


2017/07/13 12:53:44 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:145 移动端
In order to realize the academic and research goals of the Mechnical Engineering department and give tangible expression to our academic themes, we have organized ourselves into five distinct academic Groups Programs, which are described brily below.


Biomechanical Engineering (BME) Program 生物机械工程

The Biomechanical Engineering (BME) Program has teaching and research activities which focus

primarily on musculoskeletal biomechanics, neuromuscular biomechanics, cardiovascular biomechanics, and rehabilitation engineering. Research in other areas including hearing, ocean, plant, and vision biomechanics exist in collaboration with associated faculty in biology, engineering, and medicine. The Biomechanical Engineering Program has particularly strong research interactions with the Mechanics and Computation and the Design groups, and the departments of Functional Restoration, Neurology, Radiology, and Surgery in the School of Medicine.



Design Group 总成设计

The Design Group emphasizes cognitive skill development for creative design. It is concerned with automatic control, computer-aided design, creativity, design aesthetics, design for manufacturability, design research, experimental stress analysis, fatigue and fracture mechanics, finite element analysis, human factors, kinematics, manufacturing systems, microcomputers in design, micro-electromechanics systems (MEMS), robotics, and vehicle dynamics. The Design Group offers undergraduate and graduate programs in Product Design (jointly with the Department of Art and Art History) and is centrally involved in the founding of Stanford s new Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.



The Flow Physics and Computational Engineering Group (FPCE) is developing new theories, models, and computational tools for accurate engineering design analysis and control of complex flows (including acoustics, chemical reactions, interactions with electromagnetic waves, plasmas, and other phenomena) of interest in aerodynamics, electronics cooling, environment engineering, materials processing, planetary entry, propulsion and power systems, and other areas. A significant emphasis of FPCE research is on modeling and analysis of physical phenomena in engineering systems. FPCE students and research staff are developing new methods and tools for generation, access, display, interpretation and post-processing of large databases resulting from numerical simulations of physical systems. Research in FPCE ranges from advanced simulation of complex turbulent flows to active flow control. The FPCE faculty teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in acoustics, aerodynamics, computational fluid mechanics, computational mathematics, fluid mechanics, combustion, and thermodynamics and propulsion.



Mechanics and Computation Group 力学与计算工程

The Mechanics and Computational Group covers biomechanics, continuum mechanics, dynamics, experimental and computational mechanics, finite element analysis, fluid dynamics, fracture mechanics, micromechanics, nanotechnology, and simulation based design. Qualified students can work as research project assistants, engaging in thesis research in working association with the faculty director and fellow students. Projects include analysis, synthesis, and control of systems; biomechanics; flow dynamics of liquids and gases; fracture and micro-mechanics, vibrations, and nonlinear dynamics; and original theoretical, computational, and experimental investigations in the strength and dormability of elastic and inelastic elements of machines and structures.


这些项目包括分析,合成,系统控制,生物力学,气体液体的流体力学,断裂和微观力学,振动理论,非线性系统,original theoretical,计算力学,力学方面的的弹性非弹性材料的强度和变形


Thermosciences Group 热动力学

The Thermosciences Group conducts experimental and analytical research on both fundamental and applied topics in the general area of thermal and fluid systems. Research strengths include high Reynolds number flows, microfluidics, combustion and reacting flows, multiphase flow and combustion, plasma sciences, gas physics and chemistry, laser diagnostics, microscale heat transfer, convective heat transfer, and energy systems. Research motivation comes from applications including air-breathing and space propulsion, bioanalytical systems, pollution control, electronics fabrication and cooling, stationary and mobile energy systems, biomedical systems, and materials processing. There is a strong emphasis on fundamental experiments leading towards advances in modeling, optimization, and control of complex systems.




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