事业分析师 Dan Pink 揭开动机的秘密,什么是人文社会科学家知道而一般管理者却不知的?传统的报酬是否真的有我们想象的那样激励人心?听他讲述这个令人吃惊的发现 -- 它也许正是我们的未来。
0:12I need to make a confession at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret, something that I'm not particularly proud of. Something that, in many ways, I wish no one would ever know, but here I feel kind of obliged to reveal.
0:32In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.
0:44In America, law is a professional degree: after your university degree, you go on to law school. When I got to law school, I didn't do very well. To put it mildly, I didn't do very well. I, in fact, graduated in the part of my law school class that made the top 90% possible.
1:07Thank you. I never practiced law a day in my life; I pretty much wasn't allowed to.
1:18But today, against my better judgment, against the advice of my own wife, I want to try to dust off some of those legal skills -- what's lt of those legal skills. I don't want to tell you a story. I want to make a case. I want to make a hard-headed, evidence-based, dare I say lawyerly case, for rethinking how we run our businesses.
1:46So, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, take a look at this. This is called the candle problem. Some of you might know it. It's created in 1945 by a psychologist named Karl Duncker. He created this experiment that is used in many other experiments in behavioral science. And here's how it works. Suppose I'm the experimenter. I bring you into a room. I give you a candle, some thumbtacks and some matches. And I say to you, "Your job is to attach the candle to the wall so the wax doesn't drip onto the table." Now what would you do?
2:20Many people begin trying to thumbtack the candle to the wall. Doesn't work. I saw somebody kind of make the motion over here -- some people have a great idea where they light the match, melt the side of the candle, try to adhere it to the wall. It's an awesome idea. Doesn't work. And eventually, after five or ten minutes, most people figure out the solution, which you can see here.要看到完整版本的英文演讲原文,你可以点击查看这里:TED演讲【出人意料的工作动机】中文演讲稿
Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