


2017/07/10 13:18:47 编辑: 浏览次数:347 移动端


16. In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement,historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods.

在很大程度上,由于女权主义运动(feminist movement)的缘故,史学家近年来汇聚了大量的注意力,来更为准确地确定妇女在各个历史时期的地位。

17. If one begins by examining why ancients rer to Amazons , it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical fact -real Amazonian societies - but rather to offer "moral lessons" on the supposed outcome of women's rule in their own society .


18. Thus,for instance,it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct description of this atom,but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin,magnetic dipole,and relativistic fects;and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.


19. The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed,whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.

物理学家恐惧于那些精确无误的论据不无道理,因为某种只有在它是精确无误的条件下才令人置信的论据,一旦它赖于建立其上的假设稍有变化,便会失去它一部的作用;而与此相反,一个尽管并不精确无误但却令人置信的论据,在其基本假设(underlying assumption)稍微受干扰的情况下,仍然有可能是站得住脚的。

20. However,as they gained cohesion,the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women's group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres,who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon.


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