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The Department of Biochemistry is expanding its faculty at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor rank (tenure-track) and is seeking investigators with innovative research programs that complement and expand existing departmental strengths in metabolism, neurobiology, cancer cell biology, protein biochemistry, biophysics, and regulation of gene expression. Priority will be given to investigators whose research focuses on the regulation of metabolism as it applies to metabolic diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. A more detailed description of departmental research programs can be found at . Minimum qualifications for the position are a PhD and/or MD plus at least two years of postdoctoral research with a demonstrated record of high quality research at all career levels. For consideration at the associate or full professor rank, the candidate must have a successful research program with sustained productivity and extramural funding support. The successful candidate will be expected to develop and maintain an extramurally funded research program and demonstrate excellence in the departmental teaching mission.


西弗吉尼亚大学共设有14个学术方面的学院,分别是:农业、森林与消费科学学院,文理学院,商业与经济学院,创意学院,牙医学院,工程与矿产资源学院,人类资源与教育学院,新闻学院,法学院,医学院,护理学院,制药学院,体育学院,技术学院。可提供178种本科、硕士和博士学位。西弗吉尼亚大学以工程学(特别是与能源有关的领域)和保健科学最好。《2007美国新闻与报道》评的出全美最佳院校中,工程学研究生课程榜上有名。十分稳健的学科包括新闻学、体育、农林学和创作艺术。 大学的特色之一是崇尚通职教有,所有学系学生均须在人文学科、美术创作、社会科学、自然科学及数学各科中,取得12学分,才可主修某一学科。第二项特色就是,校方采取“科举取士”制度,新生只要在中学时取得平均分GPA3.5分以上,或SAT1200分以上,都获邀加入荣誉课程(honors program),可以得以小班教学,及入住设有计算机终端机的宿舍。西弗吉尼亚大学的在校生曾获得过各种重要奖励。其中:有25个学生获得罗德奖, 18个学生获得杜鲁门奖,30个学生获得“金水奖”(奖励优秀的理科生),2名学生获得英国马歇尔奖(奖励深刻领会不列颠文化的人),2人获尤德尔奖(奖励在环境及美国本地研究方面出色的本科生)。

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