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这两天因选择WARWICK商学院金融专业还是LSE经济系的问题大为苦恼。昨晚就此问题向我在美国、英国和香港的同学征求意见,其中有几个观点确是以前很少听人提起过的。而且我这些同学都是在读经济或金融专业的研究生,他们的看法应该有一定的代表性,不妨帖出来,希望对申请财经专业的同学有所帮助。同学A (U. C. Berkerly, Ph. D. Candidate of Agricultural Economics) As I do not know anything about Warwick, my opinion may be biased toward LSE. LSE is really great, no less famous than the top univ.s in U.S. If you want to pursue a PhD in the future, LSE is no doubt your choice. If you only want to work after getting your Master degree, it doesn't make any difference to accept either of them. I think, with Master in economics, you have wider range of knowledge than Master in finance. We have a friend in Master program of Finace in LSE, who told us that this year finance is not helpful to find a job as its field is really limited. But I do not know about the one in Warwick, which may be different. I think, the best way to get the most usul information is to contact their current students, most of them are very helpful. Email them. 同学B (U. of London, Ph. D. Candidate of Finance) I will choose LSE if I were you. 1) LSE dinitly have a better reputation than Warwick in general. 2) Economics major will be different from Finance major in 2 or 3 subjects, so it depends on what you want to do latter. However, when you go to find job, it does not make any difference. You can always learn if you want. and besides, if you have spare time, you can always go and audit finance lecuture in LSE for free. 3) LSE is in London, for economics major or finance major, I think it's improtant to be in a good city which will offer you many other benifits. warwick, i know have a very high rank, but it locates in a small town, which i dont think will be easy for an economic or business major. However, LSE has a higher 'fail' rate than warwick, so you may need work very hard, and it probably means you won't have much time to do other things, like job hunting (as master here is one year program, student starts job hunting from Oct or Nov, when you just get start).同学C (London School of Economics, MSc in Economics) I'm afraid I can only provide something about LSE, since I know almost nothing about Warwick ( it's said to be a good school, esp. in business). I believe LSE has a better reputation over the world. Yeah, the admission from LSE may be very late, it doesn't matter, you get it anyway. Maybe you are fortunate to be admited in economics, as far as I know, MSc in economics and finance is more difficult. If you have a solid background in math and econometrics, you will feel much better, in both. As to job-hunting, I don't have a complete view and I myself didn't do much hunting here. But I know a Chinese girl in economics and finance has got offer from a consulting company in London, but no one in economics (I am one of the two Chinese from mainland in this program and the other is financed by her company and will go back). At least we have chance to find jobs here, and also those in HK. Another advantage to choose LSE is its location, I think. There are more opportunies in London than any other cities in UK. I am not sure where Warwick is, maybe only a small town.我觉得值得注意的几点是:1,找工作的时候,经济类专业的差别也许没有想象中的那么大;2,学校所在城市非常重要,不仅影响到找工作的时间和金钱成本,而且工作机会的多少也很悬殊;3,如果要在英国以外的地方寻找工作机会,还要考虑学校在国际上的知名度。

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