


2017/07/13 17:32:56 编辑: 浏览次数:42 移动端

Carnegie Mellon University

This is a twelve-month position with full benits.

The Mellon College of Science (MCS) at Carnegie Mellon University is home to over 800 highly motivated, enthusiastic and intellectually driven undergraduate students majoring in programs in the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences and Physics. The College has developed and is implementing a new MCS Core Education which takes an innovative, holistic approach that fosters the growth of our students in four dimensions: scholar, professional, citizen, and person. We seek a talented educator who will be an integral part of the team implementing this outcome-driven curriculum to educate MCS undergraduates using pioneering approaches in the science of learning advanced by Carnegie Mellon’s Simon Initiative, immersion in early research experiences, and a multi-dimensional advising approach to support student growth. Reporting directly to the Dean and working as a member of the Dean’s leadership team, the Associate Dean is responsible for managing the undergraduate operations of the College. This position requires significant independence as well as collaborative forts across the College and the University. This is a Teaching Track faculty position and the successful candidate must have the ability to teach science or mathematics at the university level and hold an advanced degree, prerably a Ph.D. Five or more years of experience in advising, teaching and educational development are required.




卡内基.梅隆大学已从一的技术学校,逐渐发展成为一所由7个学院组成的、有国际威望的大学。 卡内基.梅隆大学下设7个学院:卡内基工程技术学院 该院由6个系组成:化学工程系、民用工程系、电子学和计算机工程系、工程与公共政策系、系统工程系、金属工程和材料科学系;普通课程包括高等数学、物理、化学等课程外,专业课程有化学工程热力学、化学工艺流程控制、结构力学、工程设计与制作、线性代数、电磁学、电子器件及电路、模拟电路分析与设计、电子与计算机工程、流体力学、热传导学、气动力学、材料学、塑性材料、电学磁学和光学、生理学、现代生物学、生物化学、物理化学、决策分析等等课程。

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