal statement must be your own work. This means that the ideas and the expressions originated with you, and you wrote all drafts and the final product. It does not preclude asking family members, friends, pre-law advisors, and others for proofreading assistance or general feedback.
Deadline: Feb.15
Include a typed personal statement (recommended length: one to three pages, double-spaced). Please look upon this essay as an opportunity to introduce yourself to members of the Admissions Committee. In doing so, keep in mind that the committee evaluates applicants in many areas beyond test scores. We encourage you to discuss personal and professional goals that are important to you and to include information about your achievements. Feel free to comment further about your education, background, community involvement, and strengths and weaknesses in certain courses or activities. Please type your name and LSAC account number on the top of each page. The statement should be electronically attached.
February 1, 2012
Part of your application is the separate personal statement in which you may discuss any matter you feel is relevant to our admission decision. The choice of subject is lt to you, but our desire is to learn something about you that we may not be able to learn from the other elements of the application. If you applied with a paper application, please use the enclosed personal statement form, or attach a separate sheet of paper and label this sheet as a Personal Statement. Try to limit your statement to two pages and use double spacing and at least 11 point font.
Georgetown law center
Deadline Mar.1
You may write your personal statement on any subject of importance that you feel will assist us in our decision. (Please double-space)
UT Austin
Deadline Feb.1
Your personal statement should give the Admissions Committee insight into your character and experiences.
A personal statement is required of each applicant and is an opportunity to give the committee insight into individual experiences and characteristics. Personal statements are limited to two double-spaced pages (please, no small fonts). However, applicants will have the opportunity to submit optional addenda to explain unusual circumstances, such as a period of poor academic performance, academic sanctions, history of problems with standardized tests, history of overcoming disadvantage, prior law school matriculation, criminal matters, etc.
Your personal statement may not exceed two (2) typewritten, double-spaced pages with a minimum font size of 11 points.
Deadline: Feb.1
Please upload a separate essay not to exceed two pages, and no less than 12-point font. In this essay, you may discuss any matters relevant to your ability to succeed in law school and the practice of law and any attributes, experiences, or interests that would enable you to make a distinctive contribution to the law school and/or the legal profession.
Deadline Mar.15
Please present yourself to the admissions committee by writing a personal statement. You may write about your background, experiences, interest in law, aspirations, or any topic that you feel will help readers of your application get a sense of you as a person and prospective law student. Please attach your statement to this electronic application form. Please limit your statement to two pages and provide your name and LSAC account number (if available) on each page.
USC Gould School of Law
Deadline: Feb.1
The admissions committee gives carul attention to your personal statement. We are particularly interested in your motivation for studying law, your academic background, and qualities you possess that may enhance the diversity of our student body. If you are a college senior or recent graduate, you may wish to mention your work history and extracurricular activities. If you have spent a year or more in the work force after college, tell us about your employment experience; enclose a resume to illustrate your chronological work history.
There is no specific word or page requirement or limit for your personal statement. However, the committee values carully crafted essays that are clear, concise, and compelling.
George Washington University
Deadline Apri.5
An applicant should submit a personal statement on any subject of importance that he or she feels will assist the Admissions Committee in its decision. It should be no more than two pages double-spaced. Applicants may also submit an optional statement discussing characteristics and accomplishments they believe will contribute positively to the GW Law community and to the legal profession.
Boston University
March 1, 2012
Your personal statement should discuss the significant personal, social, or academic experiences that have contributed to your decision to study law. Most personal statements are approximately two pages long. Please double-space your personal statement and any optional essays.
Optional Essay
In addition to your personal statement, you may wish to provide an additional essay. This essay is your opportunity to discuss any aspect of your background or life experience that you believe will enhance your ability to contribute to the diverse BU classroom experience and community. BU Law values and recognizes the importance of diversity. An ethnically, socio-economically and otherwise diverse class is essential to the education of each student. As a producer of leaders in legal practice, government or other public service, academia and business, BU Law continues its long-standing tradition of providing opportunities for persons of all backgrounds and providing the excellent training to which a diverse classroom is indispensable.
