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Assistant Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience

The Department of Psychology and the Neuroscience Program at Temple University are jointly seeking an outstanding candidate for a Behavioral Neuroscience position at the level of Assistant Professor. Research interests should focus on examining the neurobiology of behavior at cellular, molecular, and/or systems levels and complement existing departmental and programmatic interests, which include but are not limited to: development, mental illness, aging, learning memory, and addiction. Candidates should have a Ph.D., a strong research and publication record, and demonstrated potential for extramural funding. Candidates should be able to teach a range of topics in Neuroscience and Psychology from the behavioral level to the cellular and molecular level. Electronic applications are prerred.


天普大学(Temple University,又作坦普尔大学)位于美国东岸宾夕法尼亚州的费城。天普大学是一所综合性的大学,学生人数大约三万四千人。分布大学内十七所学院,包括商学院、法学院、医学院、药剂学院、牙医学院。天普大学是宾夕法尼亚州内三所公立大学之一。另外两所分别是匹茨堡大学与宾夕法尼亚州州立大学。以大学占地规模计算,天普大学在全美是面积第28大的高等教育机构,拥有134个本科专业,121个硕士专业以及56个博士专业。天普大学是一所公立综合性研究型大学,一直致力于贯彻平等教育的理念。在全美近4000所大学中,天普大学拥有雄厚的专业实力:11 个专业排名全美前十名,四个专业排名全美前 20 名,数十个专业排名全美前一百名。美国公立大学排名第60位。

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