


2017/07/18 10:35:32 编辑: 浏览次数:105 移动端

摘要:TIMES Higher Education每年推荐出来的排行榜一直都是学生们参考的重要指标之一,也是院校提升国际影响力的重要参考之一!今天澳际就带着大家一起来看看THE今年发布的工程和科技学科全球院校TOP100排行!


下面的表格中更是增加了评选的主要数据Key Statistics,包括师生比例、FTE学生数量和国际生数量!快和澳际一起来看看吧!

The 2017-2017 Times Higher Education World University Rankings' engineering and technology table judges world class universities across all of their core missions - teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

RankTitleNation NO of FTE Students Student:Staff Internationa student 1 Stanford University United States of America 15,596 7.8 22% 2 California Institute of Technology United States of America 2,243 6.9 27% 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America 11,074 9 33% 4 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 18,812 11.8 34% 5 University of California, Berkeley United States of America 36,186 16.4 15% 6 University of Oxford United Kingdom 19,919 11.6 34% 7 Princeton University United States of America 7,929 8.4 27% 8 ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland 18,178 14.7 37% 9 Imperial College London United Kingdom 15,060 11.7 51% 10 Carnegie Mellon University United States of America 11,885 13.1 35% 11 Harvard University United States of America 20,152 8.9 25% 12 Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America 19,967 20.1 26% 13 National University of Singapore Singapore 31,592 15.5 34% 14 �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne Switzerland 9,666 10.5 54% 15 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America 42,727 18.7 20% 16 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong 11,385 23.8 36% 17 University of Michigan United States of America 41,786 9 16% 18 Northwestern University United States of America 18,334 13.8 15% 19 Delft University of Technology Netherlands 15,920 19.4 25% 20 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 25,028 16.2 33% 21 Cornell University United States of America 21,424 10.2 19% 22 University of California, Santa Barbara United States of America 22,020 27.3 11% 23 University of Texas at Austin United States of America 49,427 17.4 9% 24 Peking University China 40,148 8.3 14% 25 University of Toronto Canada 66,198 19.5 15% 26 Tsinghua University China 39,763 13.7 10% 27 Technical University of Munich Germany 35,565 31.5 20% 28 KU Leuven Belgium 42,503 41.9 18% 29 Seoul National University South Korea 26,389 13.9 10% 30 RWTH Aachen University Germany 37,917 27.6 16% 31 University of Southern California United States of America 36,534 12.9 20% 32 University of Tokyo Japan 26,199 5.7 10% 33 Purdue University United States of America 39,256 18.1 22% 34 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 19,835 17.6 38% 35 Columbia University United States of America 25,055 5.9 28% 35 University of Manchester United Kingdom 34,938 15.3 34% 37 �cole Polytechnique France 2,429 4.8 30% 38 University College London United Kingdom 26,607 10.7 46% 39 Pennsylvania State University United States of America 44,501 12.4 12% 40 Pohang University of Science and Technology South Korea 3,055 10.1 4% 41 42 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 31,326 13.7 23% 43 Kyoto University Japan 12,062 14.6 21% 44 National Taiwan University Taiwan 22,809 5.6 7% 45 University of California, San Diego United States of America 31,891 11.9 7% 46 University of British Columbia Canada 27,233 6.5 11% 47 Zhejiang University China 50,152 17.6 25% 48 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany 47,508 15.9 5% 49 Texas A&M University United States of America 25,294 24.6 16% 50 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America 50,657 21.4 9% 51 University of Washington United States of America 39,655 10.8 11% 52 Tohoku University Japan 44,020 11.8 13% 53 Monash University Australia 17,200 5 7% 54 The University of Queensland Australia 50,882 40.5 36% 55 Polytechnic University of Milan Italy 34,718 32.7 27% 56 University of Melbourne Australia 30,025 22.2 12% 57 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) South Korea 40,128 23.7 35% 57 Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan 24,365 20.3 9% 59 University of Massachusetts United States of America 9,586 7.3 13% 60 Rice University United States of America 56,959 13 11% 61 University of Waterloo Canada 6,333 9 26% 62 Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands 30,726 24.2 14% 63 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 8,176 16 14% 64 University of Science and Technology of China China 25,774 14.1 36% 65 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 14,290 7.9 2% 65 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation 17,916 10.2 22% 67 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China 30,822 7.7 20% 68 University of New South Wales Australia 38,191 12.8 6% 69 University of Bristol United Kingdom 38,309 25.9 33% 70 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong 17,906 14 25% 71 Ohio State University United States of America 22,064 25.9 26% 72 University of California, Davis United States of America 51,462 13.4 12% 73 University of Sydney Australia 35,364 13.9 13% 74 Technical University of Denmark Denmark 41,868 20.2 28% 75 Fudan University China 9,990 5 18% 75 University of Southampton United Kingdom 32,175 12.2 11% 77 University of Minnesota United States of America 20,925 13.5 29% 78 Brown University United States of America 46,825 18 13% 79 Chalmers University of Technology Sweden 8,653 10.1 19% 80 Technion Israel Institute of Technology Israel 8,605 11.6 15% 81 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) South Korea 13,855 19.4 4% 82 University of Maryland, College Park United States of America 9,027 10 9% 82 University of Twente Netherlands 31,331 8.4 9% 84 Michigan State University United States of America 6,631 12 26% 84 National Tsing Hua University Taiwan 44,750 15.7 15% 86 University of Alberta Canada 10,221 13.5 5% 87 Boston University United States of America 36,299 21.6 23% 88 University of Stuttgart Germany 24,789 8.6 17% 89 University of Freiburg Germany 24,099 45.4 20% 90 Australian National University Australia 26,467 31.2 16% 91 Vienna University of Technology Austria 14,604 19.2 35% 92 Lund University Sweden 26,419 52 27% 93 �cole Normale Sup�rieure de Lyon France 28,251 11.5 15% 94 University of Exeter United Kingdom 2,218 8 14% 95 University of Adelaide Australia 17,755 18.8 28% 96 Korea University South Korea 20,771 30.1 26% 97 TU Dresden Germany 24,043 15.8 14% 98 Osaka University Japan 35,487 37.4 12% 99 Indian Institute of Science India 23,144 7.8 9% 100 Technical University of Darmstadt Germany 3,318 8.2 1%

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