

2017留学大盘点 风靡全球的10大最佳电影

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【NO.1】The Grand Budapest Hotel


【简介】这部电影的主人公古斯塔夫先生(拉尔夫•费因斯 饰)来自20世纪30年代的欧洲,他尽职尽责地做着布达佩斯大饭店的看门人;他一边吟诵着自己即兴所作的诗句,一边幻想着和阔太太们发生一夜情…… 这部交织着情感与道德、浪漫与恐惧的影片出自导演韦斯•安德森之手,堪称史上最诱人的欧洲影片之一。

【时代影评】A dizzyingly complex machine whose workings are a delight to behold, the movie has a wry smile for frailties, a watchful eye for tyranny and a heart that, under the circumstances of this dark, fanciful tale, must be called heroic. This is not just an amazing contraption, though it is that; it’s a real, funny, sad movie, whose performances are as alert and elegantly composed as the décor. Grand isn’t good enough a word for this Budapest Hotel. Great is more like it.

能否巧妙地把自己的感受与影片情节融为一体是优秀影评与度娘百科的最大区别之一。为此,你可拟人、可比喻、可通感,总之不要把它当电影来写就对了;比如在上面的影评里,电影就有了对弱者的讽刺笑容(a wry smile)、对专制暴政的警惕眼神、还怀揣了一颗英雄般的心灵。没用一句I feel/I think却句句都是感受抒情。



【简介】该片由理查德•林克莱特身兼编剧与导演、历时12年拍摄而成;讲述了主人公梅森(艾拉•科尔特兰 饰)从6岁到18岁的成长历程。艾拉从一年级起,每个暑假都会拍摄一段影片,他的姐姐和父母都会出镜。主人公梅森的成长历程虽然没有大起大落,但困难时有发生,正如我们每个人都会遇到一样。

【时代影评】A home movie of a fictional home life, an epic assembled from vignettes, Boyhood shimmers with unforced reality. To watch it is to page through a family album of folks you just met, yet feel you’ve known forever. This is life as most of us experience it, and which few movies document with such understated acuity. Embrace each moment, Linklater tells us, because it won’t come again — unless he is there to record it, shape it and turn it into an indelible movie.

这正是一个通过比喻表达观后感的范例。文中将电影比作“一本似曾相识的家庭影集”,因为“其中的故事情节每个人都亲身经历过”,而这也是该片的亮点。最后还不忘以导演的视角“文艺”地总结了电影主旨:珍惜每段时光(embrace each moment),因为它们一去不复返。

【NO.3】The LEGO Movie



【时代影评】The challenge to directors and cowriters Phil Lord and Christopher Miller: Transform the blocky LEGO figures, with painted faces and no arm or leg mobility, into charming or rapacious characters a viewer can instantly accept and believe in. That they did. The LEGO Movie is a hoot, and a beaut. Shot in a CGI format that mimics stop-motion animation, it has an aptly rough, faux-primitive look, as if some brilliant kid had made a madly elaborate home movie the whole world could love.

欲扬先抑并不是中文里才有的手法,就像上文中上来先说“挑战”:如何将“一块块连胳膊和腿都不能活动的乐高积木变成魅力四射的人物”确实是个问题,不过导演做到了!而影片画面虽然有一种 “粗制”(rough)和“假装原始”(faux-primitive)的感觉,却恰到好处,仿佛出自孩子之手,因此得到了全世界观众的喜爱。




【时代影评】Most big summer movies are handsome, muscular and dumb; in a word, Transformers. Luc Besson’s globe-trotting thriller, about a woman empowered and imperiled by the infusion of a powerful new drug into her nervous system, is different: it kicks ass and takes brains. Taking place in less than a day, while simultaneously synopsizing three million years of human evolution in a hurtling 89 minus of screen time, Lucy is the year’s best, coolest, juiciest, smartest action movie.

精彩的影评中,雅俗共赏的形容词也是必不可少的。比如“惊悚片”和“席卷全球的惊悚片”(globe-trotting thriller)就有所不同,“烧脑”(takes brains)这种接地气的词更不必说,最后形容“情节精彩”用一个juicy就够了!(请自动脑补如同橘子汁一样丰富的内容……)

【NO.5】Goodbye to Language



【时代影评】When most other directors stopped modernizing, Godard went further, into a film-essay form…… As if he were making the first 3-D movie experiment, Godard shows nature in violent, supersaturated colors and, in one scene, plays with overlapping images: close one eye and see a man in the foreground, close the other and see the woman in the back. The real star is Godard’s dog Roxy, a mournful observer and a great natural actor who embodies Darwin’s observation that “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” This latest Godard may be hard to love, but it probes, confounds and exhilarates in equal and unique measure.