Washington University (Saint Louis)
March 1
A personal statement, approximately one to three pages in length, is required. Successful applicants have written about significant experiences and sources of personal motivation
Boston College
March 1
Please provide us with a personal statement that rlects on your capacity to pursue legal study and your desire to enter the legal profession. In crafting your essay, you may choose to address one of the following topics, to the extent you believe it rlects on your character and fitness to study the law:
a.) a major life experience that has colored your world view;
b.) significant coursework undertaken in college, and/or professional experience which rlects on your ability to succeed as a law student;
c.) unique personal characteristics or traits that you will bring to the BC Law community.
The varied backgrounds and exceptional talents of our students contribute tremendously to the quality of the education at the University of Minnesota Law School. Through the personal statement, the Admissions Committee seeks insight into the abilities, motivation and experiences of an applicant, as well as an assessment of writing ability. An applicant&aposs personal statement also should explain why he or she wishes to obtain a law degree at the University of Minnesota. Additional information about the personal statement requirements can be found on the instructions page of the application for admission.
Two to five pages in length, double-spaced
UC Davis
Two to Four type-written pages, double spaced. A Diversity Statement or Addendum may be included in this four page limit though neither is required.
University of Illinois college of law (UIUC)
Include a typed personal statement of 2 to 3 pages, double spaced. There is no formula for a successful personal statement, and different applicants will have different approaches and topics for their essays. At Illinois, we look beyond test scores and grades to find the applicants that are best suited for success. We encourage you to discuss significant life experiences; meaningful extracurricular activities; why you have chosen to pursue a career in the law; significant obstacles met and overcome; particular political, philosophical, or religious belis; prior careers; or experiences relating to disadvantage, disability, or discrimination. Any of these subjects, and countless others, could be appropriate for your personal statement and will assist the committee in selecting the best individuals to study at Illinois.
William Mary
Please attach a bri personal statement that might identify factors such as activities or accomplishments, personal or cultural background, career goals, or special talents that you believe would contribute to the Law School community and would support your application to William & Mary Law School.
March 1, 2012
The personal statement is required for all applicants. The application form contains complete instructions regarding the personal statement. It asks that applicants write a personal statement (limited to two to three pages) that addresses the following topics:
Why do you wish to study law?
Why do you want to study at The University of Iowa?
What has been your most significant accomplishment?
How would you contribute to our law school community and the legal profession?
Describe any life experiences that would indicate your drive, determination, motivation, and/or leadership characteristics.
NCU (North Carolina)
The personal statement should be double spaced and in no less than 10 point type. The total number of pages allowed is four pages for the required questions and two for the optional questions, for a maximum of six pages. The resume can be up to three pages.
Topic One
The legal profession plays a vital role in the pursuit of justice and in sustaining the institutions of society, including governments, private corporations and organizations, nonprofit organizations, families and individuals. Please write a statement discussing why you want to become a member of the legal profession and why you think you are prepared for the ethical, professional, and time demands of the profession.
Topic Two
What is your reason for choosing the University of North Carolina School of Law? How does the institution meet your educational and/or your professional goals?
Topics One and Two may be answered as a single 3-4 page response
Topic Three
The University of North Carolina School of Law seeks to enroll a wide variety of students (including individuals from groups under represented in the legal profession as well as those who have experienced economic, social, or educational disadvantages because of their personal circumstances or characteristics). We find that a breadth of experiences and viewpoints enriches the educational environment for everyone. Please write a statement discussing what you might contribute to the diversity of experiences and viewpoints of the student body.
Topic Four
The School of Law is committed to a full evaluation of your credentials. Please set forth any circumstances you believe may have negatively affected your cumulative undergraduate grade-point average, your performance on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and/or your participation in service or extracurricular activities.
All applicants are required to answer Topic One and Topic Two. Topics Three and Four are optional. Topics One and Two may be answered as a single 3-4 page response, or as individual responses within the same document. Attach the document to “Statement Topic 1 and 2”.
Topics Three and Four are optional but must be answered individually within the same document. Either Attach the document to “Topic 3 and 4 (optional)”, or include in the same document with topics One and Two.
All essays should be double-spaced and no less than 10 point type. No additional addenda is permitted within personal statements.
