

雅思口语:With flying colors非常出色

2017/07/10 12:30:25 编辑: 浏览次数:234 移动端

本文收集整理了雅思口语“With flying colors”——非常出色。学习雅思口语,扎实的基础理论知识、正确的学习方法和勤奋的练习都不能少。


LL: Well, Li Hua, how do you think you did on your English exam? I'd be willing to bet that you passed it with flying colors.

LH: 我想我英语考试考得还可以。你刚才说你敢打赌我一定会通过,但是with flying colors是什么意思啊? Flying就是飞; colors是颜色, flying colors,我可不懂。

LL: Oh, to pass a test or an exam with flying colors means that you did a really great job.

LH: 噢,flying colors就是非常出色。你的意思是我英语考试一定考得非常出色。是不是出色,我可不知道,其实只要及格,我就很高兴了。

LL: Come on, you had me for a tutor. I'm sure you did well!

LH: 你辅导我英语,我就一定会考得成绩优异?你真的对自己的辅导这么有信心啊?

LL: That's not a very appreciative attitude, Li Hua. Whether or not you pass the exam with flying colors, I still put in a lot of time helping you.

LH: 跟你开个玩笑嘛!我知道你花了很多时间和心血来辅导我的英语。我怎么会不感谢你呢!不管我考的好不好,我都应该谢谢你呀。

LL: You helped me a lot, too. I'm not sure if I passed my Chinese exam with flying colors, but I'm sure that I got at least a B+.

LH: 你肯定你的中文考试能得个B+? 那已经算是很出色了。对了,你刚才是怎么说来啦? 噢,我想起来,flying colors。好了,现在一切都结束了。暑期里,你不需要再苦苦地读中文了!

LL: I know, I'm so glad this semester is over.

LH: 就是啊。学期结束真让我感到轻松。 这个星期我什么也不想做了。

LL: We both deserve a break. Even if we didn't pass all our courses with flying colors, we both worked really hard all semester.

LH: 我同意,尽管我们不见得每门功课都成绩优异,我们都已经尽最大的努力了,应该休息一下!

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