


刚刚更新 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:225 移动端







1.新政:Applicants must enrol in and continue to pursue studies in Canada. Failure to do so could lead to removal from Canada.留学生在逗留加拿大期间,必须要在校学习,不然会被驱逐出境。原政:Applicants must show that they intend to pursue studies in Canada when applying for a study permit.留学生只要表明留学意向就可以申请学签。说此举防止留学生在登陆以后,不去学校报道,或者直接去打黑工的。

个人推断,加拿大移民局在学生签证的过程中,对学生在登陆加拿大以后,是否真以读书为目的会有更为严格的审核。如果不好好读书,加拿大移民局会很生气,后果会很严重 – 驱逐出境。

2.新政:Study permits will only be issued to successful applicants who are pursuing studies at an educational institution that has been designated to receive international students.学签仅发给加国具有招收国际学生资格学校的留学生。原政:Applicants may apply for a study permit to pursue studies at any educational institution in Canada.学签可以发给在加国任何教育机构受教育的留学生。


3.新政:Study permits will automatically authorize the holder to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks without the need to apply for a separate work permit. The study permit holder must be pursuing academic, vocational or professional training of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate at a designated institution.基本上,受高等教育的全日制学生在学满六个月以后,就可以拿着学签去打工。即,学签=工签。但是工作时间每周不能超过20小时。原政:Study permit holders pursuing studies at publicly-funded and certain privately-funded post-secondary institutions must apply for an Off-Campus Work Permit to be able to work up to 20 hours per week off-campus during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks.留学生如果想打工,必须申请“校外打工许可”。

这一条是实实在在方便在校学生的。想打工的学生不需要再花时间申请“校外打工许可”(off campus work permit)。省钱省时间,至少省了150加币和1个月的时间。

4.新政:Only international students who are pursuing studies at a secondary school or at a designated institution may apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is an integral part of their course of study.学生只有在加国高等教育院校或者指定院校就读Co-op项目,才能被获得工作许可。原政:Any international student can apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is an integral element of their course of study.学生在加国院校就读Co-op项目,就能被颁发工作许可。



5.新政:Visitors may apply for a study permit from within Canada if they are at the pre-school, primary or secondary level, are on an academic exchange or a visiting student at a designated learning institution, or have completed a course or program of study that is a condition for acceptance at a designated learning institution.交换生和访问生可以在加拿大进内申请学签。原政:Visitors may not apply for a study permit from within Canada交换生和访问生不可以在加拿大进内申请学签。澳际留学专家分析:此举是方便交换生和访问生延长在加国境内逗留时间,更好的完成交换和访问项目。

6.新政:A study permit becomes invalid 90 days following the completion of studies unless the foreign national also possesses a valid work permit or another authorization to remain in Canada.学生毕业后,学签的有效期只有90天。除非转工签或者其他合法途径,否则无法继续合法逗留在加国。原政:International students who have completed their studies but hold valid study permits can remain legally in Canada until the expiration of their study permit.只要在学签过期之前,学生都可以合法逗留在加拿大。


7.新政:Registered Indians who are also foreign nationals may study in Canada without a study permit as they have the right of entry into Canada.没有加国国籍的原住民可以不用申请学签就可以在加国学习。原政:There are no rerences in existing regulations that clearly state that Registered Indians who are also foreign nationals are exempt from the requirement to obtain a study permit.没有说明原住民是否需要学签才能进入加拿大学习。


8.新政:Eligible international graduates will be authorized to work full-time after their studies are completed until a decision is made on their application for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.留学生在申请了毕业工签,但工签没有被批下来之前,就可以在加拿大合法工作。原政:Study permit holders are not authorized to work after the completion of their studies while awaiting approval of their Post-Graduation Work Permit。留学生必须拿到毕业工签才能在加拿大合法工作。










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