

2017年Phone Interview经过

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:250 移动端


Prof: 你对什么方向感兴趣? me: I am very interested in ....

Prof: 你看过我们主页上的两个项目吧,你对哪个感兴趣? me: I am interested in the first one.

Prof: 你学过什么课程? sme: xxx, xxx ...

Prof: 你学过什么优化的方法吗? me: Newton method. (语塞,不知如何往下说),I don't know how to describe it in English because I all I learn is in Chinese.

Prof: (表示理解),你来我们学校想选什么课? me: xxx, xxx, xxx.

Prof.: 你觉得有什么课程对你将来作项目有用? me: Information Theory, ...

Prof: 你有什么问题?

me: Would you please tell me what projects will you do in the near future? Prof: ... (电话极其不清楚,老美讲得极快,10句里头只听到了5句不到)

me: Is the living expense high in ...? Prof: (语塞, pardon了我一回).

me: I mean the living expense. Prof: (以为我在问offer, 把录取过程讲了一遍)

Prof: do you have any other questions? me: no.

Prof: Have you applied for other universities? me: Yeah, I have applied to about 10 universities, including ...

Prof: Have you got any offers now? me: Yeah, I have got a RA from .... If I was selected by you, I will make a decision carully bore and Apr 15 deadline.

Prof: The application result will be available at the end of March....(听不清楚,好像是说再见) me: Thank you for calling. I do appreciate you give me such a good chance to talk to you.

Prof: Good bye. me: Bye.

总的来说,面试的时候应该尽量减缓语速,因为老美用的是IP卡,声音很不清楚。一开始我就说的有点过分fluent了,结果老美放心大胆地 用Native Speaker的速度在侃。整个Interview持续了15minutes.



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