


2017/07/10 12:47:54 编辑: 浏览次数:75 移动端


Describe how to make a type of food

Ok, I want to explain how to make a sandwich. You know, sandwiches are getting more and more popular here in China and they are so easy to make.

I am going to talk with you about how to make a basic sandwich called a tuna fish sandwich, which means it's made from tuna.

First, you should make sure that you have all the right tomatoes, onions, and meat. The important thing is to try and cut it up borehand. Get it ready and have it in place so that there are no delays when you add everything together. The next thing you should do is add mayonnaise or butter to your bread. After doing so, you may need to add the ingredients together, and the trick is to add just enough to make it into a hardy sandwich, but not too much so that it will be dropping down onto your plate. I think: it's also important that you cut it properly, because if you try to cut it too roughly then it is not as appealing.

One thing to remember is to make sure that the tomatoes are fresh. Also, don't cut the slices too big because this will make the tuna too loose inside your sandwich. The mayonnaise that you add is quite high in fat, so if you are at all concerned about this issue, you shouldn't add too much. Finally, tuna fish is actually quite salty if you get it form a can, and the mayonnaise usually has a bit of salt as well, so probably you won't need to add any more salt.

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