如果你不仅能对电影本身有感而发、对电影流派和导演的其他作品了如指掌,还能引用几句名人名言,那你的影评简直就是再专业不过了。上文的这段影评就从时代入手,先对影片《再见语言》进行了高大上的定位,称之为一部“电影小说”(film-essay),在电影现代化风格没落的时代独树一帜;再对电影手法进行科普,你知道啥是超饱和色彩(supersaturated colors)、啥是重叠图像(overlapping images)么?然后从技术控转身文艺范儿,引用了一句达尔文的名言,就连影片中的狗都不放过……

【NO.6】Jodorowsky’s Dune


【简介】这是一段电影史上的传奇。生于智利的墨西哥导演亚历桑德罗•佐杜洛夫斯基虽已84岁高龄,却仍十分惋惜四十年前制作人因预算不够而放弃翻拍弗兰克•赫伯特的科幻小说《沙丘》…… 纪录片导演弗兰克•帕维奇联手《沙丘》制作团队,再现了超凡魅力的“佐杜洛夫斯基”。

【时代影评】In sweeping gestures and urgent broken English, Alejandro Jodorowsky exclaims, “Movies have heart — boom, boom, boom! Have mind. Have power. Have ambition! I want to do something like that. Why not?” At 84, four decades after he prepared a hallucinogenic adaptation of Frank Herbert’s science-fiction novel Dune, the Chilean-born Mexican director is still heartbroken that the project died when his producer came up $5 million short on the $15-million budget. The message to take from this love letter to the cinematic ambition of the ’70s: movies once had brains and balls, and lost them.


【NO.7】 Nightcrawler



【时代影评】Lou Bloom, a freelance news cameraman played by Jake Gyllenhaal with the smiling stare of a deranged Boy Scout, takes that advice and shoots video of grieving widows, home-invasion casualties and human roadkill. Prowling an after-dark L.A. brought to gorgeous, menacing life by ace cinematographer Robert Elswit, Gyllenhaal ratchets down his usual fretful-puppy winsomeness to create an ornate, eloquent vessel for Lou’s hollow charm, careering zeal and pestilential value system.

好的影评只需寥寥数语,就能道出影片最出彩的地方。《夜行者》一流的摄影师与吉伦哈尔精彩的表演显然是这部影片上榜的理由。前者带你领略洛杉矶美丽而危险的(gorgeous、menacing)夜晚,后者则完美诠释了一个充满职业狂热、有着瘟疫般价值观的空洞灵魂。其中,ratchet down指跳出(曾经的形象)。

【NO.8】 Citizenfour



【时代影评】The subject of this fascinating, edifying and creepy film has a nerdish star quality: poised and articulate, he’s also more than a little anxious. Snowden correctly anticipates what’s in store for him — official pariah status in the U.S. — and makes clear that the need for the public to know the range of NSA eavesdropping is worth the price he will pay. The glare of Poitras’s camera gives the young man a ghostly pallor; he could be a specter reaching out from the other side to warn the living. A true-life spy thriller and horror movie, Citizenfour is also history in the making: a portrait of a man at the very moment he chooses to enrich and darken Americans’ understanding of what their government knows about them.

写影评是个大胆表达自己对电影及相关事件看法的好机会。看看《时代周刊》对斯诺登的形容:平静镇定(poised)、能言善辩(articulate)、仿佛从另一个时空穿越而来、提醒芸芸众生(a specter reaching out from the other side to warn the living),作者的观点你就都懂了。这不仅是一部真实的间谍片,也是正在上演的历史(history in the making)。

【NO.9】Wild Tales



【时代影评】Animosity simmers and boils hilariously in episodes set in a roadhouse diner, on the open highway, in a DMV office, among the corrupt members of a rich family and at a wedding ceremony where the bride learns her new husband has had affair with one of the guests. Produced by Pedro Almodóvar, and playing like a volume of short stories somehow coauthored by Ambrose Bierce and Roald Dahl, Wild Tales builds recognizable grudges into tales of apocalyptic revenge. It’s also the year’s most fearlessly funny film.


【NO.10】 Birdman


【简介】影片的主人公是一个60多岁的过气男演员瑞根•汤姆森(迈克尔•基顿 饰),他曾因为扮演漫画电影英雄“鸟人”而大红大紫。为了重拾昔日辉煌,他决定自导自演一场百老汇舞台剧……

【时代影评】Assembling a dynamite cast and employing Gravity cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki to shoot the two-hour story as if it were one continuous take, director Alejandro G. Iñárritu turns a familiar backstage dramedy into a spec-technical tour de farce. Keaton, who played Batman in two Tim Burton movies, locates Riggin’s frantic weariness, which could sag into suicidal deat or ascend into mad apotheosis. Not to worry: the actor and the movie end up soaring.

遇到大咖参演、或是超强班底,就连《时代周刊》的影评也不能免俗说上几句,比如“大腕云集”就可以用assemble a dynamite cast。主演基顿的相似经历令他得以“完美诠释主人公内心极度的疲惫”,此处locate一词用得颇为生动,仿佛让男主瑞根的疲惫在基顿身上有了着落。

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