


2017/07/13 17:29:40 编辑: 浏览次数:319 移动端
The Department of Basic Medical Science at the University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine is seeking applications for a GROSS ANATOMIST to serve as an educator in our innovative six-year BA/MD combined-degree program. The Department of Basic Medical Science includes a diverse group of teaching scholars dedicated to excellence in medical education. The successful applicant will participate in a team-taught, integrated curriculum for Medical Students that includes anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, and clinical correlations. Additional teaching includes shared responsibilities, with three other full time Gross Anatomy faculty, for anatomy courses taught to Dental, Dental Hygiene, Anesthesiologist Assistant and Physician Assistant Students. The position is a full-time, non-tenure-track, twelve-month appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor, dependent upon qualifications. The target starting date is July 1, 2016.
Requirements include a Ph.D. or comparable terminal degree and experience in teaching Gross Anatomy at the graduate/professional level. While research is not a requirement, it is encouraged, and possibilities for independent and collaborative research within the University exist.
密苏里大学可以提供265种以上的学位课程,在教学与研究方面声名密苏里大学卓著, 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校(UniversityofMissouri-Columbia) 是密苏里大学体系中的主校区, 以哥伦比亚分校校区占地最广,学术科研水平最高,在2012年最新的《美国新闻与世界报道》全美大学排名中居第90名大学(University of Missouri)于1839年在哥伦比亚城建立,是当时密西西比河西岸唯一 的大学,现在已发展成为密苏里大学体系,包括四个分校,分别是哥伦比亚校区(Columbia)、罗拉分校(Rolla)、堪萨斯分校(Kansas City)和圣路易斯分校(St. Louis)。四个校区共有学生6.3万名。 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校是美国老牌百强名校,是该州34所大学中唯一入选美国大学联盟。
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