

摆脱千篇一律 美国硕士留学申请信攻略.

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:170 移动端


  YOU 认识你自己

  1. Whatthings in your life are you most proud of? 在你的生活中,什么事让你最自豪?

  2. Whatwould your best friend say are your very best qualities? 在你的好朋友眼里,你最好的品质是什么?

  3.Whatis the biggest challenge you have faced and how did you overcome it? 你遭遇的最大挑战是什么,你是如何完成它的?


  1.Whydid you choose your major? 你为什么选择你现在的专业?

  2.Haveyou gone beyond what is required of you by the curriculum at any time? Pleasedescribe. 你有没有做出过超出课程要求的努力?请描述。

  3.Whatwere the high points of your undergraduate study? 你的本科学习过程中取得过什么成就让你尤为骄傲?

  4.What areas of your major particularly motivate you? 你所学(选)专业的哪方面让你特别有兴趣?

  5.Whatdo you see as the gaps or flaws in your application, and would you like youressay to address these? 你认为你有什么缺点或问题会成为你申请的障碍?你希望你的文书中提到这些问题吗?

  6.Whyare you passionate about the subject you are applying for at postgraduatelevel? 你为什么对你申请的这个方向感兴趣?

  7.Whatis it about your target institution(s) that particularlyinterests/excites/motivates you? 你的目标学校在哪方面特别吸引你或者激励你?

  8.Doyou have any publications or any major prizes which you would like us tomention? 你是否有任何与专业相关的文章公开发表或者获得奖项可在文书中提及的?

  9.Arethere any news, academic or industry articles which you feel ought to bererenced in your statement? If so please provide web links. 有任何新闻、学术文章或者行业文章你认为需要在文书中被引用的吗?

  10.(Forscience/engineering majors) Please tell us about any practical experiences suchas research groups you have been a part of, projects you have undertaken or anyother technical achievements which you feel contribute to your application. (针对理工科学生)请告诉我们任何有关科研方面的实践,例如作为研究团队的一员参与项目的研发或者取得了相关的技术成果,只要是你认为可能对申请有帮助的经历都可以。

  Extracurricular 课外活动

  1.Doyou feel you have contributed to the life of your fellow students or theuniversity as a whole? How? 总体而言,你觉得你对于周围同学有没有帮助?对你的学校有没有做出贡献?请描述。

  2.Pleasedescribe any wider forms of socially responsible activities to which you havecontributed. 你还参加过哪些有意义的社会活动?请描述你在其中发挥的作用。

  3. Have you been involved in any competitive activities, won any prizes orbeen awarded any scholarships which you feel are relevant to your application? 你有没有参加过与你申请相关的竞争性活动(如比赛),获奖或得到过相关奖学金?

  4. What ‘soft skills’ have you exhibited or developed during the last three years? 本科三年内你有没有培养自己的“软技能”?

  5. Have you been part of a team? 你参加过什么团队?

  6. Have you led a team? 你有没有领导过一个团队?

  7.Solved a practical problem? 有没有解决过实际问题?

  8.Haveyou ever made a pitch to an audience?Giveexamples. 你有没有过说服别人接受你的想法的经历?(比如做一个研究课题的presentation,在实习中向上级推荐新方法,或者参加辩论)

  9.Do you have any hobbies or special skills you would like to talk aboutin your essay? 你有没有什么爱好或特别的技能希望写在文书中?

  Professional and Future 未来规划

  1.Pleasedescribe internships you have undertaken, why you chose them and what theytaught you. What was the most challenging aspect of these internships? 请描述你参加过的实习,你为什么选择这项实习,从中收获了什么,实习过程中最有挑战性的部分是什么? 2. Careergoals? – please state short-term and long-term. 职业规划?请分别从“短期规划”和“长期规划”来阐述。

  3.Otherambitions? 其他的安排和想法?

  4Thinkabout what is most important to you. What do you want to do with your life? 生活中什么是你最看重的?你怎样规划你的人生?

  5 How are you going to make this happen? 你打算怎样实现它们?


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