Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor (Plant Biology/Computational Biology/Food Science)
Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked 13th globally. It is also placed 1st amongst the world’s best young universities
The School of Biological Sciences hosts extensive expertise in and access to state of the art microscopy imaging, structure biology, systems biology (-omics) and animal experiment platforms. Successful candidates will be expected to take advantage of the outstanding infrastructure and intellectual environment at NTU to establish an internationally competitive research program.
Tenure Track Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Plant Biology
An exciting opportunity exists for excellent early mid or advanced-career plant biologists to join the School of Biological Sciences at NTU as tenure-track faculty. All areas of plant biology will be considered, but prerence will be given to individuals using innovative approaches in the areas of secondary metabolism/synthetic biology, plant-microbial interactions and work relating to species of economic interest in Southeast Asia.
Tenure Track Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Computational Biology
An exciting opportunity exists for excellent early, mid or advanced-career computational biologists to join the School of Biological Sciences at NTU as tenure-track or tenured faculty. All areas of computational biology will be considered, but prerence will be given to individuals using innovative approaches in the areas of bioinformatics systems biology including large scale data, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics or other biological omics platforms. In particular we seek candidates with the ability to integrate multiple types of large scale data in a creative way and to function as a focal point in individual and collaborative types of projects involving large scale datasets.
Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor in Food Science
An exciting opportunity exists for excellent early, mid-career scientist in the area of food microbiology/biotechnology to join the School of Biological Sciences at NTU as tenure-track faculty. All areas of Food Science will be considered, but prerence will be given to individuals using innovative synthetic/systems microbiology approaches to address issues with relevance to the South East Asian region. In particular we seek candidates that whose expertise focuses on the design microbial systems, including signalling pathways and metabolic networks.
Emoluments and General Terms Conditions of Service
The commencing salary will depend on the candidate's qualifications, experience and the level of appointment offered. Information on emoluments and general terms and conditions of service is available in the section on Terms and Conditions of Service for Academic Appointments.
新加坡南洋理工大学是新加坡政府建立的一所公立大学,是新加坡国内最好的一所大学之一、在新加坡国内大学排名中位居第二,它的前身是1981年成立的南洋理工学院。 南洋理工大学设有商、工、文、理四大学院,下设12所学院,并拥有国立教育学院、拉惹勒南国际关系学院及新加坡地球观测与研究所三个自主机构。它虽是一所综合性的大学,但偏重于理工科和商科,在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究,享有世界盛名。南洋理工大学的工程学院曾被获评为世界最杰出的工程学院之一。商学院的MBA课程荣登全球MBA百强排行榜,南大也拥有备受国际认可的国立教育学院、扬名亚洲的传播与信息学院,以及走在新加坡生命科学发展最前沿的生物科学学院。 时至今日,南洋理工大学已是一所科研密集、名列全球前50名的世界顶尖级大学,吸引着包括多名诺贝尔奖得主在内的来自区域内及世界各地的众多精英学者,被誉为全世界最出色的工程学府之一,成为工科和商科并重的综合性大学。