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Assistant Professor of Sustainable Technology and Design
The Environmental Studies Program and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Colgate University invite applications for a tenure-stream position in the field of Sustainable Technology and Design at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning in the fall semester 2016. Completion of the Ph.D. in physics, engineering, sustainability studies, or a related field is expected prior to or shortly after the date of hire. The successful candidate will establish a fieldwork program, either domestic or international, and will involve undergraduates in projects that utilize appropriate science or technology to foster human welfare and promote global sustainability. Start-up funding is available to initiate the successful candidate’s research program. Teaching responsibilities will include courses in both physics and environmental studies including an introductory environmental studies course on the relationship between science, technology, and sustainability. All Colgate faculty are expected to participate in all-university programs, including the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum. Colgate’s off-campus study program, which includes both semester-long study abroad and 3-5 week extended study courses, can provide a channel for involving students in off campus fieldwork.
柯盖德大学(Colgate University)坐落于美国纽约州汉密尔顿市,建于1819年,有学生约两千八百人,教授近三百人。原名麦迪逊大学(Madison University),后为感谢肥皂和牙膏制造商柯盖德家族(Colgate Family)的支持改名为柯盖德大学。 学校在东北部声誉卓著,但1970年代败于布朗,未能进入常春藤盟校。校风严谨传统,直至今日大部分学生来自于纽约和新英格兰的富裕家庭,是一所贵族文理学院。学校近年来录取率在25%至30%左右,对国际学生有丰富的奖学金。柯盖德有二十余个专业,强项在于经济学,政治学和国际关系,大部分学生毕业以后从事金融服务和教育业。 作为全美开展海外学习项目最早的学校,近半数学生具有海外学习半年的机会。学校冰球和美式橄榄球实力很强,与西点军校,海军学院同属“爱国联盟(Patriot League)”。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