

雅思口语:Hand in glove密切配合

2017/07/10 12:30:15 编辑: 浏览次数:443 移动端

本文收集整理了雅思口语“Hand in glove”——密切配合。学习雅思口语,扎实的基础理论知识、正确的学习方法和勤奋的练习都不能少。

Glove是手套。手套一般都制做得很合手,套在手上伏伏贴贴,手套和手紧密相连,之间几乎没有空隙。那么hand in glove究竟用来比喻什么呢?


Our two senators belong to different political parties. But I'm glad to say they always work together hand in glove when it comes to getting federal money for our state.


所以hand in glove一般用来比喻密切配合的协作关系,如果用做贬义的话,则表示“相互勾结”的意思。例如:

Some of the employees are hand in glove with the security men at the gate and can walk out with things belonging to the company.

有些雇员与门口的保安人员相勾结, 因而他们可以将公司的东西偷出去。

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