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  One of the most appealing features of Physics is the way that complex physical phenomena can be explained by simple and elegant theories. I enjoy the logical aspect of the subject and I find it very satisfying when all the separate pieces of a problem fall together to create one simple theory. My interest and aptitude for maths adds an extra dimension to Studying science, particularly Physics. I relish the challenge of a complicated problem both in physics and mathematics. I am also a keen practical physicist, during a degree I would like to keep in touch with the practical side of the subject.

  My interest in science extends outside the classroom. I keep up to date with new developments and ideas by reading around my school subjects in books and also in journals such as "New Scientist" and "Scientific American". I have read books by Richard Feynman, Richard Dawkins and lan Stewart, I also particularly enjoyed John Archibald Wheeler&aposs "A Journey into Gravity and Spacetime". These books challenge me in a way that is very different from the way in which I am required to think at school.Over the summer holidays of 2001 I arranged three weeks of work experience in the Department of Materials Science at the University of Oxford. During this time I worked with three different research groups studying the atomic structure of surfaces, use of the 3D atom probe, and the structure of magnetic storage surfaces. The work on magnetic surfaces was particularly exciting because it was a new development that could have a significant impact. I also wrote some documents for them, such as a guide to help students find Materials Science resources on the Internet. The whole experience was very usul because I had to apply what I had leamt at school to unfamiliar areas, thus using my brain in an entirely new way.I am a keen sportsman both in and out of school, having represented my school, and the Oxford Devils&apos under-17 team, at basketball. For the past three years I have played cricket for the school team, being captain for two years I have been in the Oxfordshire cricket squad for my age group since the age of thirteen and have been a senior player at Bicester and North Oxford-Cricket Club since 1998. Playing team sports has taught me a lot about the importance of team work and I believe I can apply this in a working environment. Recently, I discovered an enthusiasm for scuba diving, and have achieved my open water diving license.During my time at university I aim to get a first class education that will stand me in good stead for entering the world of work; I also want to continue my education in an environment in which I can thrive mentally. In return, the university will get a student who is hard working, always willing to learn and will put something back into the community.


  My fascination with science started at a very early age. The branch of science that interested me most had always been physics. My approach led me to ask questions like “What makes the InterCity 125 the (then) fastest train in the world?” after having travelled on it. Hence I pursued a string of hobbies such as trainspotting, concentrating on things like the power of the engines and how they work. When they ran into one another, I would ask questions such as “What makes the cab crumple in the way that it does? What if instead I bash two neutrons together at near to the speed of light?” In order to keep up to date with all the new developments I read the New Scientist every week. I have chosen to do Physics at university simply as a quest for knowledge. My interest in music gradually merged with my interest in physics as I learnt to tune the Harpsichord and listening out for ‘resultants’ which are the tell-tale sign of bad tuning. In the universities that offer it, I have chosen to do Physics/Music joint degrees so that I can extend my understanding of the physical phenomena of music and can also enjoy my violin-playing. In other universities I have chosen courses that delay specialisation because I have also a strong interest in the chemistry of materials. In my free time I pursue a wide range of activities including music (performing, listening and composing, specialising in the music of the Baroque period, having attained A/B Grade 8 on the Violin and Grade 5 with Distinction in Theory), circuit design and construction, calligraphy, philately, software design and computer programming (Pascal, C, HTML, BASIC, 8086 and 6502 Assembler), typesetting and publishing - including the school arts magazine “Cerulean”, sailing in dinghies, visiting historical sites and reading about them. I have been a committee member of the computer society, secretary of the junior scripture union, an assistant school librarian, a cricketer in the 3rd XI, on the committee of the School Student Council and on the panel of the “Young Enterprise” scheme. When Science ‘at home’ happened in 1995 I presented a very successful display on rates of reaction and I subsequently gained an academic scholarship to Felsted. I have given various talks as a member of the debating society, representing my division and the school in various debates. After having been awarded a Senior Scholarship in the Lower Sixth at Felsted, I was invited to join the “Andrew Society”, the senior academic society of the school, to which I gave various presentations. I have also played in at least 7 orchestras, participated in various plays & musicals, sung in various choirs, rehearsed the orchestra for the “divisional music contest” and led the William Wood Harpsichord Trio for 2 years, including an item in a concert at the Usher Hall. During the Summer I was responsible for the Northern Festival Sinfonia, and organised a charity concert for them which raised a substantial amount of money for the Handel House Trust. In my Lower Sixth I spent considerable time helping with the maintenance and repairs of the school computers and the network, and also wrote various applications some of which have been released as shareware. Thus, this summer I was able to work as a freelance computing consultant in Edinburgh. I have been very interested in pottery and the chemistry of glazes, when I had the opportunity to attend a pottery class after school. In my upbringing I attended various masterclasses on Mathematics and Physics, a Theology class every week for 3 years, the ‘Understanding Industry’ course and an SSPCA ‘Caring for Animals’ course in 1994, obtained 3 Gold certificates in Scottish Mathematics competitions, including one ‘best in school’, as well as qualifying as a Leading Seaman in CCF Navy.

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