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Scientific Director and tenure-track Associate or Assistant Professors

The Department of Medicine in the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is seeking candidates for several positions in the newly-established Center for Microbiome and Medicine including a Scientific Director and tenure-track Associate or Assistant Professors.

Responsibilities: The Department of Medicine invites applicants for tenure-track, renewable Assistant, Associate or Professor positions to begin in 2015. The successful candidate for Scientific Director will have a strong record of leadership, research accomplishment, extramural funding, education of graduate and medical students, and successful collaborations.

Qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Microbiology, Computational Biology, Immunology, or related field. Candidates will be expected to have completed their degree by the time the position is available.


匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)成立于1787年,是美国宾夕法尼亚州享誉国际、历史悠久之综合性的公立大学。学校位于宾夕法尼亚州的传统钢铁城市匹兹堡。早在 1787年匹兹堡大学的创校人,美国宾夕法尼亚州最高法院大法官,同时也是美国著名作家的休?亨利?布瑞肯里奇(Hugh Henry Brackenridge)先生预言匹兹堡澳际的地理位置和丰富的自然资源,必将使得它成为美国未来重要的中心城市,因此必须及早建立高等教育的根基。在他的努力下, 成立了匹兹堡大学的前身---匹兹堡研究院(Pittsburgh Academy),并由他担任首任校长。匹兹堡大学是美国最古老的高等学府之一。到了19世纪,匹兹堡成为美国工业革命的中心,匹大也因此得到很大的发展,培养了一大批工业革命时代的发明者和创新者。


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