

【TED—第六感技术的惊异潜力】演讲 雅思写作part2详细讲解及应用

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而这些演讲的演讲原稿真是很多同学在英语类考试中会使用会参考的文章!今天澳际君将带着学习之前为大家带来的演讲《第六感技术的惊异潜力》,看演讲视频以及全篇演讲稿的请戳:【第六感技术的惊异潜力】中/英原文。之前澳际君已经将这篇演讲中和雅思口语考试有关的内容提炼出来为大家分析并讲解,详情请戳:《第六感技术的惊异潜力》雅思口语part2,part3部分讲解说完了口语,接下来就和小编一起来看看这篇演讲对于雅思考试中的写作有什么帮助!,又有哪些语言表达是可以应用的雅思写作中的呢?哪些单词是雅思写作中必用的呢?带着这些问题叫我们一起走进今天的TED演讲就雅思写作Part 2方面的分析!

l 演讲原文Part 2

l IELTS_Writing

So, I started this exploration around eight years back, and it literally started

with a mouse on my desk. Rather than using it for my computer, I actually

opened it. Most of you might be aware that, in those days, the mouse used to come with a ball inside, and there were two rollers that actually guide the

computer where the ball is moving, and, accordingly, where the mouse is

moving. So, I was interested in these two rollers, and I actually wanted more,

so I borrowed another mouse from a friend - never returned to him - and I now had four rollers. Interestingly, what I did with these rollers is,

basically, I took them off of these mouses and then put them in one line. It

had some strings and pulleys and some springs. What I got is basically a gesture interface device that actually acts as a motion-sensing device made for two dollars. So, here, whatever movement I do in my

physical world is actually replicated inside the digital world just using this

small device that I made, around eight years back, in 2000.

Because I was interested in integrating these two worlds, I thought of sticky

notes. I thought, "Why can I not connect the normal interface of a physical sticky note to the digital world?" A message written on a sticky note to my mom, on paper, can come to an SMS, or maybe a meeting reminder automatically

syncs with my digital calendar -- a todo list that automatically syncs with you. But you can also search in the

digital world, or maybe you can write a query, saying, "What is Dr. Smith's

address?" and this small system actually prints it out -- so it actually acts like a paper input-output system, just made out of paper.

In another exploration, I thought of making a pen that can draw in three

dimensions. So, I implemented this pen that can help designers and architects not only think in three dimensions, but they can actually draw, so that it's

more intuitive to use that way.

Then I thought, "Why not make a Google Map, but in the physical world?" Rather than typing a keyword to find something, I put my objects on top of it. If I put a boarding pass, it will show me where the flight gate is. A coffee cup will show where you can find more coffee, or where you can trash the cup.

So, these were some of the earlier explorations I did because the goal was to

connect these two worlds seamlessly. Among all these experiments, there was one thing in common: I was trying to bring a part of the physical world to the digital world. I was taking some part of the objects, or any of the intuitiveness of real life, and bringing them to the digital world, because the goal was to make our computing interfaces more intuitive.


8. exploration n. 探索

9. interface n. 接口

10. take off 离开,拆下

11. integrate v. 使成为整体

12. sticky notes 便签


13. syncs with 同步

14. make out of 用…..制造出

补充例句:The house was made out of stone.

15. dimension n. 方面

16. implement v. 实施

17. intuitive adj. 直觉的

18. trash v. 丢弃

19. seamlessly adv.无缝地

20. in common 共同的


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