You may choose to write about any topic(s) you believe would be most helpful to the Admission Committee. The Personal Statement should not exceed two pages (typed, double-spaced). Applicants will disadvantage themselves by disregarding this limit.
Lawyers are professional writers. In our experience, virtually all employers are looking for graduates with superior legal writing skills. Emory devotes substantial resources to teaching legal writing, and all students receive significant individualized attention. Students who come to law school with solid writing skills are in the best position to take advantage of this training. Accordingly, in making admission decisions, Emory looks carully at writing ability as evidenced by the LSAT essay, submissions with the application, and letters of recommendation.
Notre Dame
Your Personal Statement is extremely valuable to those who review your application for admission to Notre Dame Law School. You are strongly encouraged to develop a thoughtful statement that provides the committee with insights that cannot be obtained from the CAS report or your résumé. Your Personal Statement should be electronically attached, labeled Personal Statement, and include your name and LSAC account number on each page. The Personal Statement should not exceed two double-spaced pages.
Indiana Bloomington
Please write a bri personal statement that tells us about you. The best statement will highlight the special strengths and experiences that you would bring to our law school and the legal profession. These may include demonstrated evidence of leadership, responsibility, creativity, commitment to social justice, international and/or cross-cultural experience, and significant work experience, including caregiving. You may use this statement or a bri addendum to tell us how your presence would make the class more diverse.
We require a "personal statement" on a topic of your choosing. This allows you to demonstrate your ability to communicate fectively and concisely through your writing ability. Sharing this information provides another opportunity for us to get to know you beyond your academic record. Your personal statement should not exceed two pages double spaced.
College of William and Mary
Submit a personal statement with the application and, if you choose, an optional essay as identified in the application.
Note theoptional essays for applicants with a special interest in the Institute of Bill of Rights Law, Center for Legal and Courtroom Technology, Election Law Program, and Law Library Fellowships. Applicants may submit optional addenda with whatever additional information they wish to have considered in their application.
Yale Law School
Deadline: Feb.15
Personal statement
Please submit a personal statement that will enable the Admissions Committee to make a fully informed judgment on your application. Many applicants include the personal statement they have prepared for other law school applications.
250-word essay
Write an essay of not more than 250 words about a subject of your choice. The Admissions Committee looks to the 250-word essay to evaluate an applicant&aposs writing, reasoning, and editing skills. The subject is not limited; the choice of topic itself may be informative to the readers.
Harvard law school
Deadline 2.1
Limit your statement to two pages, typed, double-spaced, minimum 11-point font and 1-inch margins.
The personal statement is intended as an opportunity to give the Admissions Committee a better sense of who you are as a person and as a potential student and graduate of Harvard Law School. In many instances, applicants have used the personal statement to provide more context on how their experiences and strengths could make them valuable contributors to the Harvard and legal communities, to illuminate their intellectual background and interests, or toclarify or elaborate on other information in their application. Because applicants and their experiences differ, you are the best person to determine the content of your statement.
Stanford law school
Deadline: Feb.1
Please attach a statement of about two pages describing important or unusual aspects of yourselfnot otherwise apparent in your application.
Columbia law
Deadline: Feb.15
Candidates to Columbia Law School are required to submit a personal essay or statement supplementing required application materials. Such a statement may provide the Admissions Committee with information regarding such matters as: personal, family, or educational background; experiences and talents of special interest; reasons for applying to law school as they may relate to personal goals and professional expectations; or any other factors that you think should inform the Committee&aposs evaluation of your candidacy for admission. This statement should be attached electronically
Chicago law school
Deadline 2.1
Please use the personal statement to introduce yourself to the Admissions Committee and to help the Committee get to know you on a personal level. It should demonstrate your contribution to the Law School community beyond simply academics. The Admissions Committee generally finds that a statement that focuses on a unique personal attribute or experience is usually the most informative (as opposed to a restatement of your qualifications or resume). If there are particular aspects of your background (e.g., racial, ethnic, or religious identification, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation) that you would like to highlight, please include this information in your personal statement.
While there is no page or word limit on the personal statement, please note that the Admissions Committee values an applicant&aposs ability to communicate his or her thoughts in a clear and concise manner. The Admissions Committee typically finds that 2-4 pages is a sufficient length for most personal statements.
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