

【TED经典演讲—揭秘海底惊奇】系列演讲解读 中/英双语原文

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David Gallo在这边TED演讲中向我们展示了关于海洋生物的惊人的及让人目瞪口呆的电影片段。这其中包括了会变色的鱿鱼、章鱼的完美伪装术以及居住在漆黑深海中但能像时代广场的霓虹灯一般闪烁的鱼。是不是很想看看这些片段呢?快来看看演讲视频吧:



We’re going to go on a dive to the deep sea, and anyone that’s had that lovely opportunity knows that for about two and half hours on the way down, it’s a perfectly positively pitch-black world. And we used to see the most mysterious animals out of the window that you couldn’t describe: these blinking lights-----a world of bioluminescence, like firlies. Dr. Edith Widder-------she’s now at the Ocean Research and Conservation Association------was able to come up with a camera that could capture some of these incredible animals, and that’s what you’re seeing here on the screen. That’s all bioluminescence. So, like I said: just like firlies. There’s a flying turkey under a tree. I’m a geologist by training, but I love that. And you see some of the bioluminescence, they use to avoid being eaten, some they use to attract prey. But all of it, from an artistic point of view, is positively amazing. And a lot of what goes on inside------there’s a fish with glowing eyes, pulsating eyes. Some of the colors are designed to hypnotize, these lovely pattern. And then this last one, one of my favorites, this pinwheel design. Just absolutely amazing, every single dive.

That’s the unknown world, and today we’ve only explored about 3 percent of what’s out there in the ocean. Already we’ve found the world’s highest mountains, the world’s deepest valleys, underwater lakes, and underwater waterfalls------a lot of that we shared with you from the stage. And in a place where we thought no life at all, we find more life, we think, and diversity and density than the tropical rainforest, which tells us that we don’t know much about this planet at all. There’s still 97 percent, and either that 97 percent is empty or just full of surprises.

But I want to jump up to shallow water now and look at some creatures that are positively amazing. Cephalopods------head-foots. As a kid I know them as calamari, mostly…. This is an octopus------that is the work of Dr. Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab------and it’s just fascinating how cephalopods can, with their incredible eyes, sense their surroundings, look at light, look at patterns. Here’s an octopus moving across the re, finds a spot to settle down, curls up and then disappears into the background. Tough thing to do. In the next bit, we’re going to see a couple squid. These are squid. Now males, when they fight, if they’re really aggressive, they turn white. And these two males are fighting; they do it by bouncing their butts together, which is an interesting concept. Now, here’s a male on the lt and a female on the right, and the male has managed to split his coloration. So the female only always sees the kinder, gentler squid in him. And the male…. We’re going to see it again. Let’s take a look at it again. Watch the coloration: white on the right, brown on the lt. He takes a step back so he’s keeping off the other males by splitting his body and comes up on the other side. Bingo! Now I’m told that’s not just a squid phenomenon with males, but I don’t know.想要看到完整版本的英文演讲原文,你可以点击查看这里: TED演讲【揭露海底惊奇】英文演讲稿原文


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