


2017/07/13 13:40:06 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:331 移动端

【】《普林斯顿评论》联合《今日美国报》连续第三年推出全美最物有所值(Best value)的大学。



Amherst College Amherst MA Appalachian State University Boone NC Boston College Chestnut Hill MA Bowdoin College Brunswick ME Brandeis University Waltham MA Brown University Providence RI Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr PA California Institute of Technology (#4 Best Value Private College) Pasadena CA California State University - Long Beach CA Carleton College Northfield MN City University of New York Hunter College (#10 Best Value Public College) New York NY Claremont McKenna College Claremont CA The College of New Jersey - Ewing NJ College of the Holy Cross Worcester MA College of William and Mary (#7 Best Value Public College) Williamsburg VA Colorado College Colorado Springs CO Columbia University New York NY Dartmouth College Hanover NH Davidson College Davidson NC DePauw University Greencastle IN Duke University (#2 Best Value Private College) Durham NC Emory University Atlanta GA Florida State University Tallahassee FL Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA Gettysburg College Gettysburg PA Grinnell College - Grinnell IA Hamilton College Clinton NY Harvard College (#5 Best Value Private College) Cambridge MA Harvey Mudd College Claremont CA Iowa State University Ames IA James Madison University Harrisonburg VA Johns Hopkins University Baltimore MD Lafayette College Easton PA Macalester College St. Paul MN Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA Michigan State University East Lansing MI Mount Holyoke College South Hadley MA New College of Florida (#2 Best Value Public College) Sarasota FL New Mexico Institute of Mining Technology Socorro NM North Carolina State University (#9 Best Value Public College) Raleigh NC Ohio State University Columbus OH Pomona College Claremont CA Princeton University (#3 Best Value Private College) Princeton NJ Rice University Houston TX Scripps College - Claremont CA Sewanee - The University of the South Sewanee TN Smith College Northampton MA St. Mary's College of Maryland St. Mary's City MD Stanford University Stanford CA State University of New York at Binghamton (#4 Best Value Public College) Binghamton NY State University of New York at Geneseo - Geneseo NY State University of New York Stony Brook University Stony Brook NY Swarthmore College (#1 Best Value Private College) Swarthmore PA Texas A M University College Station TX Trinity College Hartford CT Truman State University Kirksville MO University of California - Berkeley Berkeley CA University of California - Davis Davis CA University of California - Irvine Irvine CA University of California - Los Angeles Los Angeles CA University of California - San Diego La Jolla CA University of California - Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA University of Central Florida Orlando FL University of Chicago Chicago IL University of Colorado Boulder CO University of Connecticut Storrs CT University of Delaware Newark DE University of Florida (#3 Best Value Public College) Gainesville FL University of Georgia (#5 Best Value Public College) Athens GA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana IL University of Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore MD University of Maryland, College Park College Park MD University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (#6 Best Value Public College) Ann Arbor MI University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Minneapolis MN University of North Carolina at Asheville Asheville NC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (#8 Best Value Public College) Chapel Hill NC University of North Carolina - Wilmington Wilmington NC University of North Florida Jacksonville FL University of Oklahoma Norman OK University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA University of Richmond Richmond VA University of South Carolina Columbia SC University of Tennessee Knoxville TN University of Texas at Austin Austin TX University of Virginia (#1 Best Value Public College) Charlottesville VA University of Washington Seattle WA University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison WI Vanderbilt University (#8 Best Value Private College) Nashville TN Vassar College Poughkeepsie NY Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA Wabash College Crawfordsville IN Wake Forest University Winston Salem NC Washington University St. Louis MO Wellesley College Wellesley MA Wesleyan College (#9 Best Value Private College) Macon GA Wesleyan University (#6 Best Value Private College) Middletown CT Whitman College Walla Walla WA Williams College (#7 Best Value Private College) Williamstown MA Yale University (#10 Best Value Private College) New Haven CT

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