


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:194 移动端


◆题型特点: 问路 位置介绍

☆ 问路场景中,指路者往往用lt, right 指明方向;

☆ 位置介绍背景中,speaker往往根据景点布局图讲解,考生应注意 gate, door, window, corner, entrance, exit, north, east, south, west, go in clockwise direction, go in anti-clockwise/ counter-clockwise direction等表达方法.


2.注意图中的图例、指向标、说明文字及图中已经出现的信息. 若无指向标,则根据地图常识上北下南, 左西, 右东的顺序, 依次在地图上标出四个方向.

3.跟着speaker画线路图. ⑴一定要听清starting point (起始点)

⑵注意听左右及东南西北. ①问方向, 应特别留意倾听表示左右方向的信号词. 如: on the lt / right ,turn lt / right, around the corner to the lt/ right, the first/ second/ third…from the lt/ right

②问布局, 应特别留意倾听表示东南西北方向以及顺逆时针的信号词. 如: north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west, southern, in clockwise direction, in anti-clockwise direction, in counter-clockwise

⑶注意聆听方位词,如: be in front of, be behind, be beside, be next to, be opposite to , be across from, be far from , be nearby, be on the corner of…street and…street, be in the corner of… be parallel to..


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