


2017/07/19 22:25:25 编辑: 浏览次数:477 移动端

  康奈尔大学的酒店管理专业有三个方向,分别是:M.S. and Ph.D. programs(学术性)M.M.H. (专业性),以就业作为主导的学生主要是选择The Master of Management in Hospitality(M.M.H.),此专业的学习分为三个TERM,学习时间长度为12个月,学生既可以选择在康奈尔大学学习整个课程,也可以选择半年在康奈尔大学就是,另外半年在新加坡南洋理工大学酒店管理学院就读。康奈尔大学酒店管理专业在美国排名第一,下面澳际小编给大家介绍一下康奈尔大学酒店管理专业的申请条件及费用,希望对申请酒店管理专业的学生提供帮助。





  Ithaca Campus Tuition & Fees

  Estimated Expenses for the 2011-2012 Academic Year

  (twelve months, three semesters: mid-May to late-May)

  Tuition: $61,987.50*

  Books and Supplies: $1,155

  Health and Accident Insurance: $1,830**

  Living Allowance (single student): $22,995 ($1,916 per month)

  Estimated Required Course Travel: $2,095

  Graduate Student Activity Fee: $76

  Total Program Budget (12 months): $90,138.50

  *Includes pre-course tuition fee.

  **Health insurance is required for all accompanying family members, and is estimated at $3,612 extra per year for a spouse and $2,262 extra for each of one or more children for 12 months.

  Singapore Campus Tuition & Fees

  Estimated Expenses for the 2011–2012 Academic Year

  (twelve months, three semesters: mid-May to mid-June)

  Tuition: S$81,018** (approx. US$61,987.50*)

  Books and Supplies: S$1,510 (approx. US$1,155)

  Health and Accident Insurance: Singapore campus S$79 and Ithaca Campus US$1,000 approx (S$1,307).

  Living Allowance (single student)****

  Singapore: S$9,000–S$12,000 for six months (S$1,500–S$2,000 per month) [approx. US$6,886–US$9,181 for six months (US$1,148–US$1,530 per month)]

  Ithaca: S$15,0255 for six months (S$2,504 per month) [approx. US$11,496 for six months (US$1,916 per month)]

  Estimated Required Course Travel: S$2738 (approx. US$2,095, excluding return travel from Singapore to Ithaca)

  Graduate Student Activity Fee: S$248.60 (approx. US$176)

  Amenities Fee: S$12.80 (approx. US$9)

  Total Program Budget (12 months): S$110,789 - S$113,789

  (approx. US$84,776 - US$87,061)


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