


2017/07/10 12:20:01 编辑: 浏览次数:227 移动端




例1 剑7 Test 4 Q 12

The original buildings on the site were

A houses

B industrial buildings

C shops


实际做题:在实际做题中,当听到used to be...这个表达方式的时候就应该有所警觉,做题位置到了。

原文:There used to be a lot of factories in this area until 1960s. Creatingthe park required the demolition of lots of derelict buildings on the site, somost of the exciting park space all around you was originally warehouses andstorehouses.

解题:无论是used to be 或者是originally 都可以跟original 形成同意转换,而其后的名词factories,warehouses and storehouses 都可以与industrialbuildings呼应,故答案为B。而在上述描述中我们可以看出来现在这块地是一个公园,这只是干扰项而已。

例2 剑5 Test 2 Q 11

In 1993 Dan Pearman went to Ecuador

A as a tourist guide

B as part of his studies

C as a voluntary worker



原文:I went there in 1993 just after graduating from university. After threeyears of studying, i wanted adventrure. I loved travelling, so I decedied tojoin a voluntary organisation and was sent to Ecuador to carry out landsurveys.

解题:1993 后紧跟着after graduating from university,所以马上排除B 选项。而后面发现有voluntaryorganisation,故确定答案为C。

例3 剑7 Test 3 Q 16

The Semira region has a long tradition of

A making carpets

B weaving blankets

C carving wood

思路透析:虽然此题不像上面两题有非常清晰的时间指示词,但是题干中long traditionof带有明显的“过去”时间指示特点,从而判断干扰项为现在这个地区以作什么为特色。

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