


2017/07/17 21:43:25 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:432 移动端




  Postgraduate Taught Masters and Diploma Programmes:

  Master of Architecture in Design

  MSc/Dip Renewable Energy and Architecutre

  The Diploma in Architecture (DipArch)

  MA/Diploma in Architectural Technology

  MA/Diploma in Architectural Theory and Design

  MA in Architecture and Critical Theory

  MA/Diploma in Architecture and Urban Design

  Master of Architecture (MArch) in Conservation


  Advanced Architectural Studies - MA

  Architecture - Diploma/MArch

  Architecture and Town %26; Regional Planning - Diploma/MArch

  Commercial Property - MA

  Computer Aided Environmental Design - MSc

  Landscape - MArch/MArch Studies

  Landscape Archaeology - MA

  Landscape Design - Diploma/MA

  Landscape Management - Diploma/MA

  Planning and Development - MA

  Planning and Research Theory - MA/Diploma/Certificate

  Town and Regional Planning - MA



  MSc/Dip Adaptive Architecture and Computation New!

  MSc/Dip Advanced Architectural Studies

  MSc/Dip Architectural History

  MSc/Dip Construction Economics %26; Management

  MSc/Dip Environmental Design %26; Engineering

    MSc/Dip Facility %26; Environmental Management

  MSc/Dip Housing Futures

  MSc/Dip Interdisciplinary Mgmt of Projects New!

  MSc/Dip Light %26; Lighting

  MSc/Dip Project %26; Enterprise Management

  MSc/Dip Sustainable Heritage

  MSc/Dip Urban Design

  MSc/Dip Development %26; Planning

  MSc/Dip European Property Development %26; Planning

  MSc/Dip European Spatial Planning

  MSc/Dip Town %26; Country Planning

  MSc/Dip Urban Regeneration



  • Environmental Resource Assessment MSc and Diploma

  • Industrial and Commercial Biotechnology MSc and Diploma

  • Integrated Pest Management MSc and Diploma

  • Sustainable Land Management and Rural Development MSc and Diploma

  • Agricultural and Environmental Science MSc and Diploma

  • Wildlife Conservation and Management MSc and Diploma

  • Environmental Consultancy MSc


  MSc in Building Energy %26; Environmental Performance Modelling

  MA in Urban Design

  Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Design of Building

  Diploma/ MA in Architecture:Professional Studies

  中国建筑行业近些年强劲的发展势头,吸引了澳际众多的专业建筑师事务所及工程公司。 伴随政策的进一步开放,越来越多的外资机构有机会进入中国的建筑行业市场,比如北京奥运会运动馆、歌剧院、中央电视台新主楼设计等大型项目投标中,看到许多国际化的作品出现。众多的留学生学成归国后,将会面临空前的发展机会

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