

美国留学 化学工程专业个人陈述.

2017/07/20 03:27:56 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:744 移动端


  Sample PS_ Chemical Engineering

  Personal Statement

  I am enchanted with chemistry; whenever I see the various and complex chemical reactions at the molecular level, I feel that I have entered a brand new world.

  It was in my senior year of high school that I came in contact with chemistry courses. When the chemistry teacher demonstrated the synthesis process of polyethylene through the computer, I saw that the ethylene monomer model opened the double bonds and connected together under the reaction conditions and catalyst, so that double bonds, open chains, chaining, and other processes, which had been obscure and abstract previously, suddenly became detailed and clear. Later I found that the polymers were widely used in daily life, ranging from the plastic cups to making artificial bones and hearts, along with other advanced scientific products. In further studies I came to know that the exploration for inorganic matter had reached a certain limit, yet there was still much unexplored, especially high polymers. Therore, without hesitation, I selected chemistry for my major at the Chemical Engineering and Technology Department of XX University.

  I was excited to be able to learn my beloved subject, so in the past four years I took full advantage of all the chances to learn practical operation and application related to chemistry. In my junior year I took part in the chemical engineering course design, which was to design the packing rectifying tower. The design involved extensive knowledge relating to packing tower, including the option of packing, calculation of the technical size of the packing tower calculation of packing layer drop, selection and arrangement of the packing tower internals, and so on. One difficulty in the design was the selection of one of the packing tower internal components: the liquid distribution device. I selected the slotted liquid distributor after much research in the library. Such design solved the problems of the uneven gas-liquid distribution and resistance, which appeared in traditional similar packing towers. When I brought my design scheme to my teacher, I received a positive evaluation. My design and self-study were greatly improved through this design, which also increased my confidence in the field of chemistry field.

  Due to my excellent performance, I was selected for the chemical research group in my senior year, becoming the only undergraduate in the group. I studied mPEG, poly (SA, LA), and mPEG triblock co-polymer. I took part in the core part of the project: preparation of sebacic acid anhydride prepolymer, preparation of sebacic acid-D,L lactic acid prepolymer, synthesis of the ultimate target product, and measured the drug release of the obtained products. The project enabled me to grasp more complicated experiment operations, and gave me a clear and complete understanding for the professional field. Furthermore, it enabled me to possess the required qualities of a good chemist, gaining knowledge in the research method, research process, test design, and planning. In the end I realized that what I learned in the application of biology has a very promising development, not only because it is full of infinite possibilities, but it can also benit humankind.

  There was still a big gap between China and the United States with respects to materials of the macromolecule field. So for my future studies, I am most interested in two aspects. The first is the development of environment-friendly materials. Because of its high costs in China, environmental-friendly materials are not used much. I hope to not only find new environment-friendly materials, but also lower its cost and increase its production. The second direction I am interested in is the study of polymeric biomedical materials. I think that many incurable diseases can be cured with the development of medical technology in combination with polymer materials. Therore, I also hope my future overlaps the two fields: chemistry and medicine.

  The United States is leading in the field of polymer materials. So it is my dream to have my graduate studies in America. After comparing similar graduate projects offered by various universities, I selected your university because I think that both the teaching and research aspects in regards to my two focus directions are the best. I believe the education of your university will be able to meet my desire for research and knowledge. Besides this, your university has an excellent reputation, high quality faculty, advanced teaching equipment, rich campus activities, and numerous outstanding alumni.

  After I graduate I plan to come back to China and work for a chemical company, for example GE, where I hope to take part in the study of polymeric membrane used in the water treatment process, or perhaps Johnson & Johnson, where I hope to conduct research on polymer materials of artificial organs. My long-term goal is to be able to establish my own research lab. I hope what I learn can benit more people.




  最后一段,谈到了对未来的详细规划, 短期和长期的目标。目标写的很细化也很实际。能够感到申请者对该行业的了解和对职业生涯有名确的规划。


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