


2017/07/18 13:43:42 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:412 移动端

2017年一项调查报告揭露,在英国最好的工作岗位之中,公立学校毕业生所占的比例之低已经到了极不协调的程度。该调查由Sutton Trust 教育慈善机构完成。报告显示,私立学校的毕业生几乎在所有关键岗位占据绝大多数,并且更有希望登上更高的位置。小编读后很惊讶,要知道,在英国,私立学校学生人数只占全国学生总数的7%。而他们却占据了精英社会人群的很大比重,而且阶层越往上,比例就越高。


私立学校毕业生对权力高位的掌控在司法领域表现得最为明显——74%的首席法官(最高法院和上诉法院的法官)曾毕业于私立学校。该报告的推出促使英议会跨党派小组开始调研如何改善寒门子弟的职位晋升通道。Sutton Trust这个机构一直主张为所有人提供平等的受教育机会,并且要求采取有力的行动,帮助更多优秀的公立学校毕业生取得领导职位的机会。

军队将领 71% 高级将领

调查的主导者Philip Kirby博士还指出,71%的军方高级官员(二星上将以上)曾接受私立教育。只有12%的将领是综合性中学的毕业生。

议员及内阁 32% ~50%

报告还指出,约三分之一(32%)的议员曾接受私立教育,而保守党内阁中则有一半的成员毕业于私立学校。连工党领袖Jeremy Corbyn的影子内阁里也有13%的成员出自私立学校。(背景介绍: 工党理论上是是英国平民阶层代表)




媒体界的高层也被私立学校的校友把持,51%的媒体高管出自私立学校。英国FTSE(富时)指数100公司在英国接受教育的首席执行官中也有34%毕业于私立学校。 接近一半的优秀演员——42%的英国演员工会奖得主——上过私立学校。在过去的一个月里,人们开始猛烈批评演员行业的精英主义倾向。


Sutton Trust的主席Peter Lampl爵士说:“我们的调查报告显示,如果你曾在私立学校念书,那么你在英国的许多行业中更有机会攀上高位。拿学业来说,私立学校的学生更容易培养出自信、雄辩、团队配合等能力,这些能力对事业成功极为重要。” “增强社会流动性,改善上升通道,关键是要向所有学生开放私立学校,根据能力来选拔学生,而不是一味向钱看齐——应当多给公立学校的优秀学生一些机会。”


Privately educated people dominate top British jobs, damning report finds

The stranglehold former public-school pupils have on the UK’s top jobs has laid bare in a hard-hitting report out today.

The study, by the Sutton Trust education charity, shows that virtually every key profession is dominated by privately educated pupils snaffling the senior jobs.

Their grip on power is most noticeable in the judiciary, where 74 per cent of leading judges (those in the High Court or Court of Appeal) were privately educated.

As a result of the research, an All-Party Parliamentary Group is to set up an inquiry into how to improve access for people from disadvantaged backgrounds to senior jobs.

The charity, which campaigns for equal access to education for all, demands tougher action be taken to help more bright state-school pupils to access leading positions in the professions.

Figures in the report also show that one in three MPs (32 per cent) was privately educated – as were half the members of the Conservative Cabinet. Even in Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet, 13 per cent of members went to private school. Nationally, the figure is just 7 per cent.

Today’s report, carried out by Dr Philip Kirby, goes on to show that 71 per cent of senior Army officers – two-star generals and above – went to private schools. Only 12 per cent attended comprehensives.

In medicine, 61 per cent of doctors were privately educated while 22 per cent went to selective state grammar schools and just 16 per cent to comprehensives. The list goes on – 48 per cent of civil servants were educated privately, 29 per cent went to selective grammar schools and 23 per cent to comprehensives.

The higher echelons of journalism are also dominated by the private sector, with 51 per cent educated in independent schools. And of those chi executives of FTSE 100 companies who were educated in the UK, 34 per cent were privately educated.

Nearly half the top actors – 42 per cent of Bafta Award winners – went to private schools, fuelling criticism made in the past month that the profession is becoming more elitist.

“Our research shows that your chances of reaching the top in so many areas of British life are so much better if you went to an independent school,” said Sir Peter Lampl, the chairman of the Sutton Trust. “As well as academic achievement, an independent education tends to develop the essential skills such as confidence, articulacy and teamwork, which are vital to career success.

“The key to improving social mobility at the top is to open all independent schools to all pupils based on merit, not money – as well as highly able students in state schools.”


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