

留学申请信 研究生在读证明中英文版.

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  对于正在准备出国手续但还未毕业的学生,一份在研究生在读证明肯定是必不可少的,申请人的在读证明要两份,中英文各一,下面我们为大家提供四份在读证明中英文模板,希望给正在申请出国的在读同学提供帮助。另外,学校学生处一般也备有在读证明范文。 研究生在读证明中英文范文 兹证明XXX(男/女,出生于XXXX年XX月)为南京大学在读硕士研究生,学号为MG______________。该生自2004年九月至今在物理学系理论物理专业学习,将于__年__月毕业。我校是被中华人民共和国教育部认可的全日制高等学校。 XX大学研究生院 年 月 日 Education Certificate This is to certify that XXX (male/female, born on ) is now studying in the master graduate program at Nanjing University and his/her student number is MG__________. He/She has been enrolled in the Department of Physics, majoring in Theoretical Physics from September 2004 to present and he/she will be awarded the Certificate of Graduation in ________. The Nanjing University is a full-time accredited school for higher education approved by the Education Ministry of the People&aposs Republic of China. The Graduate School of XX University Mar 11th, 2008 以上为大家提供研究生在读证明中英文范文。研究生在读证明仅对正在申请出国留学但尚未毕业的学生有效,且对于在读学生而言,在读证明(中英文各一份)是必备的申请材料,并需要公证处公证。

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