


2017/07/10 12:49:11 编辑: 浏览次数:431 移动端


Try to recall an act of kindness

Well, this is going to shock you, but I actually came across a person who was so kind that she was willing to give up a sum of money that many people could live on for about a year. I really don't know who this kind person was; I never really got a chance to get to know this person. She was a stranger. My father had given me 50,000 RMB to continue my studies, and I was carrying it around in my purse. It was in a stuffed envelope and it was placed in my purse. I went into a snack restaurant and put my purse down beside me. The snack bar waitress asked me for the bill in advance so some small change and I guess as I was looking for something I accidentally knocked the envelope out of my purse. I didn't realise I had done this. About a half an hour later, I was travelling in the bus and I checked my purse and realized my money was gone. I went back to the snack bar but obviously no one had given it back, so I just lt my telephone number. Well, this made me shake with fear. My father wasn't rich and he had sacrificed a lot to give me this kind of money. I went back to my dormitory and just cried and cried. Then I got a telephone call form the snack bar and they said that someone had found the money but wouldn't give it to them until I showed up and claimed it. So I rushed over. They said that a lady had found the 50,000RMB and wanted to give it to me but she didn't trust the waitresses to do it so she would just wait in the bar. I demanded to know who it was, but they just said it was somebody in the restaurant-they didn't want to say whom. So then they gave it to me and not a single note was missing. I took it and couldn't even thank the lady who gave it back, because she didn't want to identify herself. You see the snack bar was crowded, and there were many people sitting and eating alone. It could have been about 10 different people.

So I just accepted it and, amazingly, when I got home I cried even more than I did the first time. I just felt like I'd been spared something close to death, and I was angry with myself for being so foolish. I was no longer a victim but a lucky fool.

I think this person did more than just return my money. She also restored my faith in human nature. She made me realize the potential of human kindness, and that kindness is a quality we should never give up for any amount of money.

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