

备受质疑但依然存续 伯灵顿学院毕业典礼如期举行

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摘要:成立于1972年的伯灵顿学院迎来了第34届毕业生。饱受倒闭质疑的伯灵顿学院近年来风波不断。本届毕业典礼邀请到了Jay Craven作演讲人。他在仪式上表扬了在学校遭受质疑时坚持完成学业的毕业生们

Burlington College celebrated the graduation of its 34th class Saturday morning at the its campus on North Avenue.

Fifty-three students earned a host of degrees at a ceremony that was marked by acknowledgements of the college's recent financial struggles and bold pronouncements for the institution's future.

President Carol A. Moore, who assumed office in February, said the future of Burlington College is bright.

"Although it has seen challenging days over the past few years … I can assure you that Burlington College's doors will be open to welcome many future generations of potential graduates."

Commencement speaker Jay Craven, an Emmy-award winning Vermont filmmaker who has taught courses at Burlington College, commended the graduating class for choosing to finish their studies when many wondered if the school would close.

"Congratulations, not just for the completion of your college studies, but for the sacrifices involved to make that happen, and for the loyalty and courage to stick with your school even when it was openly struggling to regain its footing," Craven said. "That is extraordinary."

(BurlingtonFree Press)

日前,伯灵顿学院迎来了建校以来的第34届毕业生。2017年5月16日,伯灵顿学院毕业典礼在North Avenue校区举行,53名学生获得了他们学士学位。校长Carol Moore在毕业典礼上表示:尽管伯灵顿学院近来饱受财政问题困扰,但学校的未来依旧是光明的。

Jay Craven,艾美奖获得者,佛蒙特知名电影人,同时也在伯灵顿学院任教的他是本次毕业典礼的演讲人。他在演讲中赞扬了本届毕业生,能够在外界质疑学校会关闭的情况下,依然选择完成自己的学业。

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