


2017/07/10 12:35:28 编辑: 浏览次数:238 移动端


Describe a person you would like to meet

A person I would really like to meet would be somebody like Justice Bao.

I know it's impossible, but I would like to meet him at his living quarters in the Forbidden Palace.

I'd like to just discuss the principles of justice and laws and try to learn his style of solving a case. I would ask him how he managed to bring so much justice working under such a corrupt and weak emperor. I would like to ask him what his favourite case was. I wonder if there are any of the people that he put to death that he felt sorry for. Also, I would like to tell him about current conditions, and perhaps he might be fascinated wit the way modem life is. Hopully, I could convince him to travel into the future and be a judge in modem China.

I choose this person because he represents the ideal for our society and a model for all young people. No one can corrupt him, and we know that if we were all like him our society would be magnificent. Justice Bao is incorruptible and this means that he puts his own self-interests aside and lets the principles of fairness and justice prevail.

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