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Assistant, Associate or Full Professor - Structural Biology (Multiple Vacancies)

Structural Biology Initiative, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center

The Structural Biology Initiative of the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center invites applications for full-time, tenure-track faculty members at any rank.

We seek outstanding scientists with strong records of significant research accomplishments in structural biology, dined as the use of a wide range of experimental and computational approaches to tackle fundamental questions of the molecular mechanisms inherent to biological processes.

Candidates are expected to have advanced degrees (Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent) in biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry or related areas plus postdoctoral research experience. Final faculty ranks will be determined by the qualifications and experience of successful candidates, with our primary criteria being a demonstrated commitment to research and teaching. Individuals filling these positions are expected to serve major roles in the research and education programs of the ASRC, along with the teaching missions of one of the colleges within the CUNY system.


纽约市立大学(The City University of New York,CUNY)是纽约市的公立大学系统的总称。它是美国最大的公立大学系统之一,包含有:11个四年制学院 Senior College(如纽约市立学院,皇后学院巴鲁克学院,亨特学院等)、6个两年制社区学院 Community College、以及生医教育学院、法学院、新闻学院和研究生中心。纽约市立大学是美国第三大的大学系统,超过五十四万名大学生及研究生在纽约市立大学在纽约市五个区的各所分校就读。

纽约市立大学历来培育出不少杰出人才,至2012年止计有14位校友获得诺贝尔奖,首位菲尔兹奖得主也出自纽约市立大学的创始学院--纽约市立学院。纽约市立大学著名的校友包括美国前国务卿鲍威尔与基辛格,英特尔公司创始人安迪·葛洛夫,美国电脑业先驱王安等。1963届校友约翰·欧基夫(John O'Kee)于近日获得2014年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言于2014年获得纽约市立学院荣誉文学博士学位。

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