


2017/07/13 17:32:03 编辑: 浏览次数:319 移动端

Cancer Research Faculty - Tulane University School of Medicine

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Tulane University School of Medicine invites applications from outstanding scientists who are qualified for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor. Candidates should have Ph.D, M.D., or M.D./Ph.D. and will be expected to develop and maintain rigorous, externally-funded research programs in cancer biology, broadly dined, to complement the basic and translational research activities in the Department of Pathology and Tulane Cancer Center. Applicants should have substantial peer-reviewed publications that demonstrate research productivity and the ability to perform cutting edge research. Candidates for Assistant Professor should have adequate postdoctoral research experience and show good promise in developing independent research programs. Applicants for Associate or Full Professor should have substantial research productivity and history of grant support and academic service.

Salary: commensurate with the candidates’ experience and qualifications. Competitive startup fund provided. Starting date is negotiable.


成立于1834年的杜兰大学(Tulane University),位于美国南部路易斯安那州(Louisiana)新奥尔良市(New Orleans),是一所著名的综合性大学,同时也是北美大学联盟(AAU:北美62所顶尖研究型大学联盟)成员。2009年被《美国新闻和世界报道》评为一级国家级大学,历年排名在全美前50名左右。这所学校共有学生1.2万人,包括6000多名本科生。1000多名教学研究人员中,包括诺贝尔奖获得主和众多国际级学科领军学者。杜兰大学成立至今,它校友及教师中有两人获得诺贝尔奖,五人获得普利策奖。杜兰大学对学生要求严格,是一所治学严谨,历史悠久,享誉全球的顶尖私立学府,其商学院、法学院、医学院更是在各自领域内名列前茅, 闻名遐迩。

杜兰大学的规模不大,学生大概只有10,000名左右,但每年均排名在全美前50 名左右,杜兰大学为国际性的教育机构。 拥有包括诺贝尔奖得主及众多国际知名学者在内的一千余名教研人员。99%的教研人员拥有各自从事的研究领域里的最高学位。现在的一万两千名在校学生来自八十多个国家及全美五十个州。


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