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The University of Arizona

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor

The University of Arizona’s College of Science and College of Medicine are committed to building and maintaining a world class Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The University of Arizona's College of Science and College of Medicine are seeking applicants with research and teaching interests in all areas of biochemistry, biological mass spectrometry, and bio-inorganic chemistry broadly interpreted, will be considered. The rank of these positions is open. Candidates at the rank of Assistant Professor will be expected to establish and maintain a successful, independent research program. Applicants with highly visible, externally funded research programs will be considered for appointments at the rank of Associate or Full Professor.


亚利桑那大学,坐落于亚利桑那州图森(Tucson)城,该校成立于1885年,是亚利桑那州第一所综合性大学,近几年其学术水平享誉全球。世界 50000所大学中,亚利桑那大学排名第76位。尤其是该校商学院的管理信息系统,与世界著名的麻省理工大学、卡耐基梅隆大学,并称为MIS三巨头。同时,亚利桑那大学拥有世界上最优秀的光学研究中心,在国际上拥有一流的声誉,其中Lunar and Planetary 实验室的规模是世界上所有大学中最大的。

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