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Assistant Professor

University of Utah

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Utah invites applicants for two (2) immediate tenure-track openings at the rank of Assistant Professor in all areas of Biomedical Engineering. Qualified candidates should possess a PhD, MD or MD/PhD and post-doctoral experience. Successful applicants are expected to establish and maintain outstanding externally funded research, and develop/teach courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs. The Department is one of the oldest and most recognized departments of its type, with 22 primary faculty averaging over $550,000/FTE in research expenditures, over 100 auxiliary faculty, over 150 graduate students, and graduating over 50 BS students per year. Department faculty have access to wide collaborative opportunities and state of the art research facilities and such internationally recognized research institutes as the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI), the Huntsman Cancer Institute, the Nano Institute, the Nora Eccles Harrison CardioVascular Research and Training Institute and the Moran Eye Institute. The department, college and University are highly supportive of student and faculty entrepreneurial activities.


犹他大学位于美国犹他州的盐湖城市,是一所综合性公立大学,由耶稣基督后期圣徒教会信徒建立。学校截止2012年约有30,000学生及4,000多名教职员工。,大学共分11部门,获得好评的学科则有商科、传播学、美术、计算机科学、工程、采矿、以及化学等自然科学。 犹他大学为美国太平洋十二大联盟会 Pacific-12 Conference(原Pac-10)成员。该联盟目前由由美西十二所著名大学组成,成员包括加州大学伯克利UCB,南加州大学USC,加州大学洛杉矶 UCLA,斯坦福大学亚利桑那大学UA,科罗拉多大学,华盛顿大学UW-Seattle,俄勒冈大学OU等。

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